- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Mask Head.
- Contains Mask prediction head classes for different meta architectures.
- All the mask prediction heads have a predict function that receives the
- `features` as the first argument and returns `mask_predictions`.
- """
- import math
- import tensorflow as tf
- from object_detection.predictors.heads import head
- from object_detection.utils import ops
- slim = tf.contrib.slim
- class MaskRCNNMaskHead(head.Head):
- """Mask RCNN mask prediction head.
- Please refer to Mask RCNN paper:
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06870
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_classes,
- conv_hyperparams_fn=None,
- mask_height=14,
- mask_width=14,
- mask_prediction_num_conv_layers=2,
- mask_prediction_conv_depth=256,
- masks_are_class_agnostic=False,
- convolve_then_upsample=False):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- num_classes: number of classes. Note that num_classes *does not*
- include the background category, so if groundtruth labels take values
- in {0, 1, .., K-1}, num_classes=K (and not K+1, even though the
- assigned classification targets can range from {0,... K}).
- conv_hyperparams_fn: A function to generate tf-slim arg_scope with
- hyperparameters for convolution ops.
- mask_height: Desired output mask height. The default value is 14.
- mask_width: Desired output mask width. The default value is 14.
- mask_prediction_num_conv_layers: Number of convolution layers applied to
- the image_features in mask prediction branch.
- mask_prediction_conv_depth: The depth for the first conv2d_transpose op
- applied to the image_features in the mask prediction branch. If set
- to 0, the depth of the convolution layers will be automatically chosen
- based on the number of object classes and the number of channels in the
- image features.
- masks_are_class_agnostic: Boolean determining if the mask-head is
- class-agnostic or not.
- convolve_then_upsample: Whether to apply convolutions on mask features
- before upsampling using nearest neighbor resizing. Otherwise, mask
- features are resized to [`mask_height`, `mask_width`] using bilinear
- resizing before applying convolutions.
- Raises:
- ValueError: conv_hyperparams_fn is None.
- """
- super(MaskRCNNMaskHead, self).__init__()
- self._num_classes = num_classes
- self._conv_hyperparams_fn = conv_hyperparams_fn
- self._mask_height = mask_height
- self._mask_width = mask_width
- self._mask_prediction_num_conv_layers = mask_prediction_num_conv_layers
- self._mask_prediction_conv_depth = mask_prediction_conv_depth
- self._masks_are_class_agnostic = masks_are_class_agnostic
- self._convolve_then_upsample = convolve_then_upsample
- if conv_hyperparams_fn is None:
- raise ValueError('conv_hyperparams_fn is None.')
- def _get_mask_predictor_conv_depth(self,
- num_feature_channels,
- num_classes,
- class_weight=3.0,
- feature_weight=2.0):
- """Computes the depth of the mask predictor convolutions.
- Computes the depth of the mask predictor convolutions given feature channels
- and number of classes by performing a weighted average of the two in
- log space to compute the number of convolution channels. The weights that
- are used for computing the weighted average do not need to sum to 1.
- Args:
- num_feature_channels: An integer containing the number of feature
- channels.
- num_classes: An integer containing the number of classes.
- class_weight: Class weight used in computing the weighted average.
- feature_weight: Feature weight used in computing the weighted average.
- Returns:
- An integer containing the number of convolution channels used by mask
- predictor.
- """
- num_feature_channels_log = math.log(float(num_feature_channels), 2.0)
- num_classes_log = math.log(float(num_classes), 2.0)
- weighted_num_feature_channels_log = (
- num_feature_channels_log * feature_weight)
- weighted_num_classes_log = num_classes_log * class_weight
- total_weight = feature_weight + class_weight
- num_conv_channels_log = round(
- (weighted_num_feature_channels_log + weighted_num_classes_log) /
- total_weight)
- return int(math.pow(2.0, num_conv_channels_log))
- def predict(self, features, num_predictions_per_location=1):
- """Performs mask prediction.
- Args:
- features: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]
- containing features for a batch of images.
- num_predictions_per_location: Int containing number of predictions per
- location.
