Browse Source

fixed the barcodes

Yiğit Çolakoğlu 7 years ago
52 changed files with 97 additions and 344 deletions
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+ 20
- 17
Barcode_Reader_Python/.idea/workspace.xml View File

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+ 27
- 323
Barcode_Reader_Python/ View File

@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
import json
data_format_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "None", 'BBD': "None", 'Nutrients': [], 'Calories': 0, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': [], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': "None", 'ED': "None"
data_format_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '', 'Locatioimport json
data_format_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "None", 'BBD': "None", 'Nutrients': [], 'Calories': 0, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': [], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': "None", 'ED': "None"
'Prod_Name': "None", 'BBD': "None", 'Nutrients': [], 'Calories': 0, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': [], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': "None", 'ED': "None"
data_format_proc = {
@ -16,8 +9,6 @@ data_format_proc = {
'Transport1': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': '-', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': '', 'Processes': '','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': '-', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
'Packaging': {'Location': '', 'Material': '', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':False}
@ -27,16 +18,16 @@ data_1_prod = {
'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "02.09.2018"
data_2_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "18.02.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 153, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.03.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "18.02.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 153, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.03.2018"
data_3_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "10.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 155, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process':'Fried' , 'ED': "20.02.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "10.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 155, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process':'Fried' , 'ED': "20.02.2019"
data_4_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 161, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.02.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 161, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.02.2019"
data_5_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.05.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 167, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process':'Fried', 'ED': "12.06.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.05.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 167, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process':'Fried', 'ED': "12.06.2018"
data_6_prod = {
@ -45,353 +36,66 @@ data_6_prod = {
'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "08.12.2018"
data_7_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 430, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "20.09.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 430, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "20.09.2018"
data_8_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "31.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 441, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.10.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "31.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 441, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.10.2018"
data_9_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "11.06.2018", 'Nutrients': 'Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'[], 'Calories': 444, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "12.07.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "11.06.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 444, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "12.07.2018"
data_10_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 429, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.02.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 429, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.02.2019"
data_11_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "18.02.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': 18.02.2020
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "18.02.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359,'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Wheat'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': '18.02.2020'
data_12_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate" , 'BBD': "15.05.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 351, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "19.11.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate" , 'BBD': "15.05.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 351, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "19.11.2019"
data_13_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "21.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "26.08.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "21.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "26.08.2019"
data_14_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "22.11.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 350, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "22.11.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "22.11.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 350, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "22.11.2019"
data_15_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "30.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "30.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
data_16_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': 27.03.2019, 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': 20.02.2020
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': '27.03.2019', 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360,'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Corn'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': '20.02.2020'
data_17_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "20.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 361, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
data_18_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "12.08.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "12.07.2019"
data_19_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "17.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 364, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "19.07.2019"
data_20_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "25.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "26.07.2019"
data_21_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': 04.02.2019, 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': 09.03.2020
data_22_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "19.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.05.2019"
