- # Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Tests for graph_rewriter_builder."""
- import mock
- import tensorflow as tf
- from object_detection.builders import graph_rewriter_builder
- from object_detection.protos import graph_rewriter_pb2
- class QuantizationBuilderTest(tf.test.TestCase):
- def testQuantizationBuilderSetsUpCorrectTrainArguments(self):
- with mock.patch.object(
- tf.contrib.quantize, 'create_training_graph') as mock_quant_fn:
- with mock.patch.object(tf.contrib.layers,
- 'summarize_collection') as mock_summarize_col:
- graph_rewriter_proto = graph_rewriter_pb2.GraphRewriter()
- graph_rewriter_proto.quantization.delay = 10
- graph_rewriter_proto.quantization.weight_bits = 8
- graph_rewriter_proto.quantization.activation_bits = 8
- graph_rewrite_fn = graph_rewriter_builder.build(
- graph_rewriter_proto, is_training=True)
- graph_rewrite_fn()
- _, kwargs = mock_quant_fn.call_args
- self.assertEqual(kwargs['input_graph'], tf.get_default_graph())
- self.assertEqual(kwargs['quant_delay'], 10)
- mock_summarize_col.assert_called_with('quant_vars')
- def testQuantizationBuilderSetsUpCorrectEvalArguments(self):
- with mock.patch.object(tf.contrib.quantize,
- 'create_eval_graph') as mock_quant_fn:
- with mock.patch.object(tf.contrib.layers,
- 'summarize_collection') as mock_summarize_col:
- graph_rewriter_proto = graph_rewriter_pb2.GraphRewriter()
- graph_rewriter_proto.quantization.delay = 10
- graph_rewrite_fn = graph_rewriter_builder.build(
- graph_rewriter_proto, is_training=False)
- graph_rewrite_fn()
- _, kwargs = mock_quant_fn.call_args
- self.assertEqual(kwargs['input_graph'], tf.get_default_graph())
- mock_summarize_col.assert_called_with('quant_vars')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- tf.test.main()