- import os
- import json
- from . import utils
- from flask import Flask, request
- from flask_restful import Resource, Api, abort
- app = Flask(__name__)
- api = Api(app)
- db_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'databases', 'votings.json')
- user_db = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'databases', 'users.json')
- with open(db_path, 'r') as f:
- votings = json.load(f)
- with open(user_db, 'r') as f:
- users = json.load(f)
- class Votings(Resource):
- def get(self):
- voting = [
- {
- 'id' : v['id'],
- 'name': v['name'],
- 'desc': v['desc'],
- 'img' : v['img']
- }
- for v in votings
- ]
- return voting
- def post(self):
- """
- Example POST Data:
- name=<voting_name>&
- desc=<voting_desc>& # OPTIONAL
- img=<voting_img>& # OPTIONAL
- votes=[
- {
- "name": "<vote_name>",
- "desc": "<vote_desc>" # OPTIONAL
- },
- (...)
- ]
- """
- args = request.form
- voting_id = len(votings) + 1
- voting = {
- 'id': voting_id,
- 'name': args['name'],
- 'desc': args.get('desc'),
- 'img' : args.get('img'),
- 'voters': [],
- 'votes': [
- {
- 'id' : k + 1,
- 'name': vote['name'],
- 'desc': vote.get('desc'),
- 'votes': 0
- }
- for k, vote in enumerate(json.loads(args['votes']))
- ]
- }
- votings.append(voting)
- with open(db_path, 'w') as f:
- json.dump(votings, f, indent=4)
- return {'message': 'Success'}
- class Voting(Resource):
- def get(self, voting_id):
- try:
- voting = votings[voting_id - 1]
- for i in range(len(voting['votes'])):
- del voting['votes'][str(i + 1)]['votes']
- del voting['voters']
- return voting
- except:
- abort(404, error="Voting {} doesn't exist".format(voting_id))
- class Vote(Resource):
- def get(self):
- """
- Example URL Query:
- /vote?voting_id=<voting_id>&vote_id=<vote_id>&voter_id=<user_id>
- """
- voter_id = request.args['voter_id']
- voting_id = int(request.args['voting_id']) - 1
- if utils.find_by_id(users, voter_id):
- if voter_id not in votings[voting_id]['voters']:
- vote_id = int(request.args['vote_id'])
- votings[voting_id]['votes'][str(vote_id)]['votes'] += 1
- votings[voting_id]['voters'].append(voter_id)
- with open(db_path, 'w') as f:
- json.dump(votings, f, indent=4)
- return {'message': 'Success'}
- return {'error': 'Already voted'}
- return {'error': 'User doesn\'t exists'}
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- api.add_resource(Votings, '/votings', '/votings/')
- api.add_resource(Voting, '/votings/<int:voting_id>', '/votings/<int:voting_id>/')
- api.add_resource(Vote, '/vote', '/vote/')
- app.run(host='', port=5000)