- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- # ==============================================================================
- """Tests for preprocessor_builder."""
- import tensorflow as tf
- from google.protobuf import text_format
- from object_detection.builders import preprocessor_builder
- from object_detection.core import preprocessor
- from object_detection.protos import preprocessor_pb2
- class PreprocessorBuilderTest(tf.test.TestCase):
- def assert_dictionary_close(self, dict1, dict2):
- """Helper to check if two dicts with floatst or integers are close."""
- self.assertEqual(sorted(dict1.keys()), sorted(dict2.keys()))
- for key in dict1:
- value = dict1[key]
- if isinstance(value, float):
- self.assertAlmostEqual(value, dict2[key])
- else:
- self.assertEqual(value, dict2[key])
- def test_build_normalize_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- normalize_image {
- original_minval: 0.0
- original_maxval: 255.0
- target_minval: -1.0
- target_maxval: 1.0
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.normalize_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'original_minval': 0.0,
- 'original_maxval': 255.0,
- 'target_minval': -1.0,
- 'target_maxval': 1.0,
- })
- def test_build_random_horizontal_flip(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_horizontal_flip {
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 1
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 0
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 2
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 3
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 5
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 4
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_horizontal_flip)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'keypoint_flip_permutation': (1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 4)})
- def test_build_random_vertical_flip(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_vertical_flip {
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 1
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 0
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 2
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 3
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 5
- keypoint_flip_permutation: 4
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_vertical_flip)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'keypoint_flip_permutation': (1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 4)})
- def test_build_random_rotation90(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_rotation90 {}
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_rotation90)
- self.assertEqual(args, {})
- def test_build_random_pixel_value_scale(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_pixel_value_scale {
- minval: 0.8
- maxval: 1.2
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_pixel_value_scale)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'minval': 0.8, 'maxval': 1.2})
- def test_build_random_image_scale(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_image_scale {
- min_scale_ratio: 0.8
- max_scale_ratio: 2.2
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_image_scale)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'min_scale_ratio': 0.8,
- 'max_scale_ratio': 2.2})
- def test_build_random_rgb_to_gray(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_rgb_to_gray {
- probability: 0.8
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_rgb_to_gray)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'probability': 0.8})
- def test_build_random_adjust_brightness(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_adjust_brightness {
- max_delta: 0.2
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_adjust_brightness)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'max_delta': 0.2})
- def test_build_random_adjust_contrast(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_adjust_contrast {
- min_delta: 0.7
- max_delta: 1.1
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_adjust_contrast)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'min_delta': 0.7, 'max_delta': 1.1})
- def test_build_random_adjust_hue(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_adjust_hue {
- max_delta: 0.01
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_adjust_hue)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'max_delta': 0.01})
- def test_build_random_adjust_saturation(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_adjust_saturation {
- min_delta: 0.75
- max_delta: 1.15
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_adjust_saturation)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'min_delta': 0.75, 'max_delta': 1.15})
- def test_build_random_distort_color(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_distort_color {
- color_ordering: 1
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_distort_color)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'color_ordering': 1})
- def test_build_random_jitter_boxes(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_jitter_boxes {
- ratio: 0.1
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_jitter_boxes)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'ratio': 0.1})
- def test_build_random_crop_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_crop_image {
- min_object_covered: 0.75
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.25
- max_area: 0.875
- overlap_thresh: 0.5
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.125
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_crop_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'min_object_covered': 0.75,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': (0.75, 1.5),
- 'area_range': (0.25, 0.875),
- 'overlap_thresh': 0.5,
- 'clip_boxes': False,
- 'random_coef': 0.125,
- })
- def test_build_random_pad_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_pad_image {
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_pad_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'min_image_size': None,
- 'max_image_size': None,
- 'pad_color': None,
- })
- def test_build_random_absolute_pad_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_absolute_pad_image {
- max_height_padding: 50
- max_width_padding: 100
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_absolute_pad_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'max_height_padding': 50,
- 'max_width_padding': 100,
- 'pad_color': None,
- })
- def test_build_random_crop_pad_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_crop_pad_image {
- min_object_covered: 0.75
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.25
- max_area: 0.875
- overlap_thresh: 0.5
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.125
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_crop_pad_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'min_object_covered': 0.75,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': (0.75, 1.5),
- 'area_range': (0.25, 0.875),
- 'overlap_thresh': 0.5,
- 'clip_boxes': False,
- 'random_coef': 0.125,
- 'pad_color': None,
- })
- def test_build_random_crop_pad_image_with_optional_parameters(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_crop_pad_image {
- min_object_covered: 0.75
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.25
- max_area: 0.875
- overlap_thresh: 0.5
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.125
- min_padded_size_ratio: 0.5
- min_padded_size_ratio: 0.75
- max_padded_size_ratio: 0.5
- max_padded_size_ratio: 0.75
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_crop_pad_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {
- 'min_object_covered': 0.75,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': (0.75, 1.5),
- 'area_range': (0.25, 0.875),
- 'overlap_thresh': 0.5,
