- # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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- # ==============================================================================
- """Classification and regression loss functions for object detection.
- Localization losses:
- * WeightedL2LocalizationLoss
- * WeightedSmoothL1LocalizationLoss
- * WeightedIOULocalizationLoss
- Classification losses:
- * WeightedSigmoidClassificationLoss
- * WeightedSoftmaxClassificationLoss
- * WeightedSoftmaxClassificationAgainstLogitsLoss
- * BootstrappedSigmoidClassificationLoss
- """
- from abc import ABCMeta
- from abc import abstractmethod
- import tensorflow as tf
- from object_detection.core import box_list
- from object_detection.core import box_list_ops
- from object_detection.utils import ops
- slim = tf.contrib.slim
- class Loss(object):
- """Abstract base class for loss functions."""
- __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
- def __call__(self,
- prediction_tensor,
- target_tensor,
- ignore_nan_targets=False,
- losses_mask=None,
- scope=None,
- **params):
- """Call the loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: an N-d tensor of shape [batch, anchors, ...]
- representing predicted quantities.
- target_tensor: an N-d tensor of shape [batch, anchors, ...] representing
- regression or classification targets.
- ignore_nan_targets: whether to ignore nan targets in the loss computation.
- E.g. can be used if the target tensor is missing groundtruth data that
- shouldn't be factored into the loss.
- losses_mask: A [batch] boolean tensor that indicates whether losses should
- be applied to individual images in the batch. For elements that
- are False, corresponding prediction, target, and weight tensors will not
- contribute to loss computation. If None, no filtering will take place
- prior to loss computation.
- scope: Op scope name. Defaults to 'Loss' if None.
- **params: Additional keyword arguments for specific implementations of
- the Loss.
- Returns:
- loss: a tensor representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- with tf.name_scope(scope, 'Loss',
- [prediction_tensor, target_tensor, params]) as scope:
- if ignore_nan_targets:
- target_tensor = tf.where(tf.is_nan(target_tensor),
- prediction_tensor,
- target_tensor)
- if losses_mask is not None:
- tensor_multiplier = self._get_loss_multiplier_for_tensor(
- prediction_tensor,
- losses_mask)
- prediction_tensor *= tensor_multiplier
- target_tensor *= tensor_multiplier
- if 'weights' in params:
- params['weights'] = tf.convert_to_tensor(params['weights'])
- weights_multiplier = self._get_loss_multiplier_for_tensor(
- params['weights'],
- losses_mask)
- params['weights'] *= weights_multiplier
- return self._compute_loss(prediction_tensor, target_tensor, **params)
- def _get_loss_multiplier_for_tensor(self, tensor, losses_mask):
- loss_multiplier_shape = tf.stack([-1] + [1] * (len(tensor.shape) - 1))
- return tf.cast(tf.reshape(losses_mask, loss_multiplier_shape), tf.float32)
- @abstractmethod
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, **params):
- """Method to be overridden by implementations.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: a tensor representing predicted quantities
- target_tensor: a tensor representing regression or classification targets
- **params: Additional keyword arguments for specific implementations of
- the Loss.
- Returns:
- loss: an N-d tensor of shape [batch, anchors, ...] containing the loss per
- anchor
- """
- pass
- class WeightedL2LocalizationLoss(Loss):
- """L2 localization loss function with anchorwise output support.
- Loss[b,a] = .5 * ||weights[b,a] * (prediction[b,a,:] - target[b,a,:])||^2
- """
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects.
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- code_size] representing the regression targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- weighted_diff = (prediction_tensor - target_tensor) * tf.expand_dims(
- weights, 2)
- square_diff = 0.5 * tf.square(weighted_diff)
- return tf.reduce_sum(square_diff, 2)
- class WeightedSmoothL1LocalizationLoss(Loss):
- """Smooth L1 localization loss function aka Huber Loss..
- The smooth L1_loss is defined elementwise as .5 x^2 if |x| <= delta and
- delta * (|x|- 0.5*delta) otherwise, where x is the difference between
- predictions and target.
- See also Equation (3) in the Fast R-CNN paper by Ross Girshick (ICCV 2015)
- """
- def __init__(self, delta=1.0):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- delta: delta for smooth L1 loss.
- """
- self._delta = delta
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- code_size] representing the (encoded) predicted locations of objects.
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- code_size] representing the regression targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- return tf.reduce_sum(tf.losses.huber_loss(
- target_tensor,
- prediction_tensor,
- delta=self._delta,
- weights=tf.expand_dims(weights, axis=2),
- loss_collection=None,
- reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE
- ), axis=2)
- class WeightedIOULocalizationLoss(Loss):
- """IOU localization loss function.
- Sums the IOU for corresponding pairs of predicted/groundtruth boxes
- and for each pair assign a loss of 1 - IOU. We then compute a weighted
- sum over all pairs which is returned as the total loss.
