- # So you want to create a new model!
- In this section, we discuss some of the abstractions that we use
- for defining detection models. If you would like to define a new model
- architecture for detection and use it in the Tensorflow Detection API,
- then this section should also serve as a high level guide to the files that you
- will need to edit to get your new model working.
- ## DetectionModels (`object_detection/core/model.py`)
- In order to be trained, evaluated, and exported for serving using our
- provided binaries, all models under the Tensorflow Object Detection API must
- implement the `DetectionModel` interface (see the full definition in `object_detection/core/model.py`). In particular,
- each of these models are responsible for implementing 5 functions:
- * `preprocess`: Run any preprocessing (e.g., scaling/shifting/reshaping) of
- input values that is necessary prior to running the detector on an input
- image.
- * `predict`: Produce “raw” prediction tensors that can be passed to loss or
- postprocess functions.
- * `postprocess`: Convert predicted output tensors to final detections.
- * `loss`: Compute scalar loss tensors with respect to provided groundtruth.
- * `restore`: Load a checkpoint into the Tensorflow graph.
- Given a `DetectionModel` at training time, we pass each image batch through
- the following sequence of functions to compute a loss which can be optimized via
- SGD:
- ```
- inputs (images tensor) -> preprocess -> predict -> loss -> outputs (loss tensor)
- ```
- And at eval time, we pass each image batch through the following sequence of
- functions to produce a set of detections:
- ```
- inputs (images tensor) -> preprocess -> predict -> postprocess ->
- outputs (boxes tensor, scores tensor, classes tensor, num_detections tensor)
- ```
- Some conventions to be aware of:
- * `DetectionModel`s should make no assumptions about the input size or aspect
- ratio --- they are responsible for doing any resize/reshaping necessary
- (see docstring for the `preprocess` function).
- * Output classes are always integers in the range `[0, num_classes)`.
- Any mapping of these integers to semantic labels is to be handled outside
- of this class. We never explicitly emit a “background class” --- thus 0 is
- the first non-background class and any logic of predicting and removing
- implicit background classes must be handled internally by the implementation.
- * Detected boxes are to be interpreted as being in
- `[y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]` format and normalized relative to the
- image window.
- * We do not specifically assume any kind of probabilistic interpretation of the
- scores --- the only important thing is their relative ordering. Thus
- implementations of the postprocess function are free to output logits,
- probabilities, calibrated probabilities, or anything else.
- ## Defining a new Faster R-CNN or SSD Feature Extractor
- In most cases, you probably will not implement a `DetectionModel` from scratch
- --- instead you might create a new feature extractor to be used by one of the
- SSD or Faster R-CNN meta-architectures. (We think of meta-architectures as
- classes that define entire families of models using the `DetectionModel`
- abstraction).
- Note: For the following discussion to make sense, we recommend first becoming
- familiar with the [Faster R-CNN](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497) paper.
- Let’s now imagine that you have invented a brand new network architecture
- (say, “InceptionV100”) for classification and want to see how InceptionV100
- would behave as a feature extractor for detection (say, with Faster R-CNN).
- A similar procedure would hold for SSD models, but we’ll discuss Faster R-CNN.
- To use InceptionV100, we will have to define a new
- `FasterRCNNFeatureExtractor` and pass it to our `FasterRCNNMetaArch`
- constructor as input. See
- `object_detection/meta_architectures/faster_rcnn_meta_arch.py` for definitions
- of `FasterRCNNFeatureExtractor` and `FasterRCNNMetaArch`, respectively.
- A `FasterRCNNFeatureExtractor` must define a few
- functions:
- * `preprocess`: Run any preprocessing of input values that is necessary prior
- to running the detector on an input image.
- * `_extract_proposal_features`: Extract first stage Region Proposal Network
- (RPN) features.
- * `_extract_box_classifier_features`: Extract second stage Box Classifier
- features.
- * `restore_from_classification_checkpoint_fn`: Load a checkpoint into the
- Tensorflow graph.
- See the `object_detection/models/faster_rcnn_resnet_v1_feature_extractor.py`
- definition as one example. Some remarks:
- * We typically initialize the weights of this feature extractor
- using those from the
- [Slim Resnet-101 classification checkpoint](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/slim#pre-trained-models),
- and we know
- that images were preprocessed when training this checkpoint
- by subtracting a channel mean from each input
- image. Thus, we implement the preprocess function to replicate the same
- channel mean subtraction behavior.
- * The “full” resnet classification network defined in slim is cut into two
- parts --- all but the last “resnet block” is put into the
- `_extract_proposal_features` function and the final block is separately
- defined in the `_extract_box_classifier_features function`. In general,
- some experimentation may be required to decide on an optimal layer at
- which to “cut” your feature extractor into these two pieces for Faster R-CNN.
- ## Register your model for configuration
- Assuming that your new feature extractor does not require nonstandard
- configuration, you will want to ideally be able to simply change the
- “feature_extractor.type” fields in your configuration protos to point to a
- new feature extractor. In order for our API to know how to understand this
- new type though, you will first have to register your new feature
- extractor with the model builder (`object_detection/builders/model_builder.py`),
- whose job is to create models from config protos..
- Registration is simple --- just add a pointer to the new Feature Extractor
- class that you have defined in one of the SSD or Faster R-CNN Feature
- Extractor Class maps at the top of the
- `object_detection/builders/model_builder.py` file.
- We recommend adding a test in `object_detection/builders/model_builder_test.py`
- to make sure that parsing your proto will work as expected.
- ## Taking your new model for a spin
- After registration you are ready to go with your model! Some final tips:
- * To save time debugging, try running your configuration file locally first
- (both training and evaluation).
- * Do a sweep of learning rates to figure out which learning rate is best
- for your model.
- * A small but often important detail: you may find it necessary to disable
- batchnorm training (that is, load the batch norm parameters from the
- classification checkpoint, but do not update them during gradient descent).