- syntax = "proto2";
- package object_detection.protos;
- // Message for defining a preprocessing operation on input data.
- // See: //third_party/tensorflow_models/object_detection/core/preprocessor.py
- message PreprocessingStep {
- oneof preprocessing_step {
- NormalizeImage normalize_image = 1;
- RandomHorizontalFlip random_horizontal_flip = 2;
- RandomPixelValueScale random_pixel_value_scale = 3;
- RandomImageScale random_image_scale = 4;
- RandomRGBtoGray random_rgb_to_gray = 5;
- RandomAdjustBrightness random_adjust_brightness = 6;
- RandomAdjustContrast random_adjust_contrast = 7;
- RandomAdjustHue random_adjust_hue = 8;
- RandomAdjustSaturation random_adjust_saturation = 9;
- RandomDistortColor random_distort_color = 10;
- RandomJitterBoxes random_jitter_boxes = 11;
- RandomCropImage random_crop_image = 12;
- RandomPadImage random_pad_image = 13;
- RandomCropPadImage random_crop_pad_image = 14;
- RandomCropToAspectRatio random_crop_to_aspect_ratio = 15;
- RandomBlackPatches random_black_patches = 16;
- RandomResizeMethod random_resize_method = 17;
- ScaleBoxesToPixelCoordinates scale_boxes_to_pixel_coordinates = 18;
- ResizeImage resize_image = 19;
- SubtractChannelMean subtract_channel_mean = 20;
- SSDRandomCrop ssd_random_crop = 21;
- SSDRandomCropPad ssd_random_crop_pad = 22;
- SSDRandomCropFixedAspectRatio ssd_random_crop_fixed_aspect_ratio = 23;
- SSDRandomCropPadFixedAspectRatio ssd_random_crop_pad_fixed_aspect_ratio = 24;
- RandomVerticalFlip random_vertical_flip = 25;
- RandomRotation90 random_rotation90 = 26;
- RGBtoGray rgb_to_gray = 27;
- ConvertClassLogitsToSoftmax convert_class_logits_to_softmax = 28;
- RandomAbsolutePadImage random_absolute_pad_image = 29;
- RandomSelfConcatImage random_self_concat_image = 30;
- }
- }
- // Normalizes pixel values in an image.
- // For every channel in the image, moves the pixel values from the range
- // [original_minval, original_maxval] to [target_minval, target_maxval].
- message NormalizeImage {
- optional float original_minval = 1;
- optional float original_maxval = 2;
- optional float target_minval = 3 [default=0];
- optional float target_maxval = 4 [default=1];
- }
- // Randomly horizontally flips the image and detections 50% of the time.
- message RandomHorizontalFlip {
- // Specifies a mapping from the original keypoint indices to horizontally
- // flipped indices. This is used in the event that keypoints are specified,
- // in which case when the image is horizontally flipped the keypoints will
- // need to be permuted. E.g. for keypoints representing left_eye, right_eye,
- // nose_tip, mouth, left_ear, right_ear (in that order), one might specify
- // the keypoint_flip_permutation below:
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 1
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 0
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 2
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 3
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 5
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 4
- repeated int32 keypoint_flip_permutation = 1;
- }
- // Randomly vertically flips the image and detections 50% of the time.
- message RandomVerticalFlip {
- // Specifies a mapping from the original keypoint indices to vertically
- // flipped indices. This is used in the event that keypoints are specified,
- // in which case when the image is vertically flipped the keypoints will
- // need to be permuted. E.g. for keypoints representing left_eye, right_eye,
- // nose_tip, mouth, left_ear, right_ear (in that order), one might specify
- // the keypoint_flip_permutation below:
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 1
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 0
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 2
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 3
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 5
- // keypoint_flip_permutation: 4
- repeated int32 keypoint_flip_permutation = 1;
- }
- // Randomly rotates the image and detections by 90 degrees counter-clockwise
- // 50% of the time.
