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Yigit Colakoglu 3 months ago
8 changed files with 88 additions and 119 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. +20
  3. +12
  4. +16
  5. +16
  6. +14
  7. +2
  8. +8

main.pdf View File

+ 20
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main.tex View File

@ -5,42 +5,49 @@
% Choose theme, e.g. black, RedViolet, ForestGreen, MidnightBlue
% More predefined colors can be found in
% More predefined colors can be found in
% Example photograph taken from Wikimedia Commons
% Heading
\headinginline{Yiğit Çolakoğlu}{
Website: \website{} \\
Website: \website{} \\
Email: \email{} \\
LinkedIn: \linkedin{yigitcolakoglu} \\
GitHub: \github{arg3t} \\
% Page One
% \import{sections/}{profile.tex}
% Page Two
% Page Two
% \import{sections/}{activities.tex}
% \import{sections/}{languages.tex}

+ 12
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sections/awards.tex View File

@ -4,19 +4,22 @@
{Blue and Yellow Belt in}{Spring 2022}
{Completed the course teaching binary exploitation and reverse engineering}
{HackMasters 2024 $3^{rd}$ Place}{Summer 2024}{}
%{Participated in the finals of the HackMasters CTF, a turkish CTF competition and received 3rd place.}
{Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude Laboratoire in CSE1400}{Winter 2021}
{Got rewarded for passing 11000 points and getting all 3550 extra lab points in CSE1400}
{Blue and Yellow Belt in}{Spring 2022}{}
% {Completed the course teaching binary exploitation and reverse engineering}
{TUBITAK Research Project Competition}{Winter 2020}
{$2^{nd}$ place at TUBITAK research projects competition in the field of programming.}
{TUBITAK Research Project Competition $2^{nd}$ Place in Computer Science}{Winter 2020}{}
% {$2^{nd}$ place at TUBITAK research projects competition in the field of programming.}
{International WRO Friendship Tournament}{Summer 2018}
{$1^{st}$ place in the Open Category of international WRO Friendship Tournament, WARC}
{International WRO Friendship Tournament $1^{st}$ Place, Open Category.}{Summer 2018}{}
% {$1^{st}$ place in the Open Category of international WRO Friendship Tournament, WARC}

+ 16
- 4
sections/education.tex View File

@ -3,10 +3,22 @@
{\textbf{Technische Universiteit Delft Bachelor of Science}}{Delft, NL}
{Computer Science and Enginnering BSc Programme}{2021\textendash present}
{\textbf{Technische Universiteit Delft Master of Science}}{Delft, NL}
{Computer Science MSc Programme}{2021\textendash Present}
\entry{Specialization in Cyber Security and Distributed Systems}
{\textbf{TED Ankara College Foundation High School}}{Ankara, TR}
{Dual Diploma Programme}{2017\textendash 2021}
{\textbf{Technische Universiteit Delft Bachelor of Science}}{Delft, NL}
{Computer Science and Enginnering BSc Programme}{2021\textendash 2024}
\entry{Graduated with Cum-laude (8.1/10). Minored in Global Affairs, Leiden University}
\entry{Systems track: Digital Systems, Embedded Software, Operating Systems}

+ 16
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sections/experience.tex View File

@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
{\textbf{Intelligence Analyst at PRODAFT}}{Den Haag, NL}
{Offensive Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst}{September 2022 - Present}
{\textbf{PRODAFT}}{Den Haag, NL}
{Developer \& Offensive Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst}{September 2022 - Present}
\entry{Working on the backend infrastructure of a threat intelligence information dissemination product.}
\entry{Development and implementation of graph-based algorithms using Neo4J: PageRank, Recommendation, Explainable AI, Risk Prediction.}
\entry{Internal tool development for automating TI tasks, management of team members and collaborative knowledge management.}
\entry{Creating both public and private reports sharing details on threat actors and their operations, TTPs, and IOCs.}
{\textbf{Intern at Rotterdam Police Department}}{Delft, NL}
{Intern}{April 2023 - July 2023}
{\textbf{Rotterdam Police Department}}{Rotterdam, NL}
{Intern at Team Zeden and TBKK}{April 2023 - July 2023}
\entry{Worked on the development of an internal tool used for detection of encrypted containers in a live system or forensic evidence files.}
{\textbf{Teaching Assistant at TU Delft}}{Delft, NL}
{Teaching Assistant}{September 2022 - February 2023}
{\textbf{TU Delft}}{Delft, NL}
{Teaching Assistant}{September 2022 - February 2024}
\entry{Assisted in the teaching of the courses Object Oriented Programming, Computer Organization and Web \& Database Technologies.}
\entry{Assisted in the teaching of the courses Object Oriented Programming, Computer Organization, Web \& Database Technologies and Embedded Software.}
{\textbf{Internship at ASELSAN}}{Ankara, TR}
{\textbf{ASELSAN}}{Ankara, TR}
{Intern at Software and Hardware Design}{January 2020 - February 2020}
\entry{Designed and produced a simple timing circuit \\ Learned the basics of FPGA design and developed a simple FPGA project using VHDL. }
{\textbf{Internship at Divasoft}}{Ankara, TR}
{Software Engineering and Mobile Development Intern}{June 2018 - August 2018}
\entry{Created an android application that interfaces with an existing CRM software through its API \\ which allows for easy access to the CRM interface.}

