- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- # ==============================================================================
- """Tests object_detection.core.hyperparams_builder."""
- import numpy as np
- import tensorflow as tf
- from google.protobuf import text_format
- from object_detection.builders import hyperparams_builder
- from object_detection.core import freezable_batch_norm
- from object_detection.protos import hyperparams_pb2
- slim = tf.contrib.slim
- def _get_scope_key(op):
- return getattr(op, '_key_op', str(op))
- class HyperparamsBuilderTest(tf.test.TestCase):
- def test_default_arg_scope_has_conv2d_op(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- self.assertTrue(_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d) in scope)
- def test_default_arg_scope_has_separable_conv2d_op(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- self.assertTrue(_get_scope_key(slim.separable_conv2d) in scope)
- def test_default_arg_scope_has_conv2d_transpose_op(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- self.assertTrue(_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d_transpose) in scope)
- def test_explicit_fc_op_arg_scope_has_fully_connected_op(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- op: FC
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- self.assertTrue(_get_scope_key(slim.fully_connected) in scope)
- def test_separable_conv2d_and_conv2d_and_transpose_have_same_parameters(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- kwargs_1, kwargs_2, kwargs_3 = scope.values()
- self.assertDictEqual(kwargs_1, kwargs_2)
- self.assertDictEqual(kwargs_1, kwargs_3)
- def test_return_l1_regularized_weights(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- weight: 0.5
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope.values()[0]
- regularizer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_regularizer']
- weights = np.array([1., -1, 4., 2.])
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- result = sess.run(regularizer(tf.constant(weights)))
- self.assertAllClose(np.abs(weights).sum() * 0.5, result)
- def test_return_l1_regularized_weights_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l1_regularizer {
- weight: 0.5
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- regularizer = keras_config.params()['kernel_regularizer']
- weights = np.array([1., -1, 4., 2.])
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- result = sess.run(regularizer(tf.constant(weights)))
- self.assertAllClose(np.abs(weights).sum() * 0.5, result)
- def test_return_l2_regularizer_weights(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- weight: 0.42
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- regularizer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_regularizer']
- weights = np.array([1., -1, 4., 2.])
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- result = sess.run(regularizer(tf.constant(weights)))
- self.assertAllClose(np.power(weights, 2).sum() / 2.0 * 0.42, result)
- def test_return_l2_regularizer_weights_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- weight: 0.42
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- regularizer = keras_config.params()['kernel_regularizer']
- weights = np.array([1., -1, 4., 2.])
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- result = sess.run(regularizer(tf.constant(weights)))
- self.assertAllClose(np.power(weights, 2).sum() / 2.0 * 0.42, result)
- def test_return_non_default_batch_norm_params_with_train_during_train(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- batch_norm {
- decay: 0.7
- center: false
- scale: true
- epsilon: 0.03
- train: true
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['normalizer_fn'], slim.batch_norm)
- batch_norm_params = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.batch_norm)]
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['decay'], 0.7)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['epsilon'], 0.03)
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['center'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['scale'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['is_training'])
- def test_return_non_default_batch_norm_params_keras(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- batch_norm {
- decay: 0.7
- center: false
- scale: true
- epsilon: 0.03
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertTrue(keras_config.use_batch_norm())
- batch_norm_params = keras_config.batch_norm_params()
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['momentum'], 0.7)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['epsilon'], 0.03)
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['center'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['scale'])
- batch_norm_layer = keras_config.build_batch_norm()
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(batch_norm_layer,
- freezable_batch_norm.FreezableBatchNorm))
- def test_return_non_default_batch_norm_params_keras_override(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- batch_norm {
- decay: 0.7
- center: false
- scale: true
- epsilon: 0.03
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertTrue(keras_config.use_batch_norm())
- batch_norm_params = keras_config.batch_norm_params(momentum=0.4)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['momentum'], 0.4)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['epsilon'], 0.03)
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['center'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['scale'])
- def test_return_batch_norm_params_with_notrain_during_eval(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- batch_norm {
- decay: 0.7
- center: false
- scale: true
- epsilon: 0.03
- train: true
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=False)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['normalizer_fn'], slim.batch_norm)
- batch_norm_params = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.batch_norm)]
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['decay'], 0.7)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['epsilon'], 0.03)
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['center'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['scale'])
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['is_training'])
- def test_return_batch_norm_params_with_notrain_when_train_is_false(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- batch_norm {
- decay: 0.7
- center: false
- scale: true
- epsilon: 0.03
- train: false
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['normalizer_fn'], slim.batch_norm)
- batch_norm_params = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.batch_norm)]
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['decay'], 0.7)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(batch_norm_params['epsilon'], 0.03)