data_23_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "15.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 610, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.07.2018"
data_24_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "14.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 608, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "16.08.2018"
data_25_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "24.03.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 604, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "20.06.2018"
data_1_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '06.05.2018', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Potatoe','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 19, 'Moved to,from': 'India-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Slicing, Frying','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Material': 'Polypropylene', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic': False}
data_2_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '14.08.2017', 'Location': 'China', 'Product': 'Potatoe','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 24, 'Moved to,from': 'China-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Slicing, Frying','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Material': 'Polypropylene', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':True}
data_3_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '15.06.2018', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Potatoe','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 25, 'Moved to,from': 'India-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Slicing, Frying','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 2, 'Moved to,from': 'Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Material': 'Polypropylene', 'Cancerogen':False,'Problematic':False}
data_4_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '19.06.2017', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Potatoe','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 19, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Slicing, Frying','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Material': 'Polypropylene', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_5_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '27.07.2017', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Potatoe','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 16, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition': False, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic': True},
'Process': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Slicing, Frying','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries', 'Condition':True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Gee Tee Industries', 'Material': 'Polypropylene', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_6_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '14.05.2017', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 23, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Processes': 'Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 7, 'Moved to,from': 'Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "20.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 361, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
data_7_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '15.05.2018', 'Location': 'China', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 21, 'Moved to,from': 'China-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Processes': 'Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling','Problematic':True},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': 'Galletas Gullon SA-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_8_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '17.04.2018', 'Location': 'Russia', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 24, 'Moved to,from': 'Russia-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Processes': 'Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 6, 'Moved to,from': 'Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_9_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '12.03.2018', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 26, 'Moved to,from': 'India-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Processes': 'Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 8, 'Moved to,from': 'Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Condition': False, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':True},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_10_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '14.06.2018', 'Location': 'Ukraine', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 14, 'Moved to,from': 'Ukraine-Galletas Gullon SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Galletas Gullon SA', 'Processes': 'Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 9, 'Moved to,from': 'Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Greif Packaging Spain SA', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_11_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '15.06.2017', 'Location': 'Russia', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 29, 'Moved to,from': 'Russia-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Processes': 'Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling ','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Barilla-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':True}
data_12_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '12.08.2018', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 25, 'Moved to,from': 'India-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Processes': 'Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling','Problematic':True},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0.5, 'Moved to,from': 'Barilla-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_13_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '23.03.2018', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':True},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 24, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Processes': 'Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Barilla-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_14_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '24.06.2018', 'Location': 'Russia', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 31, 'Moved to,from': 'Russia-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Processes': 'Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Barilla-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_15_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '12.07.2018', 'Location': 'Russia', 'Product': 'Wheat','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 23, 'Moved to,from': 'Russia-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Processes': 'Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Barilla-Barilla', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Barilla', 'Material': 'Carton', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':True}