- Returns:
- instance_masks: A float tensor of shape
- [batch_size, 1, num_classes, mask_height, mask_width].
- Raises:
- ValueError: If num_predictions_per_location is not 1.
- """
- if num_predictions_per_location != 1:
- raise ValueError('Only num_predictions_per_location=1 is supported')
- num_conv_channels = self._mask_prediction_conv_depth
- if num_conv_channels == 0:
- num_feature_channels = features.get_shape().as_list()[3]
- num_conv_channels = self._get_mask_predictor_conv_depth(
- num_feature_channels, self._num_classes)
- with slim.arg_scope(self._conv_hyperparams_fn()):
- if not self._convolve_then_upsample:
- features = tf.image.resize_bilinear(
- features, [self._mask_height, self._mask_width],
- align_corners=True)
- for _ in range(self._mask_prediction_num_conv_layers - 1):
- features = slim.conv2d(
- features,
- num_outputs=num_conv_channels,
- kernel_size=[3, 3])
- if self._convolve_then_upsample:
- # Replace Transposed Convolution with a Nearest Neighbor upsampling step
- # followed by 3x3 convolution.
- height_scale = self._mask_height / features.shape[1].value
- width_scale = self._mask_width / features.shape[2].value
- features = ops.nearest_neighbor_upsampling(
- features, height_scale=height_scale, width_scale=width_scale)
- features = slim.conv2d(
- features,
- num_outputs=num_conv_channels,
- kernel_size=[3, 3])
- num_masks = 1 if self._masks_are_class_agnostic else self._num_classes
- mask_predictions = slim.conv2d(
- features,
- num_outputs=num_masks,
- activation_fn=None,
- normalizer_fn=None,
- kernel_size=[3, 3])
- return tf.expand_dims(
- tf.transpose(mask_predictions, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2]),
- axis=1,
- name='MaskPredictor')
- class ConvolutionalMaskHead(head.Head):
- """Convolutional class prediction head."""
- def __init__(self,
- is_training,
- num_classes,
- use_dropout,
- dropout_keep_prob,
- kernel_size,
- use_depthwise=False,
- mask_height=7,
- mask_width=7,
- masks_are_class_agnostic=False):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- is_training: Indicates whether the BoxPredictor is in training mode.
- num_classes: Number of classes.
- use_dropout: Option to use dropout or not. Note that a single dropout
- op is applied here prior to both box and class predictions, which stands
- in contrast to the ConvolutionalBoxPredictor below.
- dropout_keep_prob: Keep probability for dropout.
- This is only used if use_dropout is True.
- kernel_size: Size of final convolution kernel. If the
- spatial resolution of the feature map is smaller than the kernel size,
- then the kernel size is automatically set to be
- min(feature_width, feature_height).
- use_depthwise: Whether to use depthwise convolutions for prediction
- steps. Default is False.
- mask_height: Desired output mask height. The default value is 7.
- mask_width: Desired output mask width. The default value is 7.
- masks_are_class_agnostic: Boolean determining if the mask-head is
- class-agnostic or not.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if min_depth > max_depth.
- """
- super(ConvolutionalMaskHead, self).__init__()
- self._is_training = is_training
- self._num_classes = num_classes
- self._use_dropout = use_dropout
- self._dropout_keep_prob = dropout_keep_prob
- self._kernel_size = kernel_size
- self._use_depthwise = use_depthwise
- self._mask_height = mask_height
- self._mask_width = mask_width
- self._masks_are_class_agnostic = masks_are_class_agnostic
- def predict(self, features, num_predictions_per_location):
- """Predicts boxes.
- Args:
- features: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]
- containing image features.
- num_predictions_per_location: Number of box predictions to be made per
- spatial location.
- Returns:
- mask_predictions: A float tensors of shape
- [batch_size, num_anchors, num_masks, mask_height, mask_width]
- representing the mask predictions for the proposals.
- """
- image_feature = features
- # Add a slot for the background class.
