- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- # ==============================================================================
- """Builder for preprocessing steps."""
- import tensorflow as tf
- from object_detection.core import preprocessor
- from object_detection.protos import preprocessor_pb2
- def _get_step_config_from_proto(preprocessor_step_config, step_name):
- """Returns the value of a field named step_name from proto.
- Args:
- preprocessor_step_config: A preprocessor_pb2.PreprocessingStep object.
- step_name: Name of the field to get value from.
- Returns:
- result_dict: a sub proto message from preprocessor_step_config which will be
- later converted to a dictionary.
- Raises:
- ValueError: If field does not exist in proto.
- """
- for field, value in preprocessor_step_config.ListFields():
- if field.name == step_name:
- return value
- raise ValueError('Could not get field %s from proto!' % step_name)
- def _get_dict_from_proto(config):
- """Helper function to put all proto fields into a dictionary.
- For many preprocessing steps, there's an trivial 1-1 mapping from proto fields
- to function arguments. This function automatically populates a dictionary with
- the arguments from the proto.
- Protos that CANNOT be trivially populated include:
- * nested messages.
- * steps that check if an optional field is set (ie. where None != 0).
- * protos that don't map 1-1 to arguments (ie. list should be reshaped).
- * fields requiring additional validation (ie. repeated field has n elements).
- Args:
- config: A protobuf object that does not violate the conditions above.
- Returns:
- result_dict: |config| converted into a python dictionary.
- """
- result_dict = {}
- for field, value in config.ListFields():
- result_dict[field.name] = value
- return result_dict
- # A map from a PreprocessingStep proto config field name to the preprocessing
- # function that should be used. The PreprocessingStep proto should be parsable
- # with _get_dict_from_proto.
- 'normalize_image':
- preprocessor.normalize_image,
- 'random_pixel_value_scale':
- preprocessor.random_pixel_value_scale,
- 'random_image_scale':
- preprocessor.random_image_scale,
- 'random_rgb_to_gray':
- preprocessor.random_rgb_to_gray,
- 'random_adjust_brightness':
- preprocessor.random_adjust_brightness,
- 'random_adjust_contrast':
- preprocessor.random_adjust_contrast,
- 'random_adjust_hue':
- preprocessor.random_adjust_hue,
- 'random_adjust_saturation':
- preprocessor.random_adjust_saturation,
- 'random_distort_color':
- preprocessor.random_distort_color,
- 'random_jitter_boxes':
- preprocessor.random_jitter_boxes,
- 'random_crop_to_aspect_ratio':
- preprocessor.random_crop_to_aspect_ratio,
- 'random_black_patches':
- preprocessor.random_black_patches,
- 'rgb_to_gray':
- preprocessor.rgb_to_gray,
- 'scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates': (
- preprocessor.scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates),
- 'subtract_channel_mean':
- preprocessor.subtract_channel_mean,
- 'convert_class_logits_to_softmax':
- preprocessor.convert_class_logits_to_softmax,
- }
- # A map to convert from preprocessor_pb2.ResizeImage.Method enum to
- # tf.image.ResizeMethod.
- preprocessor_pb2.ResizeImage.AREA: tf.image.ResizeMethod.AREA,
- preprocessor_pb2.ResizeImage.BICUBIC: tf.image.ResizeMethod.BICUBIC,
- preprocessor_pb2.ResizeImage.BILINEAR: tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR,
- preprocessor_pb2.ResizeImage.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: (
- tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR),
- }
- def build(preprocessor_step_config):
- """Builds preprocessing step based on the configuration.
- Args:
- preprocessor_step_config: PreprocessingStep configuration proto.
- Returns:
- function, argmap: A callable function and an argument map to call function
- with.
- Raises:
- ValueError: On invalid configuration.