- message RandomRotation90 {}
- // Randomly scales the values of all pixels in the image by some constant value
- // between [minval, maxval], then clip the value to a range between [0, 1.0].
- message RandomPixelValueScale {
- optional float minval = 1 [default=0.9];
- optional float maxval = 2 [default=1.1];
- }
- // Randomly enlarges or shrinks image (keeping aspect ratio).
- message RandomImageScale {
- optional float min_scale_ratio = 1 [default=0.5];
- optional float max_scale_ratio = 2 [default=2.0];
- }
- // Randomly convert entire image to grey scale.
- message RandomRGBtoGray {
- optional float probability = 1 [default=0.1];
- }
- // Randomly changes image brightness by up to max_delta. Image outputs will be
- // saturated between 0 and 1.
- message RandomAdjustBrightness {
- optional float max_delta=1 [default=0.2];
- }
- // Randomly scales contract by a value between [min_delta, max_delta].
- message RandomAdjustContrast {
- optional float min_delta = 1 [default=0.8];
- optional float max_delta = 2 [default=1.25];
- }
- // Randomly alters hue by a value of up to max_delta.
- message RandomAdjustHue {
- optional float max_delta = 1 [default=0.02];
- }
- // Randomly changes saturation by a value between [min_delta, max_delta].
- message RandomAdjustSaturation {
- optional float min_delta = 1 [default=0.8];
- optional float max_delta = 2 [default=1.25];
- }
- // Performs a random color distortion. color_orderings should either be 0 or 1.
- message RandomDistortColor {
- optional int32 color_ordering = 1;
- }
- // Randomly jitters corners of boxes in the image determined by ratio.
- // ie. If a box is [100, 200] and ratio is 0.02, the corners can move by [1, 4].
- message RandomJitterBoxes {
- optional float ratio = 1 [default=0.05];
- }
- // Randomly crops the image and bounding boxes.
- message RandomCropImage {
- // Cropped image must cover at least one box by this fraction.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1 [default=1.0];
- // Aspect ratio bounds of cropped image.
- optional float min_aspect_ratio = 2 [default=0.75];
- optional float max_aspect_ratio = 3 [default=1.33];
- // Allowed area ratio of cropped image to original image.
- optional float min_area = 4 [default=0.1];
- optional float max_area = 5 [default=1.0];
- // Minimum overlap threshold of cropped boxes to keep in new image. If the
- // ratio between a cropped bounding box and the original is less than this
- // value, it is removed from the new image.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6 [default=0.3];
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 8 [default=true];
- // Probability of keeping the original image.
- optional float random_coef = 7 [default=0.0];
- }
- // Randomly adds padding to the image.
- message RandomPadImage {
- // Minimum dimensions for padded image. If unset, will use original image
- // dimension as a lower bound.
- optional int32 min_image_height = 1;
- optional int32 min_image_width = 2;
- // Maximum dimensions for padded image. If unset, will use double the original
- // image dimension as a lower bound.
- optional int32 max_image_height = 3;
- optional int32 max_image_width = 4;
- // Color of the padding. If unset, will pad using average color of the input
- // image.
- repeated float pad_color = 5;
- }
- // Randomly adds a padding of size [0, max_height_padding), [0, max_width_padding).
- message RandomAbsolutePadImage {
- // Height will be padded uniformly at random from [0, max_height_padding).
- optional int32 max_height_padding = 1;
- // Width will be padded uniformly at random from [0, max_width_padding).
- optional int32 max_width_padding = 2;
- // Color of the padding. If unset, will pad using average color of the input
- // image.
- repeated float pad_color = 3;
- }
- // Randomly crops an image followed by a random pad.
- message RandomCropPadImage {
- // Cropping operation must cover at least one box by this fraction.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1 [default=1.0];
- // Aspect ratio bounds of image after cropping operation.
- optional float min_aspect_ratio = 2 [default=0.75];
- optional float max_aspect_ratio = 3 [default=1.33];
- // Allowed area ratio of image after cropping operation.
