- # Configuring the Object Detection Training Pipeline
- ## Overview
- The Tensorflow Object Detection API uses protobuf files to configure the
- training and evaluation process. The schema for the training pipeline can be
- found in object_detection/protos/pipeline.proto. At a high level, the config
- file is split into 5 parts:
- 1. The `model` configuration. This defines what type of model will be trained
- (ie. meta-architecture, feature extractor).
- 2. The `train_config`, which decides what parameters should be used to train
- model parameters (ie. SGD parameters, input preprocessing and feature extractor
- initialization values).
- 3. The `eval_config`, which determines what set of metrics will be reported for
- evaluation.
- 4. The `train_input_config`, which defines what dataset the model should be
- trained on.
- 5. The `eval_input_config`, which defines what dataset the model will be
- evaluated on. Typically this should be different than the training input
- dataset.
- A skeleton configuration file is shown below:
- ```
- model {
- (... Add model config here...)
- }
- train_config : {
- (... Add train_config here...)
- }
- train_input_reader: {
- (... Add train_input configuration here...)
- }
- eval_config: {
- }
- eval_input_reader: {
- (... Add eval_input configuration here...)
- }
- ```
- ## Picking Model Parameters
- There are a large number of model parameters to configure. The best settings
- will depend on your given application. Faster R-CNN models are better suited to
- cases where high accuracy is desired and latency is of lower priority.
- Conversely, if processing time is the most important factor, SSD models are
- recommended. Read [our paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.10012) for a more
- detailed discussion on the speed vs accuracy tradeoff.
- To help new users get started, sample model configurations have been provided
- in the object_detection/samples/configs folder. The contents of these
- configuration files can be pasted into `model` field of the skeleton
- configuration. Users should note that the `num_classes` field should be changed
- to a value suited for the dataset the user is training on.
- ## Defining Inputs
- The Tensorflow Object Detection API accepts inputs in the TFRecord file format.
- Users must specify the locations of both the training and evaluation files.
- Additionally, users should also specify a label map, which define the mapping
- between a class id and class name. The label map should be identical between
- training and evaluation datasets.
- An example input configuration looks as follows:
- ```
- tf_record_input_reader {
- input_path: "/usr/home/username/data/train.record"
- }
- label_map_path: "/usr/home/username/data/label_map.pbtxt"
- ```
- Users should substitute the `input_path` and `label_map_path` arguments and
- insert the input configuration into the `train_input_reader` and
- `eval_input_reader` fields in the skeleton configuration. Note that the paths
- can also point to Google Cloud Storage buckets (ie.
- "gs://project_bucket/train.record") for use on Google Cloud.
- ## Configuring the Trainer
- The `train_config` defines parts of the training process:
- 1. Model parameter initialization.
- 2. Input preprocessing.
- 3. SGD parameters.
- A sample `train_config` is below:
- ```
- batch_size: 1
- optimizer {
- momentum_optimizer: {
- learning_rate: {
- manual_step_learning_rate {
- initial_learning_rate: 0.0002
- schedule {
- step: 0
- learning_rate: .0002
- }
- schedule {
- step: 900000
- learning_rate: .00002
- }
- schedule {
- step: 1200000
- learning_rate: .000002
- }
- }
- }
- momentum_optimizer_value: 0.9
- }
- use_moving_average: false
- }
- fine_tune_checkpoint: "/usr/home/username/tmp/model.ckpt-#####"
- from_detection_checkpoint: true
- load_all_detection_checkpoint_vars: true
- gradient_clipping_by_norm: 10.0
- data_augmentation_options {
- random_horizontal_flip {
- }
- }
- ```
- ### Model Parameter Initialization
- While optional, it is highly recommended that users utilize other object
- detection checkpoints. Training an object detector from scratch can take days.
- To speed up the training process, it is recommended that users re-use the
- feature extractor parameters from a pre-existing image classification or
- object detection checkpoint. `train_config` provides two fields to specify
- pre-existing checkpoints: `fine_tune_checkpoint` and
- `from_detection_checkpoint`. `fine_tune_checkpoint` should provide a path to
- the pre-existing checkpoint
- (ie:"/usr/home/username/checkpoint/model.ckpt-#####").
- `from_detection_checkpoint` is a boolean value. If false, it assumes the
- checkpoint was from an object classification checkpoint. Note that starting
- from a detection checkpoint will usually result in a faster training job than
- a classification checkpoint.
- The list of provided checkpoints can be found [here](detection_model_zoo.md).
- ### Input Preprocessing
- The `data_augmentation_options` in `train_config` can be used to specify
- how training data can be modified. This field is optional.
- ### SGD Parameters
- The remainings parameters in `train_config` are hyperparameters for gradient
- descent. Please note that the optimal learning rates provided in these
- configuration files may depend on the specifics of the training setup (e.g.
- number of workers, gpu type).
- ## Configuring the Evaluator
- The main components to set in `eval_config` are `num_examples` and
- `metrics_set`. The parameter `num_examples` indicates the number of batches (
- currently of batch size 1) used for an evaluation cycle, and often is the total
- size of the evaluation dataset. The parameter `metrics_set` indicates which
- metrics to run during evaluation (i.e. `"coco_detection_metrics"`).