data_16_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '16.08.2017', 'Location': 'USA', 'Product': 'Corn','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 28, 'Moved to,from': 'USA-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Processes': 'Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-Starpak Packaging Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Starpak Packaging Company', 'Material': 'Recyclable Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_17_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '20.06.2018', 'Location': 'USA', 'Product': 'Corn','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 29, 'Moved to,from': 'USA-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Processes': 'Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Material': 'Recyclable Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_18_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '16.06.2018', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Corn','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 21, 'Moved to,from': 'India-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Processes': 'Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Material': 'Recyclable Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_19_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '14.06.2018', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Corn','Problematic':True},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 4, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Processes': 'Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 2, 'Moved to,from': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-Starpak Packaging Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Starpak Packaging Company', 'Material': 'Recyclable Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_20_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '01.06.2018', 'Location': 'Turkey', 'Product': 'Corn','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 8, 'Moved to,from': 'Turkey-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Processes': 'Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company', 'Material': 'Non-recyclable Plastic', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':True}
data_21_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '02.04.2018', 'Location': 'Kenya', 'Product': 'Peanuts','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 8, 'Moved to,from': 'Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': True,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Roasting, Salting','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0.5, 'Moved to,from': 'Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Material': 'Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_22_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '18.06.2018', 'Location': 'Kenya', 'Product': 'Peanuts','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 7, 'Moved to,from': 'Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': False, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':True},
'Process': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Roasting, Salting','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Material': 'Plastic', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':True}
data_23_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '19.08.2018', 'Location': 'Kenya', 'Product': 'Peanuts','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 9, 'Moved to,from': 'Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Roasting, Salting','Problematic':True},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Material': 'Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_24_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '12.09.2017', 'Location': 'China', 'Product': 'Peanuts','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 19, 'Moved to,from': 'China-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Roasting, Salting','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Material': 'Plastic', 'Cancerogen': False,'Problematic':False}
data_25_proc = {
'Harvested': {'Date': '19.10.2017', 'Location': 'India', 'Product': 'Peanuts','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 15, 'Moved to,from': 'India-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Processes': 'Peeling, Roasting, Salting','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 1, 'Moved to,from': 'Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Packaging': {'Location': 'Deepa Industries LTD', 'Material': 'Plastic', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':True}
Products = [data_1_prod, data_2_prod, data_3_prod, data_4_prod, data_5_prod, data_6_prod, data_7_prod, data_8_prod, data_9_prod, data_10_prod, data_11_prod, data_12_prod, data_13_prod, data_14_prod, data_15_prod, data_16_prod, data_17_prod, data_18_prod, data_19_prod, data_20_prod, data_21_prod, data_22_prod, data_23_prod, data_24_prod, data_25_prod]
Processes = [data_1_proc, data_2_proc, data_3_proc,data_4_proc, data_5_proc, data_6_proc, data_7_proc, data_8_proc, data_9_proc, data_10_proc, data_11_proc, data_12_proc, data_13_proc, data_14_proc, data_15_proc, data_16_proc, data_17_proc, data_18_proc, data_19_proc, data_20_proc, data_21_proc, data_22_proc, data_23_proc, data_24_proc, data_25_proc]
for i in range(len(Products)):
with open('../database/content/Products/'+str(i+1) + '.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(Products[i], outfile)
for i in range(len(Processes)):
with open('../database/content/Processes/'+str(i+1) + '.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(Processes[i], outfile)
outfile.close()n': '', 'Product': '','Problematic':False},
'Transport1': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': '-', 'Condition': True, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
'Process': {'Location': '', 'Processes': '','Problematic':False},
'Transport2': {'Duration': 0, 'Moved to,from': '-', 'Condition': 0, 'Stopped': False,'Problematic':False},
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
'Packaging': {'Location': '', 'Material': '', 'Cancerogen': True,'Problematic':False}
data_1_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "19.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'],
'Calories': 160, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False,
'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "02.09.2018"
data_2_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "18.02.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 153, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.03.2018"
data_3_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "10.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 155, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process':'Fried' , 'ED': "20.02.2019"
data_4_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 161, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Fried', 'ED': "12.02.2019"
data_5_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Delitos", 'BBD': "12.05.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(1.52g)', 'Carbohydrate(14.6g)', 'Fibre(1.1g)', 'Soduium(0.18g)', 'Fat(10.2g)', 'Salt(2.3g)'], 'Calories': 167, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose','Gluten', 'Nuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process':'Fried', 'ED': "12.06.2018"
data_6_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "02.11.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'],
'Calories': 439, 'Cooked': True, 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False,
'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "08.12.2018"