- optional float min_area = 4 [default=0.1];
- optional float max_area = 5 [default=1.0];
- // Minimum overlap threshold of cropped boxes to keep in new image. If the
- // ratio between a cropped bounding box and the original is less than this
- // value, it is removed from the new image.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6 [default=0.3];
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 11 [default=true];
- // Probability of keeping the original image during the crop operation.
- optional float random_coef = 7 [default=0.0];
- // Maximum dimensions for padded image. If unset, will use double the original
- // image dimension as a lower bound. Both of the following fields should be
- // length 2.
- repeated float min_padded_size_ratio = 8;
- repeated float max_padded_size_ratio = 9;
- // Color of the padding. If unset, will pad using average color of the input
- // image. This field should be of length 3.
- repeated float pad_color = 10;
- }
- // Randomly crops an iamge to a given aspect ratio.
- message RandomCropToAspectRatio {
- // Aspect ratio.
- optional float aspect_ratio = 1 [default=1.0];
- // Minimum overlap threshold of cropped boxes to keep in new image. If the
- // ratio between a cropped bounding box and the original is less than this
- // value, it is removed from the new image.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 2 [default=0.3];
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 3 [default=true];
- }
- // Randomly adds black square patches to an image.
- message RandomBlackPatches {
- // The maximum number of black patches to add.
- optional int32 max_black_patches = 1 [default=10];
- // The probability of a black patch being added to an image.
- optional float probability = 2 [default=0.5];
- // Ratio between the dimension of the black patch to the minimum dimension of
- // the image (patch_width = patch_height = min(image_height, image_width)).
- optional float size_to_image_ratio = 3 [default=0.1];
- }
- // Randomly resizes the image up to [target_height, target_width].
- message RandomResizeMethod {
- optional int32 target_height = 1;
- optional int32 target_width = 2;
- }
- // Converts the RGB image to a grayscale image. This also converts the image
- // depth from 3 to 1, unlike RandomRGBtoGray which does not change the image
- // depth.
- message RGBtoGray {}
- // Scales boxes from normalized coordinates to pixel coordinates.
- message ScaleBoxesToPixelCoordinates {
- }
- // Resizes images to [new_height, new_width].
- message ResizeImage {
- optional int32 new_height = 1;
- optional int32 new_width = 2;
- enum Method {
- AREA=1;
- }
- optional Method method = 3 [default=BILINEAR];
- }
- // Normalizes an image by subtracting a mean from each channel.
- message SubtractChannelMean {
- // The mean to subtract from each channel. Should be of same dimension of
- // channels in the input image.
- repeated float means = 1;
- }
- message SSDRandomCropOperation {
- // Cropped image must cover at least this fraction of one original bounding
- // box.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1;
- // The aspect ratio of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio].
- optional float min_aspect_ratio = 2;
- optional float max_aspect_ratio = 3;
- // The area of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_area, max_area].
- optional float min_area = 4;
- optional float max_area = 5;
- // Cropped box area ratio must be above this threhold to be kept.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6;
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 8 [default=true];
- // Probability a crop operation is skipped.
- optional float random_coef = 7;
- }
- // Randomly crops a image according to:
- // Liu et al., SSD: Single shot multibox detector.
- // This preprocessing step defines multiple SSDRandomCropOperations. Only one
- // operation (chosen at random) is actually performed on an image.
- message SSDRandomCrop {
- repeated SSDRandomCropOperation operations = 1;
- }
- message SSDRandomCropPadOperation {
- // Cropped image must cover at least this fraction of one original bounding
- // box.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1;
- // The aspect ratio of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio].
- optional float min_aspect_ratio = 2;
- optional float max_aspect_ratio = 3;
- // The area of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_area, max_area].
- optional float min_area = 4;
- optional float max_area = 5;
- // Cropped box area ratio must be above this threhold to be kept.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6;
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 13 [default=true];
- // Probability a crop operation is skipped.