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['center'])
- self.assertTrue(batch_norm_params['scale'])
- self.assertFalse(batch_norm_params['is_training'])
- def test_do_not_use_batch_norm_if_default(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['normalizer_fn'], None)
- def test_do_not_use_batch_norm_if_default_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertFalse(keras_config.use_batch_norm())
- self.assertEqual(keras_config.batch_norm_params(), {})
- # The batch norm builder should build an identity Lambda layer
- identity_layer = keras_config.build_batch_norm()
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(identity_layer,
- tf.keras.layers.Lambda))
- def test_use_none_activation(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: NONE
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['activation_fn'], None)
- def test_use_none_activation_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: NONE
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertEqual(keras_config.params()['activation'], None)
- self.assertEqual(
- keras_config.params(include_activation=True)['activation'], None)
- activation_layer = keras_config.build_activation_layer()
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(activation_layer, tf.keras.layers.Lambda))
- self.assertEqual(activation_layer.function, tf.identity)
- def test_use_relu_activation(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: RELU
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['activation_fn'], tf.nn.relu)
- def test_use_relu_activation_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: RELU
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertEqual(keras_config.params()['activation'], None)
- self.assertEqual(
- keras_config.params(include_activation=True)['activation'], tf.nn.relu)
- activation_layer = keras_config.build_activation_layer()
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(activation_layer, tf.keras.layers.Lambda))
- self.assertEqual(activation_layer.function, tf.nn.relu)
- def test_use_relu_6_activation(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: RELU_6
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- self.assertEqual(conv_scope_arguments['activation_fn'], tf.nn.relu6)
- def test_use_relu_6_activation_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: RELU_6
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- self.assertEqual(keras_config.params()['activation'], None)
- self.assertEqual(
- keras_config.params(include_activation=True)['activation'], tf.nn.relu6)
- activation_layer = keras_config.build_activation_layer()
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(activation_layer, tf.keras.layers.Lambda))
- self.assertEqual(activation_layer.function, tf.nn.relu6)
- def test_override_activation_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- }
- }
- activation: RELU_6
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- new_params = keras_config.params(activation=tf.nn.relu)
- self.assertEqual(new_params['activation'], tf.nn.relu)
- def _assert_variance_in_range(self, initializer, shape, variance,
- tol=1e-2):
- with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
- with self.test_session(graph=g) as sess:
- var = tf.get_variable(
- name='test',
- shape=shape,
- dtype=tf.float32,
- initializer=initializer)
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- values = sess.run(var)
- self.assertAllClose(np.var(values), variance, tol, tol)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_in(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_IN
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 100.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_in_keras(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_IN
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 100.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_out(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_OUT
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 40.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_out_keras(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_OUT
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 40.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_avg(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_AVG
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=4. / (100. + 40.))
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_fan_avg_keras(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_AVG
- uniform: false
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=4. / (100. + 40.))
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_uniform(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_IN
- uniform: true
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 100.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_variance_scaling_initializer_uniform_keras(
- self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- variance_scaling_initializer {
- factor: 2.0
- mode: FAN_IN
- uniform: true
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=2. / 100.)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_truncated_normal_initializer(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- mean: 0.0
- stddev: 0.8
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=0.49, tol=1e-1)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_truncated_normal_initializer_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- truncated_normal_initializer {
- mean: 0.0
- stddev: 0.8
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=0.49, tol=1e-1)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_random_normal_initializer(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- random_normal_initializer {
- mean: 0.0
- stddev: 0.8
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- scope_fn = hyperparams_builder.build(conv_hyperparams_proto,
- is_training=True)
- scope = scope_fn()
- conv_scope_arguments = scope[_get_scope_key(slim.conv2d)]
- initializer = conv_scope_arguments['weights_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=0.64, tol=1e-1)
- def test_variance_in_range_with_random_normal_initializer_keras(self):
- conv_hyperparams_text_proto = """
- regularizer {
- l2_regularizer {
- }
- }
- initializer {
- random_normal_initializer {
- mean: 0.0
- stddev: 0.8
- }
- }
- """
- conv_hyperparams_proto = hyperparams_pb2.Hyperparams()
- text_format.Merge(conv_hyperparams_text_proto, conv_hyperparams_proto)
- keras_config = hyperparams_builder.KerasLayerHyperparams(
- conv_hyperparams_proto)
- initializer = keras_config.params()['kernel_initializer']
- self._assert_variance_in_range(initializer, shape=[100, 40],
- variance=0.64, tol=1e-1)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- tf.test.main()