- # Open Images Challenge Evaluation
- The Object Detection API is currently supporting several evaluation metrics used in the [Open Images Challenge 2018](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/challenge.html).
- In addition, several data processing tools are available. Detailed instructions on using the tools for each track are available below.
- **NOTE**: links to the external website in this tutorial may change after the Open Images Challenge 2018 is finished.
- ## Object Detection Track
- The [Object Detection metric](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/object_detection_metric.html) protocol requires a pre-processing of the released data to ensure correct evaluation. The released data contains only leaf-most bounding box annotations and image-level labels.
- The evaluation metric implementation is available in the class `OpenImagesDetectionChallengeEvaluator`.
- 1. Download class hierarchy of Open Images Challenge 2018 in JSON format from [here](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/challenge_2018/bbox_labels_500_hierarchy.json).
- 2. Download ground-truth [boundling boxes](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/challenge_2018/train/challenge-2018-train-annotations-bbox.csv) and [image-level labels](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/challenge_2018/train/challenge-2018-train-annotations-human-imagelabels.csv).
- 3. Filter the rows corresponding to the validation set images you want to use and store the results in the same CSV format.
- 4. Run the following command to create hierarchical expansion of the bounding boxes annotations:
- ```
- HIERARCHY_FILE=/path/to/bbox_labels_500_hierarchy.json
- BOUNDING_BOXES=/path/to/challenge-2018-train-annotations-bbox
- IMAGE_LABELS=/path/to/challenge-2018-train-annotations-human-imagelabels
- python object_detection/dataset_tools/oid_hierarchical_labels_expansion.py \
- --json_hierarchy_file=${HIERARCHY_FILE} \
- --input_annotations=${BOUNDING_BOXES}.csv \
- --output_annotations=${BOUNDING_BOXES}_expanded.csv \
- --annotation_type=1
- python object_detection/dataset_tools/oid_hierarchical_labels_expansion.py \
- --json_hierarchy_file=${HIERARCHY_FILE} \
- --input_annotations=${IMAGE_LABELS}.csv \
- --output_annotations=${IMAGE_LABELS}_expanded.csv \
- --annotation_type=2
- ```
- After step 4 you will have produced the ground-truth files suitable for running 'OID Challenge Object Detection Metric 2018' evaluation.
- ```
- INPUT_PREDICTIONS=/path/to/detection_predictions.csv
- OUTPUT_METRICS=/path/to/output/metrics/file
- python models/research/object_detection/metrics/oid_od_challenge_evaluation.py \
- --input_annotations_boxes=${BOUNDING_BOXES}_expanded.csv \
- --input_annotations_labels=${IMAGE_LABELS}_expanded.csv \
- --input_class_labelmap=object_detection/data/oid_object_detection_challenge_500_label_map.pbtxt \
- --input_predictions=${INPUT_PREDICTIONS} \
- --output_metrics=${OUTPUT_METRICS} \
- ```
- ### Running evaluation on CSV files directly
- 5. If you are not using Tensorflow, you can run evaluation directly using your algorithm's output and generated ground-truth files. {value=5}
- ### Running evaluation using TF Object Detection API
- 5. Produce tf.Example files suitable for running inference: {value=5}
- ```
- RAW_IMAGES_DIR=/path/to/raw_images_location
- OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/output_tfrecords
- python object_detection/dataset_tools/create_oid_tf_record.py \
- --input_box_annotations_csv ${BOUNDING_BOXES}_expanded.csv \
- --input_image_label_annotations_csv ${IMAGE_LABELS}_expanded.csv \
- --input_images_directory ${RAW_IMAGES_DIR} \
- --input_label_map object_detection/data/oid_object_detection_challenge_500_label_map.pbtxt \
- --output_tf_record_path_prefix ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
- --num_shards=100
- ```
- 6. Run inference of your model and fill corresponding fields in tf.Example: see [this tutorial](object_detection/g3doc/oid_inference_and_evaluation.md) on running the inference with Tensorflow Object Detection API models. {value=6}
- 7. Finally, run the evaluation script to produce the final evaluation result.