data_7_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 430, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "20.09.2018"
data_8_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "31.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 441, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.10.2018"
data_9_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "11.06.2018", 'Nutrients': 'Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'[], 'Calories': 444, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "12.07.2018"
data_10_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits", 'BBD': "20.12.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6g)', 'Carbohydrate(6.8g)', 'Fibre(4g)', 'Sodium(2g)', 'Fat(18g)', 'Sugar(0.5)', 'Salt(0.40g)'], 'Calories': 429, 'Cooked': True 'Allergens': ['Lactose', 'Wheat', 'Soya'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Baked', 'ED': "25.02.2019"
data_11_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "18.02.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': 18.02.2020
data_12_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate" , 'BBD': "15.05.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 351, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "19.11.2019"
data_13_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "21.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "26.08.2019"
data_14_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "22.11.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 350, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "22.11.2019"
data_15_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Gluten Free Penne Rigate", 'BBD': "30.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(6.5g)', 'Carbohydrate(78.7g)', 'Fiber(1.1g)', 'Fat(1.8g)', 'Salt(0.003g)'], 'Calories': 359, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Wheat'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Klining', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
data_16_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': 27.03.2019, 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': 20.02.2020
data_17_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "20.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 361, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "20.01.2020"
data_18_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "12.08.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "12.07.2019"
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "12.08.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 362, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "12.07.2019"
data_19_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "17.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 364, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "19.07.2019"
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "17.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 364, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "19.07.2019"
data_20_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "25.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "26.07.2019"
'Prod_Name': "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch", 'BBD': "25.07.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Fat(0.3g)', 'Carbohydrate(87.9g)', 'Protein(0.3g)'], 'Calories': 360, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Corn'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Scalping', 'ED': "26.07.2019"
data_21_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': 04.02.2019, 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602,'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': 09.03.2020
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': '04.02.2019', 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602,'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'],
'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': '09.03.2020'
data_22_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "19.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.05.2019"
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "19.01.2019", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 602, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.05.2019"
data_23_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "15.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 610, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.07.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "15.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 610, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "19.07.2018"
data_24_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "14.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 608, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "16.08.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "14.04.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 608, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': False, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "16.08.2018"
data_25_prod = {
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "24.03.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 604, 'Cooked': False 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "20.06.2018"
'Prod_Name': "Tropical Heat Peanuts", 'BBD': "24.03.2018", 'Nutrients': ['Protein(25.9g)', 'Carbohydrate(27.2g)', 'Sugar(10.8g)', 'Saturated Fat(8.3g)', 'Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)', 'Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)', 'Fibre(6.5g)','Salt(2.25g)'], 'Calories': 604, 'Cooked': False, 'Allergens': ['Peanuts'], 'Problematic': True, 'Process': 'Roasted', 'ED': "20.06.2018"

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- 1
database/content/Processes/1.json View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Reverse Osmosis,Nanofiltration,Ultrafiltration,Microfiltration", "Location": "McCarty Family Farms"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "18.08.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Raw Milk", "Location": "Larson Family"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "JJX Packaging", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 13, "Moved to,from": "McCarty Family Farms-JJX Packaging", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 9, "Moved to,from": "Larson Family-McCarty Family Farms", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": true}}
