- # Inference and evaluation on the Open Images dataset
- This page presents a tutorial for running object detector inference and
- evaluation measure computations on the [Open Images
- dataset](https://github.com/openimages/dataset), using tools from the
- [TensorFlow Object Detection
- API](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/object_detection).
- It shows how to download the images and annotations for the validation and test
- sets of Open Images; how to package the downloaded data in a format understood
- by the Object Detection API; where to find a trained object detector model for
- Open Images; how to run inference; and how to compute evaluation measures on the
- inferred detections.
- Inferred detections will look like the following:
- ![](img/oid_bus_72e19c28aac34ed8.jpg)
- ![](img/oid_monkey_3b4168c89cecbc5b.jpg)
- On the validation set of Open Images, this tutorial requires 27GB of free disk
- space and the inference step takes approximately 9 hours on a single NVIDIA
- Tesla P100 GPU. On the test set -- 75GB and 27 hours respectively. All other
- steps require less than two hours in total on both sets.
- ## Installing TensorFlow, the Object Detection API, and Google Cloud SDK
- Please run through the [installation instructions](installation.md) to install
- TensorFlow and all its dependencies. Ensure the Protobuf libraries are compiled
- and the library directories are added to `PYTHONPATH`. You will also need to
- `pip` install `pandas` and `contextlib2`.
- Some of the data used in this tutorial lives in Google Cloud buckets. To access
- it, you will have to [install the Google Cloud
- SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/downloads) on your workstation or laptop.
- ## Preparing the Open Images validation and test sets
- In order to run inference and subsequent evaluation measure computations, we
- require a dataset of images and ground truth boxes, packaged as TFRecords of
- TFExamples. To create such a dataset for Open Images, you will need to first
- download ground truth boxes from the [Open Images
- website](https://github.com/openimages/dataset):
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research
- mkdir oid
- cd oid
- wget https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/2017_07/annotations_human_bbox_2017_07.tar.gz
- tar -xvf annotations_human_bbox_2017_07.tar.gz
- ```
- Next, download the images. In this tutorial, we will use lower resolution images
- provided by [CVDF](http://www.cvdfoundation.org). Please follow the instructions
- on [CVDF's Open Images repository
- page](https://github.com/cvdfoundation/open-images-dataset) in order to gain
- access to the cloud bucket with the images. Then run:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # Set SPLIT to "test" to download the images in the test set
- mkdir raw_images_${SPLIT}
- gsutil -m rsync -r gs://open-images-dataset/$SPLIT raw_images_${SPLIT}
- ```
- Another option for downloading the images is to follow the URLs contained in the
- [image URLs and metadata CSV
- files](https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/2017_07/images_2017_07.tar.gz)
- on the Open Images website.
- At this point, your `tensorflow/models/research/oid` directory should appear as
- follows:
- ```lang-none
- |-- 2017_07
- | |-- test
- | | `-- annotations-human-bbox.csv
- | |-- train
- | | `-- annotations-human-bbox.csv
- | `-- validation
- | `-- annotations-human-bbox.csv
- |-- raw_images_validation (if you downloaded the validation split)
- | `-- ... (41,620 files matching regex "[0-9a-f]{16}.jpg")
- |-- raw_images_test (if you downloaded the test split)
- | `-- ... (125,436 files matching regex "[0-9a-f]{16}.jpg")
- `-- annotations_human_bbox_2017_07.tar.gz
- ```
- Next, package the data into TFRecords of TFExamples by running:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # Set SPLIT to "test" to create TFRecords for the test split
- mkdir ${SPLIT}_tfrecords
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(readlink -f ..) \
- python -m object_detection/dataset_tools/create_oid_tf_record \
- --input_box_annotations_csv 2017_07/$SPLIT/annotations-human-bbox.csv \
- --input_images_directory raw_images_${SPLIT} \
- --input_label_map ../object_detection/data/oid_bbox_trainable_label_map.pbtxt \
- --output_tf_record_path_prefix ${SPLIT}_tfrecords/$SPLIT.tfrecord \
- --num_shards=100
- ```
- To add image-level labels, use the `--input_image_label_annotations_csv` flag.
- This results in 100 TFRecord files (shards), written to
- `oid/${SPLIT}_tfrecords`, with filenames matching
- `${SPLIT}.tfrecord-000[0-9][0-9]-of-00100`. Each shard contains approximately
- the same number of images and is defacto a representative random sample of the
- input data. [This enables](#accelerating_inference) a straightforward work
- division scheme for distributing inference and also approximate measure
- computations on subsets of the validation and test sets.
- ## Inferring detections
- Inference requires a trained object detection model. In this tutorial we will
- use a model from the [detections model zoo](detection_model_zoo.md), which can
- be downloaded and unpacked by running the commands below. More information about
- the model, such as its architecture and how it was trained, is available in the
- [model zoo page](detection_model_zoo.md).