- """
- step_type = preprocessor_step_config.WhichOneof('preprocessing_step')
- preprocessing_function = PREPROCESSING_FUNCTION_MAP[step_type]
- step_config = _get_step_config_from_proto(preprocessor_step_config,
- step_type)
- function_args = _get_dict_from_proto(step_config)
- return (preprocessing_function, function_args)
- if step_type == 'random_horizontal_flip':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_horizontal_flip
- return (preprocessor.random_horizontal_flip,
- {
- 'keypoint_flip_permutation': tuple(
- config.keypoint_flip_permutation),
- })
- if step_type == 'random_vertical_flip':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_vertical_flip
- return (preprocessor.random_vertical_flip,
- {
- 'keypoint_flip_permutation': tuple(
- config.keypoint_flip_permutation),
- })
- if step_type == 'random_rotation90':
- return (preprocessor.random_rotation90, {})
- if step_type == 'random_crop_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_crop_image
- return (preprocessor.random_crop_image,
- {
- 'min_object_covered': config.min_object_covered,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': (config.min_aspect_ratio,
- config.max_aspect_ratio),
- 'area_range': (config.min_area, config.max_area),
- 'overlap_thresh': config.overlap_thresh,
- 'clip_boxes': config.clip_boxes,
- 'random_coef': config.random_coef,
- })
- if step_type == 'random_pad_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_pad_image
- min_image_size = None
- if (config.HasField('min_image_height') !=
- config.HasField('min_image_width')):
- raise ValueError('min_image_height and min_image_width should be either '
- 'both set or both unset.')
- if config.HasField('min_image_height'):
- min_image_size = (config.min_image_height, config.min_image_width)
- max_image_size = None
- if (config.HasField('max_image_height') !=
- config.HasField('max_image_width')):
- raise ValueError('max_image_height and max_image_width should be either '
- 'both set or both unset.')
- if config.HasField('max_image_height'):
- max_image_size = (config.max_image_height, config.max_image_width)
- pad_color = config.pad_color or None
- if pad_color:
- if len(pad_color) != 3:
- tf.logging.warn('pad_color should have 3 elements (RGB) if set!')
- pad_color = tf.cast([x for x in config.pad_color], dtype=tf.float32)
- return (preprocessor.random_pad_image,
- {
- 'min_image_size': min_image_size,
- 'max_image_size': max_image_size,
- 'pad_color': pad_color,
- })
- if step_type == 'random_absolute_pad_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_absolute_pad_image
- max_height_padding = config.max_height_padding or 1
- max_width_padding = config.max_width_padding or 1
- pad_color = config.pad_color or None
- if pad_color:
- if len(pad_color) != 3:
- tf.logging.warn('pad_color should have 3 elements (RGB) if set!')
- pad_color = tf.cast([x for x in config.pad_color], dtype=tf.float32)
- return (preprocessor.random_absolute_pad_image,
- {
- 'max_height_padding': max_height_padding,
- 'max_width_padding': max_width_padding,
- 'pad_color': pad_color,
- })
- if step_type == 'random_crop_pad_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_crop_pad_image
- min_padded_size_ratio = config.min_padded_size_ratio
- if min_padded_size_ratio and len(min_padded_size_ratio) != 2:
- raise ValueError('min_padded_size_ratio should have 2 elements if set!')
- max_padded_size_ratio = config.max_padded_size_ratio
- if max_padded_size_ratio and len(max_padded_size_ratio) != 2:
- raise ValueError('max_padded_size_ratio should have 2 elements if set!')
- pad_color = config.pad_color or None
- if pad_color:
- if len(pad_color) != 3:
- tf.logging.warn('pad_color should have 3 elements (RGB) if set!')
- pad_color = tf.cast([x for x in config.pad_color], dtype=tf.float32)
- kwargs = {
- 'min_object_covered': config.min_object_covered,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': (config.min_aspect_ratio,
- config.max_aspect_ratio),
- 'area_range': (config.min_area, config.max_area),
- 'overlap_thresh': config.overlap_thresh,
- 'clip_boxes': config.clip_boxes,
- 'random_coef': config.random_coef,
- 'pad_color': pad_color,
- }
- if min_padded_size_ratio:
- kwargs['min_padded_size_ratio'] = tuple(min_padded_size_ratio)
- if max_padded_size_ratio:
- kwargs['max_padded_size_ratio'] = tuple(max_padded_size_ratio)
- return (preprocessor.random_crop_pad_image, kwargs)
- if step_type == 'random_resize_method':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_resize_method
- return (preprocessor.random_resize_method,
- {
- 'target_size': [config.target_height, config.target_width],
- })
- if step_type == 'resize_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.resize_image
- method = RESIZE_METHOD_MAP[config.method]
- return (preprocessor.resize_image,
- {
- 'new_height': config.new_height,