- ```
- INPUT_TFRECORDS_WITH_DETECTIONS=/path/to/tf_records_with_detections
- OUTPUT_CONFIG_DIR=/path/to/configs
- echo "
- label_map_path: 'object_detection/data/oid_object_detection_challenge_500_label_map.pbtxt'
- tf_record_input_reader: { input_path: '${INPUT_TFRECORDS_WITH_DETECTIONS}' }
- " > ${OUTPUT_CONFIG_DIR}/input_config.pbtxt
- echo "
- metrics_set: 'oid_challenge_detection_metrics'
- " > ${OUTPUT_CONFIG_DIR}/eval_config.pbtxt
- OUTPUT_METRICS_DIR=/path/to/metrics_csv
- python object_detection/metrics/offline_eval_map_corloc.py \
- --eval_dir=${OUTPUT_METRICS_DIR} \
- --eval_config_path=${OUTPUT_CONFIG_DIR}/eval_config.pbtxt \
- --input_config_path=${OUTPUT_CONFIG_DIR}/input_config.pbtxt
- ```
- The result of the evaluation will be stored in `${OUTPUT_METRICS_DIR}/metrics.csv`
- For the Object Detection Track, the participants will be ranked on:
- - "OpenImagesChallenge2018_Precision/mAP@0.5IOU"
- ## Visual Relationships Detection Track
- The [Visual Relationships Detection metrics](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/vrd_detection_metric.html) can be directly evaluated using the ground-truth data and model predictions. The evaluation metric implementation is available in the class `VRDRelationDetectionEvaluator`,`VRDPhraseDetectionEvaluator`.
- 1. Download the ground-truth [visual relationships annotations](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/challenge_2018/train/challenge-2018-train-vrd.csv) and [image-level labels](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/challenge_2018/train/challenge-2018-train-vrd-labels.csv).
- 2. Filter the rows corresponding to the validation set images you want to use and store the results in the same CSV format.
- 3. Run the follwing command to produce final metrics:
- ```
- INPUT_ANNOTATIONS_BOXES=/path/to/challenge-2018-train-vrd.csv
- INPUT_ANNOTATIONS_LABELS=/path/to/challenge-2018-train-vrd-labels.csv
- INPUT_PREDICTIONS=/path/to/predictions.csv
- INPUT_CLASS_LABELMAP=/path/to/oid_object_detection_challenge_500_label_map.pbtxt
- INPUT_RELATIONSHIP_LABELMAP=/path/to/relationships_labelmap.pbtxt
- OUTPUT_METRICS=/path/to/output/metrics/file
- echo "item { name: '/m/02gy9n' id: 602 display_name: 'Transparent' }
- item { name: '/m/05z87' id: 603 display_name: 'Plastic' }
- item { name: '/m/0dnr7' id: 604 display_name: '(made of)Textile' }
- item { name: '/m/04lbp' id: 605 display_name: '(made of)Leather' }
- item { name: '/m/083vt' id: 606 display_name: 'Wooden'}
- echo "item { name: 'at' id: 1 display_name: 'at' }
- item { name: 'on' id: 2 display_name: 'on (top of)' }
- item { name: 'holds' id: 3 display_name: 'holds' }
- item { name: 'plays' id: 4 display_name: 'plays' }
- item { name: 'interacts_with' id: 5 display_name: 'interacts with' }
- item { name: 'wears' id: 6 display_name: 'wears' }
- item { name: 'is' id: 7 display_name: 'is' }
- item { name: 'inside_of' id: 8 display_name: 'inside of' }
- item { name: 'under' id: 9 display_name: 'under' }
- item { name: 'hits' id: 10 display_name: 'hits' }
- python object_detection/metrics/oid_vrd_challenge_evaluation.py \
- --input_annotations_boxes=${INPUT_ANNOTATIONS_BOXES} \
- --input_annotations_labels=${INPUT_ANNOTATIONS_LABELS} \
- --input_predictions=${INPUT_PREDICTIONS} \
- --input_class_labelmap=${INPUT_CLASS_LABELMAP} \
- --input_relationship_labelmap=${INPUT_RELATIONSHIP_LABELMAP} \
- --output_metrics=${OUTPUT_METRICS}
- ```
- The participants of the challenge will be evaluated by weighted average of the following three metrics:
- - "VRDMetric_Relationships_mAP@0.5IOU"
- - "VRDMetric_Relationships_Recall@50@0.5IOU"
- - "VRDMetric_Phrases_mAP@0.5IOU"