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- wget http://download.tensorflow.org/models/object_detection/faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_oid_14_10_2017.tar.gz
- tar -zxvf faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_oid_14_10_2017.tar.gz
- ```
- At this point, data is packed into TFRecords and we have an object detector
- model. We can run inference using:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # or test
- TF_RECORD_FILES=$(ls -1 ${SPLIT}_tfrecords/* | tr '\n' ',')
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(readlink -f ..) \
- python -m object_detection/inference/infer_detections \
- --input_tfrecord_paths=$TF_RECORD_FILES \
- --output_tfrecord_path=${SPLIT}_detections.tfrecord-00000-of-00001 \
- --inference_graph=faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_oid/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
- --discard_image_pixels
- ```
- Inference preserves all fields of the input TFExamples, and adds new fields to
- store the inferred detections. This allows [computing evaluation
- measures](#compute_evaluation_measures) on the output TFRecord alone, as ground
- truth boxes are preserved as well. Since measure computations don't require
- access to the images, `infer_detections` can optionally discard them with the
- `--discard_image_pixels` flag. Discarding the images drastically reduces the
- size of the output TFRecord.
- ### Accelerating inference
- Running inference on the whole validation or test set can take a long time to
- complete due to the large number of images present in these sets (41,620 and
- 125,436 respectively). For quick but approximate evaluation, inference and the
- subsequent measure computations can be run on a small number of shards. To run
- for example on 2% of all the data, it is enough to set `TF_RECORD_FILES` as
- shown below before running `infer_detections`:
- ```bash
- TF_RECORD_FILES=$(ls ${SPLIT}_tfrecords/${SPLIT}.tfrecord-0000[0-1]-of-00100 | tr '\n' ',')
- ```
- Please note that computing evaluation measures on a small subset of the data
- introduces variance and bias, since some classes of objects won't be seen during
- evaluation. In the example above, this leads to 13.2% higher mAP on the first
- two shards of the validation set compared to the mAP for the full set ([see mAP
- results](#expected-maps)).
- Another way to accelerate inference is to run it in parallel on multiple
- TensorFlow devices on possibly multiple machines. The script below uses
- [tmux](https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki) to run a separate `infer_detections`
- process for each GPU on different partition of the input data.
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # or test
- tmux new-session -d -s "inference"
- function tmux_start { tmux new-window -d -n "inference:GPU$1" "${*:2}; exec bash"; }
- for gpu_index in $(seq 0 $(($NUM_GPUS-1))); do
- start_shard=$(( $gpu_index * $NUM_SHARDS / $NUM_GPUS ))
- end_shard=$(( ($gpu_index + 1) * $NUM_SHARDS / $NUM_GPUS - 1))
- TF_RECORD_FILES=$(seq -s, -f "${SPLIT}_tfrecords/${SPLIT}.tfrecord-%05.0f-of-$(printf '%05d' $NUM_SHARDS)" $start_shard $end_shard)
- tmux_start ${gpu_index} \
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(readlink -f ..) CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$gpu_index \
- python -m object_detection/inference/infer_detections \
- --input_tfrecord_paths=$TF_RECORD_FILES \
- --output_tfrecord_path=${SPLIT}_detections.tfrecord-$(printf "%05d" $gpu_index)-of-$(printf "%05d" $NUM_GPUS) \
- --inference_graph=faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_oid/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
- --discard_image_pixels
- done
- ```
- After all `infer_detections` processes finish, `tensorflow/models/research/oid`
- will contain one output TFRecord from each process, with name matching
- `validation_detections.tfrecord-0000[0-3]-of-00004`.
- ## Computing evaluation measures
- To compute evaluation measures on the inferred detections you first need to
- create the appropriate configuration files:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # or test
- NUM_SHARDS=1 # Set to NUM_GPUS if using the parallel evaluation script above
- mkdir -p ${SPLIT}_eval_metrics
- echo "
- label_map_path: '../object_detection/data/oid_bbox_trainable_label_map.pbtxt'
- tf_record_input_reader: { input_path: '${SPLIT}_detections.tfrecord@${NUM_SHARDS}' }
- " > ${SPLIT}_eval_metrics/${SPLIT}_input_config.pbtxt
- echo "
- metrics_set: 'oid_V2_detection_metrics'
- " > ${SPLIT}_eval_metrics/${SPLIT}_eval_config.pbtxt
- ```
- And then run:
- ```bash
- # From tensorflow/models/research/oid
- SPLIT=validation # or test
- PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(readlink -f ..) \
- python -m object_detection/metrics/offline_eval_map_corloc \
- --eval_dir=${SPLIT}_eval_metrics \
- --eval_config_path=${SPLIT}_eval_metrics/${SPLIT}_eval_config.pbtxt \
- --input_config_path=${SPLIT}_eval_metrics/${SPLIT}_input_config.pbtxt
- ```
- The first configuration file contains an `object_detection.protos.InputReader`
- message that describes the location of the necessary input files. The second
- file contains an `object_detection.protos.EvalConfig` message that describes the
- evaluation metric. For more information about these protos see the corresponding
- source files.
- ### Expected mAPs
- The result of running `offline_eval_map_corloc` is a CSV file located at
- `${SPLIT}_eval_metrics/metrics.csv`. With the above configuration, the file will
- contain average precision at IoU≥0.5 for each of the classes present in the
- dataset. It will also contain the mAP@IoU≥0.5. Both the per-class average
- precisions and the mAP are computed according to the [Open Images evaluation
- protocol](evaluation_protocols.md). The expected mAPs for the validation and
- test sets of Open Images in this case are:
- Set | Fraction of data | Images | mAP@IoU≥0.5
- ---------: | :--------------: | :-----: | -----------
- validation | everything | 41,620 | 39.2%
- validation | first 2 shards | 884 | 52.4%
- test | everything | 125,436 | 37.7%
- test | first 2 shards | 2,476 | 50.8%