- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Helper functions for manipulating collections of variables during training.
- """
- import logging
- import re
- import tensorflow as tf
- from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as tf_variables
- slim = tf.contrib.slim
- # TODO(derekjchow): Consider replacing with tf.contrib.filter_variables in
- # tensorflow/contrib/framework/python/ops/variables.py
- def filter_variables(variables, filter_regex_list, invert=False):
- """Filters out the variables matching the filter_regex.
- Filter out the variables whose name matches the any of the regular
- expressions in filter_regex_list and returns the remaining variables.
- Optionally, if invert=True, the complement set is returned.
- Args:
- variables: a list of tensorflow variables.
- filter_regex_list: a list of string regular expressions.
- invert: (boolean). If True, returns the complement of the filter set; that
- is, all variables matching filter_regex are kept and all others discarded.
- Returns:
- a list of filtered variables.
- """
- kept_vars = []
- variables_to_ignore_patterns = list(filter(None, filter_regex_list))
- for var in variables:
- add = True
- for pattern in variables_to_ignore_patterns:
- if re.match(pattern, var.op.name):
- add = False
- break
- if add != invert:
- kept_vars.append(var)
- return kept_vars
- def multiply_gradients_matching_regex(grads_and_vars, regex_list, multiplier):
- """Multiply gradients whose variable names match a regular expression.
- Args:
- grads_and_vars: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples).
- regex_list: A list of string regular expressions.
- multiplier: A (float) multiplier to apply to each gradient matching the
- regular expression.
- Returns:
- grads_and_vars: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples).
- """
- variables = [pair[1] for pair in grads_and_vars]
- matching_vars = filter_variables(variables, regex_list, invert=True)
- for var in matching_vars:
- logging.info('Applying multiplier %f to variable [%s]',
- multiplier, var.op.name)
- grad_multipliers = {var: float(multiplier) for var in matching_vars}
- return slim.learning.multiply_gradients(grads_and_vars,
- grad_multipliers)
- def freeze_gradients_matching_regex(grads_and_vars, regex_list):
- """Freeze gradients whose variable names match a regular expression.
- Args:
- grads_and_vars: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples).
- regex_list: A list of string regular expressions.
- Returns:
- grads_and_vars: A list of gradient to variable pairs (tuples) that do not
- contain the variables and gradients matching the regex.
- """
- variables = [pair[1] for pair in grads_and_vars]
- matching_vars = filter_variables(variables, regex_list, invert=True)
- kept_grads_and_vars = [pair for pair in grads_and_vars
- if pair[1] not in matching_vars]
- for var in matching_vars:
- logging.info('Freezing variable [%s]', var.op.name)
- return kept_grads_and_vars
- def get_variables_available_in_checkpoint(variables,
- checkpoint_path,
- include_global_step=True):
- """Returns the subset of variables available in the checkpoint.
- Inspects given checkpoint and returns the subset of variables that are
- available in it.
- TODO(rathodv): force input and output to be a dictionary.
- Args:
- variables: a list or dictionary of variables to find in checkpoint.
- checkpoint_path: path to the checkpoint to restore variables from.
- include_global_step: whether to include `global_step` variable, if it
- exists. Default True.
- Returns:
- A list or dictionary of variables.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if `variables` is not a list or dict.
- """
- if isinstance(variables, list):
- variable_names_map = {}
- for variable in variables:
- if isinstance(variable, tf_variables.PartitionedVariable):
- name = variable.name
- else:
- name = variable.op.name
- variable_names_map[name] = variable
- elif isinstance(variables, dict):
- variable_names_map = variables
- else:
- raise ValueError('`variables` is expected to be a list or dict.')
- ckpt_reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(checkpoint_path)
- ckpt_vars_to_shape_map = ckpt_reader.get_variable_to_shape_map()
- if not include_global_step:
- ckpt_vars_to_shape_map.pop(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP, None)
- vars_in_ckpt = {}
- for variable_name, variable in sorted(variable_names_map.items()):
- if variable_name in ckpt_vars_to_shape_map:
- if ckpt_vars_to_shape_map[variable_name] == variable.shape.as_list():
- vars_in_ckpt[variable_name] = variable
- else:
- logging.warning('Variable [%s] is available in checkpoint, but has an '
- 'incompatible shape with model variable. Checkpoint '
- 'shape: [%s], model variable shape: [%s]. This '
- 'variable will not be initialized from the checkpoint.',
- variable_name, ckpt_vars_to_shape_map[variable_name],
- variable.shape.as_list())
- else:
- logging.warning('Variable [%s] is not available in checkpoint',
- variable_name)
- if isinstance(variables, list):
- return vars_in_ckpt.values()
- return vars_in_ckpt