- # Supported object detection evaluation protocols
- The Tensorflow Object Detection API currently supports three evaluation protocols,
- that can be configured in `EvalConfig` by setting `metrics_set` to the
- corresponding value.
- ## PASCAL VOC 2010 detection metric
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='pascal_voc_detection_metrics'`
- The commonly used mAP metric for evaluating the quality of object detectors,
- computed according to the protocol of the PASCAL VOC Challenge 2010-2012. The
- protocol is available
- [here](http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2010/devkit_doc_08-May-2010.pdf).
- ## Weighted PASCAL VOC detection metric
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='weighted_pascal_voc_detection_metrics'`
- The weighted PASCAL metric computes the mean average precision as the average
- precision when treating all classes as a single class. In comparison,
- PASCAL metrics computes the mean average precision as the mean of the
- per-class average precisions.
- For example, the test set consists of two classes, "cat" and "dog", and there
- are ten times more boxes of "cat" than those of "dog". According to PASCAL VOC
- 2010 metric, performance on each of the two classes would contribute equally
- towards the final mAP value, while for the Weighted PASCAL VOC metric the final
- mAP value will be influenced by frequency of each class.
- ## PASCAL VOC 2010 instance segmentation metric
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='pascal_voc_instance_segmentation_metrics'`
- Similar to Pascal VOC 2010 detection metric, but computes the intersection over
- union based on the object masks instead of object boxes.
- ## Weighted PASCAL VOC instance segmentation metric
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='weighted_pascal_voc_instance_segmentation_metrics'`
- Similar to the weighted pascal voc 2010 detection metric, but computes the
- intersection over union based on the object masks instead of object boxes.
- ## COCO detection metrics
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='coco_detection_metrics'`
- The COCO metrics are the official detection metrics used to score the
- [COCO competition](http://cocodataset.org/) and are similar to Pascal VOC
- metrics but have a slightly different implementation and report additional
- statistics such as mAP at IOU thresholds of .5:.95, and precision/recall
- statistics for small, medium, and large objects.
- See the
- [pycocotools](https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi/tree/master/PythonAPI)
- repository for more details.
- ## COCO mask metrics
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='coco_mask_metrics'`
- Similar to the COCO detection metrics, but computes the
- intersection over union based on the object masks instead of object boxes.
- ## Open Images V2 detection metric
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='oid_V2_detection_metrics'`
- This metric is defined originally for evaluating detector performance on [Open
- Images V2 dataset](https://github.com/openimages/dataset) and is fairly similar
- to the PASCAL VOC 2010 metric mentioned above. It computes interpolated average
- precision (AP) for each class and averages it among all classes (mAP).
- The difference to the PASCAL VOC 2010 metric is the following: Open Images
- annotations contain `group-of` ground-truth boxes (see [Open Images data
- description](https://github.com/openimages/dataset#annotations-human-bboxcsv)),
- that are treated differently for the purpose of deciding whether detections are
- "true positives", "ignored", "false positives". Here we define these three
- cases:
- A detection is a "true positive" if there is a non-group-of ground-truth box,
- such that:
- * The detection box and the ground-truth box are of the same class, and
- intersection-over-union (IoU) between the detection box and the ground-truth
- box is greater than the IoU threshold (default value 0.5). \
- Illustration of handling non-group-of boxes: \
- ![alt
- groupof_case_eval](img/nongroupof_case_eval.png "illustration of handling non-group-of boxes: yellow box - ground truth bounding box; green box - true positive; red box - false positives.")
- * yellow box - ground-truth box;
- * green box - true positive;
- * red boxes - false positives.
- * This is the highest scoring detection for this ground truth box that
- satisfies the criteria above.
- A detection is "ignored" if it is not a true positive, and there is a `group-of`
- ground-truth box such that:
- * The detection box and the ground-truth box are of the same class, and the
- area of intersection between the detection box and the ground-truth box
- divided by the area of the detection is greater than 0.5. This is intended
- to measure whether the detection box is approximately inside the group-of
- ground-truth box. \
- Illustration of handling `group-of` boxes: \
- ![alt
- groupof_case_eval](img/groupof_case_eval.png "illustration of handling group-of boxes: yellow box - ground truth bounding box; grey boxes - two detections of cars, that are ignored; red box - false positive.")
- * yellow box - ground-truth box;
- * grey boxes - two detections on cars, that are ignored;
- * red box - false positive.
- A detection is a "false positive" if it is neither a "true positive" nor
- "ignored".
- Precision and recall are defined as:
- * Precision = number-of-true-positives/(number-of-true-positives + number-of-false-positives)
- * Recall = number-of-true-positives/number-of-non-group-of-boxes
- Note that detections ignored as firing on a `group-of` ground-truth box do not
- contribute to the number of true positives.
- The labels in Open Images are organized in a
- [hierarchy](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/2017_07/bbox_labels_vis/bbox_labels_vis.html).
- Ground-truth bounding-boxes are annotated with the most specific class available
- in the hierarchy. For example, "car" has two children "limousine" and "van". Any
- other kind of car is annotated as "car" (for example, a sedan). Given this
- convention, the evaluation software treats all classes independently, ignoring
- the hierarchy. To achieve high performance values, object detectors should
- output bounding-boxes labelled in the same manner.
- The old metric name is DEPRECATED.
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='open_images_V2_detection_metrics'`
- ## OID Challenge Object Detection Metric 2018
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='oid_challenge_detection_metrics'`
- The metric for the OID Challenge Object Detection Metric 2018, Object Detection
- track. The description is provided on the [Open Images Challenge
- website](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/challenge.html).
- The old metric name is DEPRECATED.
- `EvalConfig.metrics_set='oid_challenge_object_detection_metrics'`
- ## OID Challenge Visual Relationship Detection Metric 2018
- The metric for the OID Challenge Visual Relationship Detection Metric 2018, Visual
- Relationship Detection track. The description is provided on the [Open Images
- Challenge
- website](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/challenge.html). Note:
- this is currently a stand-alone metric, that can be used only through the
- `metrics/oid_vrd_challenge_evaluation.py` util.