A repository holding my CV.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Access project links on my website \website{yigitcolakoglu.com}
{\link{https://github.com/yigitcolakoglu/WRO_QR}{\textbf{FoodCloud}} (Python/Computer Vision, 2017)}{}
{A project that aims to ensure food safety.}{}
{\link{https://github.com/yigitcolakoglu/MyCity}{\textbf{CitizenView}} (Python/Java/ML, 2018)}{}
{A smart city management concept project.}{}
{\link{https://github.com/yigitcolakoglu/femtoshare}{\textbf{femtoshare}} (Python/Flask, 2018)}{}
{A minimal self-hosted file sharing web-application.}{}
{\link{https://github.com/yigitcolakoglu/YeetClock}{\textbf{YeetClock}} (Hardware/IoT, 2019)}{}
{An open source smart alarm clock solution.}{}