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Slicing, Frying", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "06.05.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Potatoe", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Polypropylene", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 19, "Moved to,from": "India-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/10.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "14.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Ukraine"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 9, "Moved to,from": "Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 14, "Moved to,from": "Ukraine-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/11.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling ", "Location": "Barilla"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "15.06.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Russia"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Barilla", "Cancerogen": true}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Barilla-Barilla", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 29, "Moved to,from": "Russia-Barilla", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/12.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": true, "Processes": "Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling", "Location": "Barilla"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "12.08.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Barilla", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0.5, "Moved to,from": "Barilla-Barilla", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 25, "Moved to,from": "India-Barilla", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/13.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling", "Location": "Barilla"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "23.03.2018", "Problematic": true, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Barilla", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Barilla-Barilla", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 24, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-Barilla", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/14.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling", "Location": "Barilla"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "24.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Russia"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Barilla", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Barilla-Barilla", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 31, "Moved to,from": "Russia-Barilla", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/15.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Pressing, Moulding, Klining, Ensiling", "Location": "Barilla"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "12.07.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Russia"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Barilla", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Barilla-Barilla", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 23, "Moved to,from": "Russia-Barilla", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/16.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "16.08.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Corn", "Location": "USA"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Recyclable Plastic", "Location": "Starpak Packaging Company", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-Starpak Packaging Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 28, "Moved to,from": "USA-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/17.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "20.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Corn", "Location": "USA"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Recyclable Plastic", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0, "Moved to,from": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 29, "Moved to,from": "USA-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/18.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "16.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Corn", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Recyclable Plastic", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0, "Moved to,from": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 21, "Moved to,from": "India-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/19.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "14.06.2018", "Problematic": true, "Product": "Corn", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Recyclable Plastic", "Location": "Starpak Packaging Company", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 2, "Moved to,from": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-Starpak Packaging Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 4, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 1
database/content/Processes/2.json View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Roasting,Pulp,Conching,Moulding", "Location": "Nestle"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "27.01.2018", "Problematic": true, "Product": "Cocoa", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Foil", "Location": "Ulma Packaging", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 4, "Moved to,from": "Nestle-Ulma Packaging", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 71, "Moved to,from": "India-Nestle ", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Slicing, Frying", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "14.08.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Potatoe", "Location": "China"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Polypropylene", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries", "Cancerogen": true}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 24, "Moved to,from": "China-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/20.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Cleaning, Maceration, Core Scalping, Bran Scalping, Protein Scalping, Starch Purification", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "01.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Corn", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Non-recyclable Plastic", "Location": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Cancerogen": true}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0, "Moved to,from": "EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 8, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-EGE Gluten Free Food Product Company", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/21.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Roasting, Salting", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "02.04.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Peanuts", "Location": "Kenya"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Plastic", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0.5, "Moved to,from": "Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 8, "Moved to,from": "Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/22.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Roasting, Salting", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "18.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Peanuts", "Location": "Kenya"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Plastic", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD", "Cancerogen": true}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 7, "Moved to,from": "Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": false, "Problematic": true}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/23.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": true, "Processes": "Peeling, Roasting, Salting", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "19.08.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Peanuts", "Location": "Kenya"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Plastic", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 9, "Moved to,from": "Kenya-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/24.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Roasting, Salting", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "12.09.