- if self._masks_are_class_agnostic:
- num_masks = 1
- else:
- num_masks = self._num_classes
- num_mask_channels = num_masks * self._mask_height * self._mask_width
- net = image_feature
- if self._use_dropout:
- net = slim.dropout(net, keep_prob=self._dropout_keep_prob)
- if self._use_depthwise:
- mask_predictions = slim.separable_conv2d(
- net, None, [self._kernel_size, self._kernel_size],
- padding='SAME', depth_multiplier=1, stride=1,
- rate=1, scope='MaskPredictor_depthwise')
- mask_predictions = slim.conv2d(
- mask_predictions,
- num_predictions_per_location * num_mask_channels,
- [1, 1],
- activation_fn=None,
- normalizer_fn=None,
- normalizer_params=None,
- scope='MaskPredictor')
- else:
- mask_predictions = slim.conv2d(
- net,
- num_predictions_per_location * num_mask_channels,
- [self._kernel_size, self._kernel_size],
- activation_fn=None,
- normalizer_fn=None,
- normalizer_params=None,
- scope='MaskPredictor')
- batch_size = features.get_shape().as_list()[0]
- if batch_size is None:
- batch_size = tf.shape(features)[0]
- mask_predictions = tf.reshape(
- mask_predictions,
- [batch_size, -1, num_masks, self._mask_height, self._mask_width])
- return mask_predictions
- # TODO(alirezafathi): See if possible to unify Weight Shared with regular
- # convolutional mask head.
- class WeightSharedConvolutionalMaskHead(head.Head):
- """Weight shared convolutional mask prediction head."""
- def __init__(self,
- num_classes,
- kernel_size=3,
- use_dropout=False,
- dropout_keep_prob=0.8,
- mask_height=7,
- mask_width=7,
- masks_are_class_agnostic=False):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- num_classes: number of classes. Note that num_classes *does not*
- include the background category, so if groundtruth labels take values
- in {0, 1, .., K-1}, num_classes=K (and not K+1, even though the
- assigned classification targets can range from {0,... K}).
- kernel_size: Size of final convolution kernel.
- use_dropout: Whether to apply dropout to class prediction head.
- dropout_keep_prob: Probability of keeping activiations.
- mask_height: Desired output mask height. The default value is 7.
- mask_width: Desired output mask width. The default value is 7.
- masks_are_class_agnostic: Boolean determining if the mask-head is
- class-agnostic or not.
- """
- super(WeightSharedConvolutionalMaskHead, self).__init__()
- self._num_classes = num_classes
- self._kernel_size = kernel_size
- self._use_dropout = use_dropout
- self._dropout_keep_prob = dropout_keep_prob
- self._mask_height = mask_height
- self._mask_width = mask_width
- self._masks_are_class_agnostic = masks_are_class_agnostic
- def predict(self, features, num_predictions_per_location):
- """Predicts boxes.
- Args:
- features: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels]
- containing image features.
- num_predictions_per_location: Number of box predictions to be made per
- spatial location.
- Returns:
- mask_predictions: A tensor of shape
- [batch_size, num_anchors, num_classes, mask_height, mask_width]
- representing the mask predictions for the proposals.
- """
- mask_predictions_net = features
- if self._masks_are_class_agnostic:
- num_masks = 1
- else:
- num_masks = self._num_classes
- num_mask_channels = num_masks * self._mask_height * self._mask_width
- if self._use_dropout:
- mask_predictions_net = slim.dropout(
- mask_predictions_net, keep_prob=self._dropout_keep_prob)
- mask_predictions = slim.conv2d(
- mask_predictions_net,
- num_predictions_per_location * num_mask_channels,
- [self._kernel_size, self._kernel_size],
- activation_fn=None, stride=1, padding='SAME',
- normalizer_fn=None,
- scope='MaskPredictor')
- batch_size = features.get_shape().as_list()[0]
- if batch_size is None:
- batch_size = tf.shape(features)[0]
- mask_predictions = tf.reshape(
- mask_predictions,
- [batch_size, -1, num_masks, self._mask_height, self._mask_width])
- return mask_predictions