- optional float random_coef = 7;
- // Min ratio of padded image height and width to the input image's height and
- // width. Two entries per operation.
- repeated float min_padded_size_ratio = 8;
- // Max ratio of padded image height and width to the input image's height and
- // width. Two entries per operation.
- repeated float max_padded_size_ratio = 9;
- // Padding color.
- optional float pad_color_r = 10;
- optional float pad_color_g = 11;
- optional float pad_color_b = 12;
- }
- // Randomly crops and pads an image according to:
- // Liu et al., SSD: Single shot multibox detector.
- // This preprocessing step defines multiple SSDRandomCropPadOperations. Only one
- // operation (chosen at random) is actually performed on an image.
- message SSDRandomCropPad {
- repeated SSDRandomCropPadOperation operations = 1;
- }
- message SSDRandomCropFixedAspectRatioOperation {
- // Cropped image must cover at least this fraction of one original bounding
- // box.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1;
- // The area of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_area, max_area].
- optional float min_area = 4;
- optional float max_area = 5;
- // Cropped box area ratio must be above this threhold to be kept.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6;
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 8 [default=true];
- // Probability a crop operation is skipped.
- optional float random_coef = 7;
- }
- // Randomly crops a image to a fixed aspect ratio according to:
- // Liu et al., SSD: Single shot multibox detector.
- // Multiple SSDRandomCropFixedAspectRatioOperations are defined by this
- // preprocessing step. Only one operation (chosen at random) is actually
- // performed on an image.
- message SSDRandomCropFixedAspectRatio {
- repeated SSDRandomCropFixedAspectRatioOperation operations = 1;
- // Aspect ratio to crop to. This value is used for all crop operations.
- optional float aspect_ratio = 2 [default=1.0];
- }
- message SSDRandomCropPadFixedAspectRatioOperation {
- // Cropped image must cover at least this fraction of one original bounding
- // box.
- optional float min_object_covered = 1;
- // The aspect ratio of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio].
- optional float min_aspect_ratio = 2;
- optional float max_aspect_ratio = 3;
- // The area of the cropped image must be within the range of
- // [min_area, max_area].
- optional float min_area = 4;
- optional float max_area = 5;
- // Cropped box area ratio must be above this threhold to be kept.
- optional float overlap_thresh = 6;
- // Whether to clip the boxes to the cropped image.
- optional bool clip_boxes = 8 [default=true];
- // Probability a crop operation is skipped.
- optional float random_coef = 7;
- }
- // Randomly crops and pads an image to a fixed aspect ratio according to:
- // Liu et al., SSD: Single shot multibox detector.
- // Multiple SSDRandomCropPadFixedAspectRatioOperations are defined by this
- // preprocessing step. Only one operation (chosen at random) is actually
- // performed on an image.
- message SSDRandomCropPadFixedAspectRatio {
- repeated SSDRandomCropPadFixedAspectRatioOperation operations = 1;
- // Aspect ratio to pad to. This value is used for all crop and pad operations.
- optional float aspect_ratio = 2 [default=1.0];
- // Min ratio of padded image height and width to the input image's height and
- // width. Two entries per operation.
- repeated float min_padded_size_ratio = 3;
- // Max ratio of padded image height and width to the input image's height and
- // width. Two entries per operation.
- repeated float max_padded_size_ratio = 4;
- }
- // Converts class logits to softmax optionally scaling the values by temperature
- // first.
- message ConvertClassLogitsToSoftmax {
- // Scale to use on logits before applying softmax.
- optional float temperature = 1 [default=1.0];
- }
- // Randomly concatenates the image with itself horizontally and/or vertically.
- message RandomSelfConcatImage {
- // Probability of concatenating the image vertically.
- optional float concat_vertical_probability = 1 [default = 0.1];
- // Probability of concatenating the image horizontally.
- optional float concat_horizontal_probability = 2 [default = 0.1];
- }