- 'clip_boxes': False,
- 'random_coef': 0.125,
- 'min_padded_size_ratio': (0.5, 0.75),
- 'max_padded_size_ratio': (0.5, 0.75),
- 'pad_color': None,
- })
- def test_build_random_crop_to_aspect_ratio(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_crop_to_aspect_ratio {
- aspect_ratio: 0.85
- overlap_thresh: 0.35
- clip_boxes: False
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_crop_to_aspect_ratio)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'aspect_ratio': 0.85,
- 'overlap_thresh': 0.35,
- 'clip_boxes': False})
- def test_build_random_black_patches(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_black_patches {
- max_black_patches: 20
- probability: 0.95
- size_to_image_ratio: 0.12
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_black_patches)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'max_black_patches': 20,
- 'probability': 0.95,
- 'size_to_image_ratio': 0.12})
- def test_build_random_resize_method(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_resize_method {
- target_height: 75
- target_width: 100
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_resize_method)
- self.assert_dictionary_close(args, {'target_size': [75, 100]})
- def test_build_scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates {}
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates)
- self.assertEqual(args, {})
- def test_build_resize_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- resize_image {
- new_height: 75
- new_width: 100
- method: BICUBIC
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.resize_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'new_height': 75,
- 'new_width': 100,
- 'method': tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC})
- def test_build_rgb_to_gray(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- rgb_to_gray {}
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.rgb_to_gray)
- self.assertEqual(args, {})
- def test_build_subtract_channel_mean(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- subtract_channel_mean {
- means: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.subtract_channel_mean)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'means': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]})
- def test_random_self_concat_image(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- random_self_concat_image {
- concat_vertical_probability: 0.5
- concat_horizontal_probability: 0.25
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.random_self_concat_image)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'concat_vertical_probability': 0.5,
- 'concat_horizontal_probability': 0.25})
- def test_build_ssd_random_crop(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- ssd_random_crop {
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.0
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.875
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.125
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.0
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.25
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.25
- clip_boxes: True
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.ssd_random_crop)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'min_object_covered': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'aspect_ratio_range': [(0.875, 1.125), (0.75, 1.5)],
- 'area_range': [(0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0)],
- 'overlap_thresh': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'clip_boxes': [False, True],
- 'random_coef': [0.375, 0.375]})
- def test_build_ssd_random_crop_empty_operations(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- ssd_random_crop {
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.ssd_random_crop)
- self.assertEqual(args, {})
- def test_build_ssd_random_crop_pad(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- ssd_random_crop_pad {
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.0
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.875
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.125
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.0
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.375
- min_padded_size_ratio: [1.0, 1.0]
- max_padded_size_ratio: [2.0, 2.0]
- pad_color_r: 0.5
- pad_color_g: 0.5
- pad_color_b: 0.5
- }
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.25
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.25
- clip_boxes: True
- random_coef: 0.375
- min_padded_size_ratio: [1.0, 1.0]
- max_padded_size_ratio: [2.0, 2.0]
- pad_color_r: 0.5
- pad_color_g: 0.5
- pad_color_b: 0.5
- }
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_pad)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'min_object_covered': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'aspect_ratio_range': [(0.875, 1.125), (0.75, 1.5)],
- 'area_range': [(0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0)],
- 'overlap_thresh': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'clip_boxes': [False, True],
- 'random_coef': [0.375, 0.375],
- 'min_padded_size_ratio': [(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
- 'max_padded_size_ratio': [(2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0)],
- 'pad_color': [(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]})
- def test_build_ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio {
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.0
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.0
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.25
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.25
- clip_boxes: True
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- aspect_ratio: 0.875
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'min_object_covered': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'aspect_ratio': 0.875,
- 'area_range': [(0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0)],
- 'overlap_thresh': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'clip_boxes': [False, True],
- 'random_coef': [0.375, 0.375]})
- def test_build_ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio {
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.0
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.875
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.125
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.0
- clip_boxes: False
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- operations {
- min_object_covered: 0.25
- min_aspect_ratio: 0.75
- max_aspect_ratio: 1.5
- min_area: 0.5
- max_area: 1.0
- overlap_thresh: 0.25
- clip_boxes: True
- random_coef: 0.375
- }
- aspect_ratio: 0.875
- min_padded_size_ratio: [1.0, 1.0]
- max_padded_size_ratio: [2.0, 2.0]
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function,
- preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'min_object_covered': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'aspect_ratio': 0.875,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': [(0.875, 1.125), (0.75, 1.5)],
- 'area_range': [(0.5, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0)],
- 'overlap_thresh': [0.0, 0.25],
- 'clip_boxes': [False, True],
- 'random_coef': [0.375, 0.375],
- 'min_padded_size_ratio': (1.0, 1.0),
- 'max_padded_size_ratio': (2.0, 2.0)})
- def test_build_normalize_image_convert_class_logits_to_softmax(self):
- preprocessor_text_proto = """
- convert_class_logits_to_softmax {
- temperature: 2
- }
- """
- preprocessor_proto = preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep()
- text_format.Merge(preprocessor_text_proto, preprocessor_proto)
- function, args = preprocessor_builder.build(preprocessor_proto)
- self.assertEqual(function, preprocessor.convert_class_logits_to_softmax)
- self.assertEqual(args, {'temperature': 2})
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- tf.test.main()