+ 14
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sections/projects.tex View File

@ -1,112 +1,56 @@
{\link{}{\textbf{FoodCloud}} (Python/Computer Vision, 2017)}{}
{A project that aims to ensure food safety.}{}
{\textbf{Sanctum} (C/Linux Kernel, 2024)}{}
{A kernel module for seemless process-bound FDE.}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{CitizenView}} (Python/Java/ML, 2018)}{}
{A smart city management concept project.}{}
{\textbf{Bachelor Thesis} (Python/ML, 2024)}{}
{Impact of topological perturbations to GNN stability}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{YeetClock}} (Hardware/IoT, 2019)}{}
{An open source smart alarm clock solution.}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{MetisHealth}} (SpringBoot/VueJS, 2021)}{}
{A patient and appointment management program}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{massurl}} (C, 2021)}{}
{A tool for sorting and sorting a large number of URLs.}{}
{\textbf{DelftBlue API} (Spring Boot, 2023)}{}
{An API for managing the Delft Blue Supercomputer.}{}
{\textbf{Brainfuck Interpreter} (x86 Assembly, 2021)}{}
{A JIT Brainfuck compiler with optimizations.}{}
{\textbf{Froggie} (x86 Assembly, 2021)}{}
{A clone of the retro game frogger made with assembly.}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{massurl}} (C, 2021)}{}
{A tool for sorting and sorting a large number of URLs.}{}
{\textbf{Quizz!} (Spring Boot/JavaFX, 2022)}{}
{A multiplayer trivia game using HTTP polling.}{}
{\textbf{DelftBlue API} (Spring Boot, 2023)}{}
{An API for managing the Delft Blue Supercomputer.}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{MetisHealth}} (SpringBoot/VueJS, 2021)}{}
{A patient and appointment management program}{}
{\textbf{Disk Encryption Analyzer} (Python/QT, 2023)}{}
{A tool to \textbf{quickly} scan for encrypted containers.}{}
{\link{}{\textbf{YeetClock}} (Hardware/IoT, 2019)}{}
{An open source smart alarm clock solution.}{}

+ 2
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sections/skills.tex View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
\entry{\textbf{Programming Languages: } Python, C, C++, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Bash, x86 Assembly, SQL}
\entry{\textbf{Frameworks: } Flask, VueJS, Spring Boot, JavaFX}
\entry{\textbf{Tools: } LaTeX, Git, Linux/Unix, IDA, Ghidra, BurpSuite, Wireshark}
\entry{\textbf{Skills: } Agile Methodologies, Security Research, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation}
\entry{\textbf{Programming Languages: } Python, C, C++, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Bash, x86 Assembly}
\entry{\textbf{Frameworks/Tools: } Django, Flask, QT, VueJS, Spring Boot, JavaFX, Linux/Unix, Neo4J, Docker}

+ 8
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simplecv.sty View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
\usepackage[russian,english]{babel} % Language styles
\usepackage{graphicx} % Importing graphics
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % Aligning margins
\usepackage{ifthen} % Conditionals
% % Chinese
% \usepackage{xeCJK}
@ -112,7 +114,7 @@
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*,itemsep=0pt] #1 \end{itemize}}
\begin{itemize}[topsep=0pt] #1 \end{itemize}}
\begin{itemize}[topsep=0pt] \itemsep0em #1 \end{itemize}}
\begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*] #1 \end{enumerate}}
@ -121,9 +123,12 @@
\item[#1] \small{#2} \hfill \small{#3}
\vspace{-\smallskipamount} \item[]\small{\textit{#4}}}
@ -147,4 +152,4 @@
\ifboolexpr{ ( test {\ifdefequal{\firstname}{\namepartgiven}} or test {\ifdefequal{\firstinit}{\namepartgiven}} ) and test {\ifdefequal{\lastname}{\namepartfamily}} }
