- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Base head class.
- All the different kinds of prediction heads in different models will inherit
- from this class. What is in common between all head classes is that they have a
- `predict` function that receives `features` as its first argument.
- How to add a new prediction head to an existing meta architecture?
- For example, how can we add a `3d shape` prediction head to Mask RCNN?
- We have to take the following steps to add a new prediction head to an
- existing meta arch:
- (a) Add a class for predicting the head. This class should inherit from the
- `Head` class below and have a `predict` function that receives the features
- and predicts the output. The output is always a tf.float32 tensor.
- (b) Add the head to the meta architecture. For example in case of Mask RCNN,
- go to box_predictor_builder and put in the logic for adding the new head to the
- Mask RCNN box predictor.
- (c) Add the logic for computing the loss for the new head.
- (d) Add the necessary metrics for the new head.
- (e) (optional) Add visualization for the new head.
- """
- from abc import abstractmethod
- import tensorflow as tf
- class Head(object):
- """Mask RCNN head base class."""
- def __init__(self):
- """Constructor."""
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def predict(self, features, num_predictions_per_location):
- """Returns the head's predictions.
- Args:
- features: A float tensor of features.
- num_predictions_per_location: Int containing number of predictions per
- location.
- Returns:
- A tf.float32 tensor.
- """
- pass
- class KerasHead(tf.keras.Model):
- """Keras head base class."""
- def call(self, features):
- """The Keras model call will delegate to the `_predict` method."""
- return self._predict(features)
- @abstractmethod
- def _predict(self, features):
- """Returns the head's predictions.
- Args:
- features: A float tensor of features.
- Returns:
- A tf.float32 tensor.
- """
- pass