- 'new_width': config.new_width,
- 'method': method
- })
- if step_type == 'random_self_concat_image':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.random_self_concat_image
- return (preprocessor.random_self_concat_image, {
- 'concat_vertical_probability': config.concat_vertical_probability,
- 'concat_horizontal_probability': config.concat_horizontal_probability
- })
- if step_type == 'ssd_random_crop':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.ssd_random_crop
- if config.operations:
- min_object_covered = [op.min_object_covered for op in config.operations]
- aspect_ratio_range = [(op.min_aspect_ratio, op.max_aspect_ratio)
- for op in config.operations]
- area_range = [(op.min_area, op.max_area) for op in config.operations]
- overlap_thresh = [op.overlap_thresh for op in config.operations]
- clip_boxes = [op.clip_boxes for op in config.operations]
- random_coef = [op.random_coef for op in config.operations]
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop,
- {
- 'min_object_covered': min_object_covered,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': aspect_ratio_range,
- 'area_range': area_range,
- 'overlap_thresh': overlap_thresh,
- 'clip_boxes': clip_boxes,
- 'random_coef': random_coef,
- })
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop, {})
- if step_type == 'ssd_random_crop_pad':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.ssd_random_crop_pad
- if config.operations:
- min_object_covered = [op.min_object_covered for op in config.operations]
- aspect_ratio_range = [(op.min_aspect_ratio, op.max_aspect_ratio)
- for op in config.operations]
- area_range = [(op.min_area, op.max_area) for op in config.operations]
- overlap_thresh = [op.overlap_thresh for op in config.operations]
- clip_boxes = [op.clip_boxes for op in config.operations]
- random_coef = [op.random_coef for op in config.operations]
- min_padded_size_ratio = [tuple(op.min_padded_size_ratio)
- for op in config.operations]
- max_padded_size_ratio = [tuple(op.max_padded_size_ratio)
- for op in config.operations]
- pad_color = [(op.pad_color_r, op.pad_color_g, op.pad_color_b)
- for op in config.operations]
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_pad,
- {
- 'min_object_covered': min_object_covered,
- 'aspect_ratio_range': aspect_ratio_range,
- 'area_range': area_range,
- 'overlap_thresh': overlap_thresh,
- 'clip_boxes': clip_boxes,
- 'random_coef': random_coef,
- 'min_padded_size_ratio': min_padded_size_ratio,
- 'max_padded_size_ratio': max_padded_size_ratio,
- 'pad_color': pad_color,
- })
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_pad, {})
- if step_type == 'ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio
- if config.operations:
- min_object_covered = [op.min_object_covered for op in config.operations]
- area_range = [(op.min_area, op.max_area) for op in config.operations]
- overlap_thresh = [op.overlap_thresh for op in config.operations]
- clip_boxes = [op.clip_boxes for op in config.operations]
- random_coef = [op.random_coef for op in config.operations]
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio,
- {
- 'min_object_covered': min_object_covered,
- 'aspect_ratio': config.aspect_ratio,
- 'area_range': area_range,
- 'overlap_thresh': overlap_thresh,
- 'clip_boxes': clip_boxes,
- 'random_coef': random_coef,
- })
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio, {})
- if step_type == 'ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio':
- config = preprocessor_step_config.ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio
- kwargs = {}
- aspect_ratio = config.aspect_ratio
- if aspect_ratio:
- kwargs['aspect_ratio'] = aspect_ratio
- min_padded_size_ratio = config.min_padded_size_ratio
- if min_padded_size_ratio:
- if len(min_padded_size_ratio) != 2:
- raise ValueError('min_padded_size_ratio should have 2 elements if set!')
- kwargs['min_padded_size_ratio'] = tuple(min_padded_size_ratio)
- max_padded_size_ratio = config.max_padded_size_ratio
- if max_padded_size_ratio:
- if len(max_padded_size_ratio) != 2:
- raise ValueError('max_padded_size_ratio should have 2 elements if set!')
- kwargs['max_padded_size_ratio'] = tuple(max_padded_size_ratio)
- if config.operations:
- kwargs['min_object_covered'] = [op.min_object_covered
- for op in config.operations]
- kwargs['aspect_ratio_range'] = [(op.min_aspect_ratio, op.max_aspect_ratio)
- for op in config.operations]
- kwargs['area_range'] = [(op.min_area, op.max_area)
- for op in config.operations]
- kwargs['overlap_thresh'] = [op.overlap_thresh for op in config.operations]
- kwargs['clip_boxes'] = [op.clip_boxes for op in config.operations]
- kwargs['random_coef'] = [op.random_coef for op in config.operations]
- return (preprocessor.ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio, kwargs)
- raise ValueError('Unknown preprocessing step.')