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Peanuts", "Location": "China"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Plastic", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 19, "Moved to,from": "China-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/25.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Roasting, Salting", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "19.10.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Peanuts", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": true, "Material": "Plastic", "Location": "Deepa Industries LTD", "Cancerogen": true}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Deepa Industries LTD-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 15, "Moved to,from": "India-Deepa Industries LTD", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/3.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Slicing, Frying", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "15.06.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Potatoe", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Polypropylene", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 2, "Moved to,from": "Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 25, "Moved to,from": "India-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/4.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Slicing, Frying", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "19.06.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Potatoe", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Polypropylene", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 19, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
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database/content/Processes/5.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Peeling, Slicing, Frying", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "27.07.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Potatoe", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Polypropylene", "Location": "Gee Tee Industries", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 1, "Moved to,from": "Gee Tee Industries-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 16, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-Gee Tee Industries", "Stopped": true, "Condition": false, "Problematic": true}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/6.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "14.05.2017", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Turkey"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 7, "Moved to,from": "Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 23, "Moved to,from": "Turkey-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/7.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": true, "Processes": "Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "15.05.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "China"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 0, "Moved to,from": "Galletas Gullon SA-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 21, "Moved to,from": "China-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/8.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "17.04.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "Russia"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 6, "Moved to,from": "Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Stopped": false, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 24, "Moved to,from": "Russia-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Processes/9.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Process": {"Problematic": false, "Processes": "Kneading, Moulding, Baking, Cooling", "Location": "Galletas Gullon SA"}, "Harvested": {"Date": "12.03.2018", "Problematic": false, "Product": "Wheat", "Location": "India"}, "Packaging": {"Problematic": false, "Material": "Carton", "Location": "Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Cancerogen": false}, "Transport2": {"Duration": 8, "Moved to,from": "Galletas Gullon SA-Greif Packaging Spain SA", "Stopped": false, "Condition": false, "Problematic": true}, "Transport1": {"Duration": 26, "Moved to,from": "India-Galletas Gullon SA", "Stopped": true, "Condition": true, "Problematic": false}}

+ 1
- 1
database/content/Products/1.json View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Pastorized", "Nutrients": ["Protein", "Fat", "Lactose", "Glucose"], "BBD": "24.08.2018", "Calories": 120, "Prod_Name": "Milk"}
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Gluten", "Nuts"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Fried", "Nutrients": ["Protein(1.52g)", "Carbohydrate(14.6g)", "Fibre(1.1g)", "Soduium(0.18g)", "Fat(10.2g)", "Salt(2.3g)"], "ED": "02.09.2018", "BBD": "19.12.2018", "Calories": 160, "Prod_Name": "Delitos"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/10.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Wheat", "Soya"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Baked", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6g)", "Carbohydrate(6.8g)", "Fibre(4g)", "Sodium(2g)", "Fat(18g)", "Sugar(0.5)", "Salt(0.40g)"], "ED": "25.02.2019", "BBD": "20.12.2018", "Calories": 429, "Prod_Name": "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/11.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Wheat"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Klining", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6.5g)", "Carbohydrate(78.7g)", "Fiber(1.1g)", "Fat(1.8g)", "Salt(0.003g)"], "ED": "18.02.2020", "BBD": "18.02.2019", "Calories": 359, "Prod_Name": "Gluten Free Penne Rigate"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/12.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Wheat"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Klining", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6.5g)", "Carbohydrate(78.7g)", "Fiber(1.1g)", "Fat(1.8g)", "Salt(0.003g)"], "ED": "19.11.2019", "BBD": "15.05.2019", "Calories": 351, "Prod_Name": "Gluten Free Penne Rigate"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/13.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Wheat"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Klining", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6.5g)", "Carbohydrate(78.7g)", "Fiber(1.1g)", "Fat(1.8g)", "Salt(0.003g)"], "ED": "26.08.2019", "BBD": "21.01.2019", "Calories": 362, "Prod_Name": "Gluten Free Penne Rigate"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/14.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Wheat"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Klining", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6.5g)", "Carbohydrate(78.7g)", "Fiber(1.1g)", "Fat(1.8g)", "Salt(0.003g)"], "ED": "22.11.2019", "BBD": "22.11.2018", "Calories": 350, "Prod_Name": "Gluten Free Penne Rigate"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/15.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Wheat"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Klining", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6.5g)", "Carbohydrate(78.7g)", "Fiber(1.1g)", "Fat(1.8g)", "Salt(0.003g)"], "ED": "20.01.2020", "BBD": "30.01.2019", "Calories": 359, "Prod_Name": "Gluten Free Penne Rigate"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/16.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Corn"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Scalping", "Nutrients": ["Fat(0.3g)", "Carbohydrate(87.9g)", "Protein(0.3g)"], "ED": "20.02.2020", "BBD": "27.03.2019", "Calories": 360, "Prod_Name": "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/17.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Corn"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Scalping", "Nutrients": ["Fat(0.3g)", "Carbohydrate(87.9g)", "Protein(0.3g)"], "ED": "20.01.2020", "BBD": "20.01.2019", "Calories": 361, "Prod_Name": "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/18.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Corn"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Scalping", "Nutrients": ["Fat(0.3g)", "Carbohydrate(87.9g)", "Protein(0.3g)"], "ED": "12.07.2019", "BBD": "12.08.2018", "Calories": 362, "Prod_Name": "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/19.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Corn"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Scalping", "Nutrients": ["Fat(0.3g)", "Carbohydrate(87.9g)", "Protein(0.3g)"], "ED": "19.07.2019", "BBD": "17.07.2018", "Calories": 364, "Prod_Name": "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch"}

