- # Running on Google Cloud ML Engine
- The Tensorflow Object Detection API supports distributed training on Google
- Cloud ML Engine. This section documents instructions on how to train and
- evaluate your model using Cloud ML. The reader should complete the following
- prerequistes:
- 1. The reader has created and configured a project on Google Cloud Platform.
- See [the Cloud ML quick start guide](https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/quickstarts/command-line).
- 2. The reader has installed the Tensorflow Object Detection API as documented
- in the [installation instructions](installation.md).
- 3. The reader has a valid data set and stored it in a Google Cloud Storage
- bucket. See [this page](preparing_inputs.md) for instructions on how to generate
- a dataset for the PASCAL VOC challenge or the Oxford-IIIT Pet dataset.
- 4. The reader has configured a valid Object Detection pipeline, and stored it
- in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. See [this page](configuring_jobs.md) for
- details on how to write a pipeline configuration.
- Additionally, it is recommended users test their job by running training and
- evaluation jobs for a few iterations
- [locally on their own machines](running_locally.md).
- ## Packaging
- In order to run the Tensorflow Object Detection API on Cloud ML, it must be
- packaged (along with it's TF-Slim dependency and the
- [pycocotools](https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/tree/master/PythonAPI/pycocotools)
- library). The required packages can be created with the following command
- ``` bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/
- bash object_detection/dataset_tools/create_pycocotools_package.sh /tmp/pycocotools
- python setup.py sdist
- (cd slim && python setup.py sdist)
- ```
- This will create python packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,
- slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz, and /tmp/pycocotools/pycocotools-2.0.tar.gz.
- ## Running a Multiworker (GPU) Training Job on CMLE
- Google Cloud ML requires a YAML configuration file for a multiworker training
- job using GPUs. A sample YAML file is given below:
- ```
- trainingInput:
- runtimeVersion: "1.12"
- scaleTier: CUSTOM
- masterType: standard_gpu
- workerCount: 9
- workerType: standard_gpu
- parameterServerCount: 3
- parameterServerType: standard
- ```
- Please keep the following guidelines in mind when writing the YAML
- configuration:
- * A job with n workers will have n + 1 training machines (n workers + 1 master).
- * The number of parameters servers used should be an odd number to prevent
- a parameter server from storing only weight variables or only bias variables
- (due to round robin parameter scheduling).
- * The learning rate in the training config should be decreased when using a
- larger number of workers. Some experimentation is required to find the
- optimal learning rate.
- The YAML file should be saved on the local machine (not on GCP). Once it has
- been written, a user can start a training job on Cloud ML Engine using the
- following command:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/
- gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training object_detection_`date +%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S` \
- --runtime-version 1.12 \
- --job-dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz,/tmp/pycocotools/pycocotools-2.0.tar.gz \
- --module-name object_detection.model_main \
- --region us-central1 \
- --config ${PATH_TO_LOCAL_YAML_FILE} \
- -- \
- --model_dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --pipeline_config_path=gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH}
- ```
- Where `${PATH_TO_LOCAL_YAML_FILE}` is the local path to the YAML configuration,
- `gs://${MODEL_DIR}` specifies the directory on Google Cloud Storage where the
- training checkpoints and events will be written to and
- `gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH}` points to the pipeline configuration stored on
- Google Cloud Storage.
- Users can monitor the progress of their training job on the [ML Engine
- Dashboard](https://console.cloud.google.com/mlengine/jobs).
- Note: This sample is supported for use with 1.12 runtime version.
- ## Running a TPU Training Job on CMLE
- Launching a training job with a TPU compatible pipeline config requires using a
- similar command:
- ```bash
- gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training `whoami`_object_detection_`date +%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S` \
- --job-dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz,/tmp/pycocotools/pycocotools-2.0.tar.gz \
- --module-name object_detection.model_tpu_main \
- --runtime-version 1.12 \
- --scale-tier BASIC_TPU \
- --region us-central1 \
- -- \
- --tpu_zone us-central1 \
- --model_dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --pipeline_config_path=gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH}
- ```
- In contrast with the GPU training command, there is no need to specify a YAML
- file and we point to the *object_detection.model_tpu_main* binary instead of
- *object_detection.model_main*. We must also now set `scale-tier` to be
- `BASIC_TPU` and provide a `tpu_zone`. Finally as before `pipeline_config_path`
- points to a points to the pipeline configuration stored on Google Cloud Storage
- (but is now must be a TPU compatible model).
- ## Running an Evaluation Job on CMLE
- Note: You only need to do this when using TPU for training as it does not
- interleave evaluation during training as in the case of Multiworker GPU
- training.
- Evaluation jobs run on a single machine, so it is not necessary to write a YAML
- configuration for evaluation. Run the following command to start the evaluation
- job:
- ```bash
- gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training object_detection_eval_`date +%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S` \
- --runtime-version 1.12 \
- --job-dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --packages dist/object_detection-0.1.tar.gz,slim/dist/slim-0.1.tar.gz,/tmp/pycocotools/pycocotools-2.0.tar.gz \
- --module-name object_detection.model_main \
- --region us-central1 \
- --scale-tier BASIC_GPU \
- -- \
- --model_dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR} \
- --pipeline_config_path=gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
- --checkpoint_dir=gs://${MODEL_DIR}
- ```
- Where `gs://${MODEL_DIR}` points to the directory on Google Cloud Storage where
- training checkpoints are saved (same as the training job), as well as
- to where evaluation events will be saved on Google Cloud Storage and
- `gs://${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH}` points to where the pipeline configuration is
- stored on Google Cloud Storage.
- Typically one starts an evaluation job concurrently with the training job.
- Note that we do not support running evaluation on TPU, so the above command
- line for launching evaluation jobs is the same whether you are training
- on GPU or TPU.
- ## Running Tensorboard
- You can run Tensorboard locally on your own machine to view progress of your
- training and eval jobs on Google Cloud ML. Run the following command to start
- Tensorboard:
- ``` bash
- tensorboard --logdir=gs://${YOUR_CLOUD_BUCKET}
- ```
- Note it may Tensorboard a few minutes to populate with results.