- import sort_date
- correct_locs = []
- temp = None
- moved_item = None
- moved_item_loc = None
- exp_date = []
- shelf_new = []
- repeats = 0
- def backArray(myArray):
- global shelf_back
- shelf_back = []
- for i in range(len(myArray)):
- shelf_back.append(myArray[i])
- def eqArray(myArray):
- global exp_date
- exp_date = []
- for i in range(len(myArray)):
- exp_date.append(myArray[i])
- def place():
- global exp_date
- global shelf_new
- global repeats
- global shelf_back
- repeats += 1
- backArray(exp_date)
- moved_item = None
- moved_item_loc = None
- if (exp_date[len(exp_date) - 1] != None):
- empty_loc = exp_date.index(None)
- moved_item_loc = exp_date.index(shelf_new[empty_loc])
- reps = 0
- while True:
- reps += 1
- if (moved_item_loc in correct_locs):
- exp_date.pop(moved_item_loc)
- moved_item_loc = exp_date.index(shelf_new[empty_loc]) + reps
- continue
- break
- eqArray(shelf_back)
- moved_item = exp_date[moved_item_loc]
- if (exp_date[moved_item_loc] != shelf_new[moved_item_loc]):
- exp_date[moved_item_loc] = None
- exp_date[empty_loc] = moved_item
- correct_locs.append(empty_loc)
- print " Moved item {0} to location {1}. Location {2} is now empty!".format(moved_item, empty_loc + 1,
- moved_item_loc + 1)
- print "============================================================================"
- else:
- print " Leaving item {0} in location {1}. Location {2} is still empty!".format(moved_item,
- moved_item_loc + 1,
- empty_loc + 1)
- print "============================================================================"
- correct_locs.append(moved_item_loc)
- place()
- else:
- return
- def generate(dates,date_cur):
- global exp_date
- global shelf_new
- global repeats
- exp_date = sort_date. calcDate(dates,date_cur)
- shelf_back = exp_date[:]
- try:
- expired = exp_date.count(-1)
- for i in range(expired):
- shelf_back.pop(shelf_back.index(-1))
- shelf_new = sorted(shelf_back)
- for i in range(expired):
- shelf_new.append(-1)
- except ValueError:
- print('')
- exp_date.append(None)
- shelf_new.append(None)
- repeats = 0
- print "\n\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
- print(" {} ".format(exp_date))
- print(" {} ".format(shelf_new))
- print "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n\n"
- while True:
- if(repeats < len(exp_date)):
- for i in range(len(exp_date)):
- if(exp_date[len(exp_date)-1] == None):
- if(exp_date[i] == shelf_new[i]):
- continue
- else:
- exp_date[len(exp_date)-1] = exp_date[i]
- print '\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
- print ' TEMP IS EMPTY, MOVING {0} FROM LOCATION {1} TO THE TEMP'.format(exp_date[i],i+1)
- print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n'
- print "============================================================================"
- exp_date[i] = None
- else:
- break
- place()
- try:
- print('***********************************************************************************')
- print(' The last {} items have expired, throwing them away.'.format(len(exp_date)-shelf_new.index(-1)-1))
- print('***********************************************************************************')
- except ValueError:
- print(" No items have expired")
- print('***********************************************************************************')