- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Matcher interface and Match class.
- This module defines the Matcher interface and the Match object. The job of the
- matcher is to match row and column indices based on the similarity matrix and
- other optional parameters. Each column is matched to at most one row. There
- are three possibilities for the matching:
- 1) match: A column matches a row.
- 2) no_match: A column does not match any row.
- 3) ignore: A column that is neither 'match' nor no_match.
- The ignore case is regularly encountered in object detection: when an anchor has
- a relatively small overlap with a ground-truth box, one neither wants to
- consider this box a positive example (match) nor a negative example (no match).
- The Match class is used to store the match results and it provides simple apis
- to query the results.
- """
- from abc import ABCMeta
- from abc import abstractmethod
- import tensorflow as tf
- from object_detection.utils import ops
- class Match(object):
- """Class to store results from the matcher.
- This class is used to store the results from the matcher. It provides
- convenient methods to query the matching results.
- """
- def __init__(self, match_results, use_matmul_gather=False):
- """Constructs a Match object.
- Args:
- match_results: Integer tensor of shape [N] with (1) match_results[i]>=0,
- meaning that column i is matched with row match_results[i].
- (2) match_results[i]=-1, meaning that column i is not matched.
- (3) match_results[i]=-2, meaning that column i is ignored.
- use_matmul_gather: Use matrix multiplication based gather instead of
- standard tf.gather. (Default: False).
- Raises:
- ValueError: if match_results does not have rank 1 or is not an
- integer int32 scalar tensor
- """
- if match_results.shape.ndims != 1:
- raise ValueError('match_results should have rank 1')
- if match_results.dtype != tf.int32:
- raise ValueError('match_results should be an int32 or int64 scalar '
- 'tensor')
- self._match_results = match_results
- self._gather_op = tf.gather
- if use_matmul_gather:
- self._gather_op = ops.matmul_gather_on_zeroth_axis
- @property
- def match_results(self):
- """The accessor for match results.
- Returns:
- the tensor which encodes the match results.
- """
- return self._match_results
- def matched_column_indices(self):
- """Returns column indices that match to some row.
- The indices returned by this op are always sorted in increasing order.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return self._reshape_and_cast(tf.where(tf.greater(self._match_results, -1)))
- def matched_column_indicator(self):
- """Returns column indices that are matched.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return tf.greater_equal(self._match_results, 0)
- def num_matched_columns(self):
- """Returns number (int32 scalar tensor) of matched columns."""
- return tf.size(self.matched_column_indices())
- def unmatched_column_indices(self):
- """Returns column indices that do not match any row.
- The indices returned by this op are always sorted in increasing order.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return self._reshape_and_cast(tf.where(tf.equal(self._match_results, -1)))
- def unmatched_column_indicator(self):
- """Returns column indices that are unmatched.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return tf.equal(self._match_results, -1)
- def num_unmatched_columns(self):
- """Returns number (int32 scalar tensor) of unmatched columns."""
- return tf.size(self.unmatched_column_indices())
- def ignored_column_indices(self):
- """Returns column indices that are ignored (neither Matched nor Unmatched).
- The indices returned by this op are always sorted in increasing order.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return self._reshape_and_cast(tf.where(self.ignored_column_indicator()))
- def ignored_column_indicator(self):
- """Returns boolean column indicator where True means the colum is ignored.
- Returns:
- column_indicator: boolean vector which is True for all ignored column
- indices.
- """
- return tf.equal(self._match_results, -2)
- def num_ignored_columns(self):
- """Returns number (int32 scalar tensor) of matched columns."""
- return tf.size(self.ignored_column_indices())
- def unmatched_or_ignored_column_indices(self):
- """Returns column indices that are unmatched or ignored.
- The indices returned by this op are always sorted in increasing order.
- Returns:
- column_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with column indices.
- """
- return self._reshape_and_cast(tf.where(tf.greater(0, self._match_results)))
- def matched_row_indices(self):
- """Returns row indices that match some column.
- The indices returned by this op are ordered so as to be in correspondence
- with the output of matched_column_indicator(). For example if
- self.matched_column_indicator() is [0,2], and self.matched_row_indices() is
- [7, 3], then we know that column 0 was matched to row 7 and column 2 was
- matched to row 3.
- Returns:
- row_indices: int32 tensor of shape [K] with row indices.
- """
- return self._reshape_and_cast(
- self._gather_op(self._match_results, self.matched_column_indices()))
- def _reshape_and_cast(self, t):
- return tf.cast(tf.reshape(t, [-1]), tf.int32)
- def gather_based_on_match(self, input_tensor, unmatched_value,
- ignored_value):
- """Gathers elements from `input_tensor` based on match results.
- For columns that are matched to a row, gathered_tensor[col] is set to
- input_tensor[match_results[col]]. For columns that are unmatched,
- gathered_tensor[col] is set to unmatched_value. Finally, for columns that
- are ignored gathered_tensor[col] is set to ignored_value.
- Note that the input_tensor.shape[1:] must match with unmatched_value.shape
- and ignored_value.shape
- Args:
- input_tensor: Tensor to gather values from.
- unmatched_value: Constant tensor value for unmatched columns.
- ignored_value: Constant tensor value for ignored columns.
- Returns:
- gathered_tensor: A tensor containing values gathered from input_tensor.
- The shape of the gathered tensor is [match_results.shape[0]] +
- input_tensor.shape[1:].
- """
- input_tensor = tf.concat(
- [tf.stack([ignored_value, unmatched_value]),
- tf.to_float(input_tensor)],
- axis=0)
- gather_indices = tf.maximum(self.match_results + 2, 0)
- gathered_tensor = self._gather_op(input_tensor, gather_indices)
- return gathered_tensor
- class Matcher(object):
- """Abstract base class for matcher.
- """
- __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
- def __init__(self, use_matmul_gather=False):
- """Constructs a Matcher.
- Args:
- use_matmul_gather: Force constructed match objects to use matrix
- multiplication based gather instead of standard tf.gather.
- (Default: False).
- """
- self._use_matmul_gather = use_matmul_gather
- def match(self, similarity_matrix, valid_rows=None, scope=None):
- """Computes matches among row and column indices and returns the result.
- Computes matches among the row and column indices based on the similarity
- matrix and optional arguments.
- Args:
- similarity_matrix: Float tensor of shape [N, M] with pairwise similarity
- where higher value means more similar.
- valid_rows: A boolean tensor of shape [N] indicating the rows that are
- valid for matching.
- scope: Op scope name. Defaults to 'Match' if None.
- Returns:
- A Match object with the results of matching.
- """
- with tf.name_scope(scope, 'Match') as scope:
- if valid_rows is None:
- valid_rows = tf.ones(tf.shape(similarity_matrix)[0], dtype=tf.bool)
- return Match(self._match(similarity_matrix, valid_rows),
- self._use_matmul_gather)
- @abstractmethod
- def _match(self, similarity_matrix, valid_rows):
- """Method to be overridden by implementations.
- Args:
- similarity_matrix: Float tensor of shape [N, M] with pairwise similarity
- where higher value means more similar.
- valid_rows: A boolean tensor of shape [N] indicating the rows that are
- valid for matching.
- Returns:
- match_results: Integer tensor of shape [M]: match_results[i]>=0 means
- that column i is matched to row match_results[i], match_results[i]=-1
- means that the column is not matched. match_results[i]=-2 means that
- the column is ignored (usually this happens when there is a very weak
- match which one neither wants as positive nor negative example).
- """
- pass