Kulyutmaz is a project developed for the regional TUBITAK competition's programming field thart aims to create a more advanced phishing e-mail detection algorithm using website content checking and a neural network that we have trained.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
4.8 KiB

import re
import requests
import math
import jsbeautifier
testUrl = "https://apple.com/metrics/target/scripts/1.0/at.js"
js_keywords = ["break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof", "new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with"]
def parseJavascript(context, isUrl):
if isUrl:
r = requests.get(context, allow_redirects=False)
print("Unexpected Error")
return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
temp_code = r.content.decode("ISO-8859-1")
temp_code = context
js_code = jsbeautifier.beautify(temp_code)
noOfEvalFunc = len(re.findall("eval\(", js_code))
noOfSetTimeOutFunc = len(re.findall("setTimeout\(", js_code))
noOfiframe = len(re.findall("iframe", js_code))
noOfUnescapeFunc = len(re.findall("unescape\(", js_code))
noOfEscapeFunc = len(re.findall("escape\(", js_code))
noOfClassid = len(re.findall("classid", js_code))
noOfParseIntFunc = len(re.findall("parseInt\(", js_code))
noOfFromCharCodeFunc = len(re.findall("fromCharCode\(", js_code))
noOfActiveXObjectFunc = len(re.findall("ActiveXObject\(", js_code))
noOfStringAssigments = len(re.findall(r'"((?<=\\)"|([^"]))"', js_code))
noOfConcatFunc = len(re.findall("concat\(", js_code))
noOfIndexOfFunc = len(re.findall("indexOf\(", js_code))
noOfSubstringFunc = len(re.findall("substring\(", js_code))
noOfReplaceFunc = len(re.findall("replace\(", js_code))
noOfEventListenerFunc = len(re.findall("document.addEventListener\(", js_code))
noOfAttachEventFunc = len(re.findall("attachEvent\(", js_code))
noOfCreateElementFunc = len(re.findall("createElement\(", js_code))
noOfGetElementByIdFunc = len(re.findall("getElementById\(", js_code))
noOfDocumentWriteFunc = len(re.findall("document.write\(", js_code))
noOfWords = len(re.findall(r'\w+', js_code))
noOfKeyWords = findKeyWords(js_code)
noOfCharacters = len(js_code)
ratioOfKeywordsAndWords = noOfKeyWords / noOfWords
except ZeroDivisionError:
ratioOfKeywordsAndWords = 0
entropyOfJS = Entropy(js_code)
longestWord = len(findTheLongestWord(js_code))
noOfLongStirngs = len(re.findall(r'"((?<=\\)"|([^"])){200,}"', js_code))
shortestWord = len(findTheShortestWord(js_code))
entropyOfLongestWord = Entropy(findTheLongestWord(js_code))
noOfBlankSpaces = len(re.findall(" ", js_code))
avgLenOfWords = noOfCharacters / noOfWords
except ZeroDivisionError:
avgLenOfWords = 0
noOfHexValues = findHexNumbers(js_code)
shareOfSpaceChar = len(re.findall(" ", js_code)) / noOfCharacters
except ZeroDivisionError:
shareOfSpaceChar = 0
return (noOfEvalFunc, noOfSetTimeOutFunc, noOfiframe, noOfUnescapeFunc, noOfEscapeFunc, noOfClassid, noOfParseIntFunc, noOfFromCharCodeFunc, noOfActiveXObjectFunc,
noOfStringAssigments, noOfConcatFunc, noOfIndexOfFunc, noOfSubstringFunc, noOfReplaceFunc, noOfEventListenerFunc, noOfAttachEventFunc, noOfCreateElementFunc, noOfGetElementByIdFunc,
noOfDocumentWriteFunc, noOfWords, noOfKeyWords, noOfCharacters, ratioOfKeywordsAndWords, entropyOfJS, longestWord, noOfLongStirngs, shortestWord, entropyOfLongestWord, noOfBlankSpaces,
avgLenOfWords, noOfHexValues, shareOfSpaceChar)
def Entropy(string,base = 2.0): # I copied this from net
dct = dict.fromkeys(list(string))
pkvec = [float(string.count(c)) / len(string) for c in dct]
H = -sum([pk * math.log(pk) / math.log(base) for pk in pkvec ])
return H
def findTheLongestWord(text):
tempList = text.split(' ')
return max(tempList, key=len)
def findTheShortestWord(text):
tempList = text.split(' ')
return min(tempList, key=len)
"""def findLongStings(text):
longs = []
temp = re.findall(r'var = .*\".*\"', text)
for string in temp:
if len(string) > 200:
def findKeyWords(text):
numberOfKeywords = 0
temp = re.findall(r'\w+', text)
for word in temp:
if word in js_keywords:
numberOfKeywords += 1
temp = re.findall(r'"((?<=\\)"|([^"]))"', text)
for word in temp:
if word in js_keywords:
numberOfKeywords += -1
return numberOfKeywords
def findHexNumbers(text):
number = len(re.findall(r'0x', text)) + len(re.findall(r'parseInt\([^,]*,? *16\)', text))
return number