+ 1
- 1
database/content/Products/2.json View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"Allergens": [""], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "", "Nutrients": ["Lactose", "Glucose", "Cocoa"], "BBD": "28.01.2019", "Calories": 180, "Prod_Name": "Chocolate"}
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Gluten", "Nuts"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": true, "Process": "Fried", "Nutrients": ["Protein(1.52g)", "Carbohydrate(14.6g)", "Fibre(1.1g)", "Soduium(0.18g)", "Fat(10.2g)", "Salt(2.3g)"], "ED": "12.03.2018", "BBD": "18.02.2018", "Calories": 153, "Prod_Name": "Delitos"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/20.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Corn"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Scalping", "Nutrients": ["Fat(0.3g)", "Carbohydrate(87.9g)", "Protein(0.3g)"], "ED": "26.07.2019", "BBD": "25.07.2018", "Calories": 360, "Prod_Name": "EGE Gluten Free Corn Starch"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/21.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Peanuts"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Roasted", "Nutrients": ["Protein(25.9g)", "Carbohydrate(27.2g)", "Sugar(10.8g)", "Saturated Fat(8.3g)", "Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)", "Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)", "Fibre(6.5g)", "Salt(2.25g)"], "ED": "09.03.2020", "BBD": "04.02.2019", "Calories": 602, "Prod_Name": "Tropical Heat Peanuts"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/22.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Peanuts"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Roasted", "Nutrients": ["Protein(25.9g)", "Carbohydrate(27.2g)", "Sugar(10.8g)", "Saturated Fat(8.3g)", "Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)", "Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)", "Fibre(6.5g)", "Salt(2.25g)"], "ED": "19.05.2019", "BBD": "19.01.2019", "Calories": 602, "Prod_Name": "Tropical Heat Peanuts"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/23.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Peanuts"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": true, "Process": "Roasted", "Nutrients": ["Protein(25.9g)", "Carbohydrate(27.2g)", "Sugar(10.8g)", "Saturated Fat(8.3g)", "Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)", "Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)", "Fibre(6.5g)", "Salt(2.25g)"], "ED": "19.07.2018", "BBD": "15.04.2018", "Calories": 610, "Prod_Name": "Tropical Heat Peanuts"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/24.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Peanuts"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Roasted", "Nutrients": ["Protein(25.9g)", "Carbohydrate(27.2g)", "Sugar(10.8g)", "Saturated Fat(8.3g)", "Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)", "Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)", "Fibre(6.5g)", "Salt(2.25g)"], "ED": "16.08.2018", "BBD": "14.04.2018", "Calories": 608, "Prod_Name": "Tropical Heat Peanuts"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/25.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Peanuts"], "Cooked": false, "Problematic": true, "Process": "Roasted", "Nutrients": ["Protein(25.9g)", "Carbohydrate(27.2g)", "Sugar(10.8g)", "Saturated Fat(8.3g)", "Mono-unsaturated Fat(24.4g)", "Poly-unsaturated Fat(14.4g)", "Fibre(6.5g)", "Salt(2.25g)"], "ED": "20.06.2018", "BBD": "24.03.2018", "Calories": 604, "Prod_Name": "Tropical Heat Peanuts"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/3.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Gluten", "Nuts"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Fried", "Nutrients": ["Protein(1.52g)", "Carbohydrate(14.6g)", "Fibre(1.1g)", "Soduium(0.18g)", "Fat(10.2g)", "Salt(2.3g)"], "ED": "20.02.2019", "BBD": "10.01.2019", "Calories": 155, "Prod_Name": "Delitos"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/4.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Gluten", "Nuts"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Fried", "Nutrients": ["Protein(1.52g)", "Carbohydrate(14.6g)", "Fibre(1.1g)", "Soduium(0.18g)", "Fat(10.2g)", "Salt(2.3g)"], "ED": "12.02.2019", "BBD": "12.12.2018", "Calories": 161, "Prod_Name": "Delitos"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/5.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Gluten", "Nuts"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": true, "Process": "Fried", "Nutrients": ["Protein(1.52g)", "Carbohydrate(14.6g)", "Fibre(1.1g)", "Soduium(0.18g)", "Fat(10.2g)", "Salt(2.3g)"], "ED": "12.06.2018", "BBD": "12.05.2018", "Calories": 167, "Prod_Name": "Delitos"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/6.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Wheat", "Soya"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Baked", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6g)", "Carbohydrate(6.8g)", "Fibre(4g)", "Sodium(2g)", "Fat(18g)", "Sugar(0.5)", "Salt(0.40g)"], "ED": "08.12.2018", "BBD": "02.11.2018", "Calories": 439, "Prod_Name": "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/7.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Wheat", "Soya"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Baked", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6g)", "Carbohydrate(6.8g)", "Fibre(4g)", "Sodium(2g)", "Fat(18g)", "Sugar(0.5)", "Salt(0.40g)"], "ED": "20.09.2018", "BBD": "20.07.2018", "Calories": 430, "Prod_Name": "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/8.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Wheat", "Soya"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": false, "Process": "Baked", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6g)", "Carbohydrate(6.8g)", "Fibre(4g)", "Sodium(2g)", "Fat(18g)", "Sugar(0.5)", "Salt(0.40g)"], "ED": "25.10.2018", "BBD": "31.07.2018", "Calories": 441, "Prod_Name": "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits"}

+ 1
- 0
database/content/Products/9.json View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"Allergens": ["Lactose", "Wheat", "Soya"], "Cooked": true, "Problematic": true, "Process": "Baked", "Nutrients": ["Protein(6g)", "Carbohydrate(6.8g)", "Fibre(4g)", "Sodium(2g)", "Fat(18g)", "Sugar(0.5)", "Salt(0.40g)"], "ED": "12.07.2018", "BBD": "11.06.2018", "Calories": 444, "Prod_Name": "Gullon Sugar Free Shortbread Biscuits"}