- """
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, 4]
- representing the decoded predicted boxes
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, 4]
- representing the decoded target boxes
- weights: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors] tensor
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- predicted_boxes = box_list.BoxList(tf.reshape(prediction_tensor, [-1, 4]))
- target_boxes = box_list.BoxList(tf.reshape(target_tensor, [-1, 4]))
- per_anchor_iou_loss = 1.0 - box_list_ops.matched_iou(predicted_boxes,
- target_boxes)
- return tf.reshape(weights, [-1]) * per_anchor_iou_loss
- class WeightedSigmoidClassificationLoss(Loss):
- """Sigmoid cross entropy classification loss function."""
- def _compute_loss(self,
- prediction_tensor,
- target_tensor,
- weights,
- class_indices=None):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing the predicted logits for each class
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing one-hot encoded classification targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape, either [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] or [batch_size, num_anchors, 1]. If the shape is
- [batch_size, num_anchors, 1], all the classses are equally weighted.
- class_indices: (Optional) A 1-D integer tensor of class indices.
- If provided, computes loss only for the specified class indices.
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, num_classes]
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- if class_indices is not None:
- weights *= tf.reshape(
- ops.indices_to_dense_vector(class_indices,
- tf.shape(prediction_tensor)[2]),
- [1, 1, -1])
- per_entry_cross_ent = (tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=target_tensor, logits=prediction_tensor))
- return per_entry_cross_ent * weights
- class SigmoidFocalClassificationLoss(Loss):
- """Sigmoid focal cross entropy loss.
- Focal loss down-weights well classified examples and focusses on the hard
- examples. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf for the loss definition.
- """
- def __init__(self, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- gamma: exponent of the modulating factor (1 - p_t) ^ gamma.
- alpha: optional alpha weighting factor to balance positives vs negatives.
- """
- self._alpha = alpha
- self._gamma = gamma
- def _compute_loss(self,
- prediction_tensor,
- target_tensor,
- weights,
- class_indices=None):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing the predicted logits for each class
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing one-hot encoded classification targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape, either [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] or [batch_size, num_anchors, 1]. If the shape is
- [batch_size, num_anchors, 1], all the classses are equally weighted.
- class_indices: (Optional) A 1-D integer tensor of class indices.
- If provided, computes loss only for the specified class indices.
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, num_classes]
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- if class_indices is not None:
- weights *= tf.reshape(
- ops.indices_to_dense_vector(class_indices,
- tf.shape(prediction_tensor)[2]),
- [1, 1, -1])
- per_entry_cross_ent = (tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=target_tensor, logits=prediction_tensor))
- prediction_probabilities = tf.sigmoid(prediction_tensor)
- p_t = ((target_tensor * prediction_probabilities) +
- ((1 - target_tensor) * (1 - prediction_probabilities)))
- modulating_factor = 1.0
- if self._gamma:
- modulating_factor = tf.pow(1.0 - p_t, self._gamma)
- alpha_weight_factor = 1.0
- if self._alpha is not None:
- alpha_weight_factor = (target_tensor * self._alpha +
- (1 - target_tensor) * (1 - self._alpha))
- focal_cross_entropy_loss = (modulating_factor * alpha_weight_factor *
- per_entry_cross_ent)
- return focal_cross_entropy_loss * weights
- class WeightedSoftmaxClassificationLoss(Loss):
- """Softmax loss function."""
- def __init__(self, logit_scale=1.0):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- logit_scale: When this value is high, the prediction is "diffused" and
- when this value is low, the prediction is made peakier.
- (default 1.0)
- """
- self._logit_scale = logit_scale
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing the predicted logits for each class
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing one-hot encoded classification targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape, either [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] or [batch_size, num_anchors, 1]. If the shape is
- [batch_size, num_anchors, 1], all the classses are equally weighted.
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- weights = tf.reduce_mean(weights, axis=2)
- num_classes = prediction_tensor.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
- prediction_tensor = tf.divide(
- prediction_tensor, self._logit_scale, name='scale_logit')
- per_row_cross_ent = (tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=tf.reshape(target_tensor, [-1, num_classes]),
- logits=tf.reshape(prediction_tensor, [-1, num_classes])))
- return tf.reshape(per_row_cross_ent, tf.shape(weights)) * weights
- class WeightedSoftmaxClassificationAgainstLogitsLoss(Loss):
- """Softmax loss function against logits.
- Targets are expected to be provided in logits space instead of "one hot" or
- "probability distribution" space.
- """
- def __init__(self, logit_scale=1.0):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- logit_scale: When this value is high, the target is "diffused" and
- when this value is low, the target is made peakier.
- (default 1.0)
- """
- self._logit_scale = logit_scale
- def _scale_and_softmax_logits(self, logits):
- """Scale logits then apply softmax."""
- scaled_logits = tf.divide(logits, self._logit_scale, name='scale_logits')
- return tf.nn.softmax(scaled_logits, name='convert_scores')
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing the predicted logits for each class
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing logit classification targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape, either [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] or [batch_size, num_anchors, 1]. If the shape is
- [batch_size, num_anchors, 1], all the classses are equally weighted.
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors]
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- weights = tf.reduce_mean(weights, axis=2)
- num_classes = prediction_tensor.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
- target_tensor = self._scale_and_softmax_logits(target_tensor)
- prediction_tensor = tf.divide(prediction_tensor, self._logit_scale,
- name='scale_logits')
- per_row_cross_ent = (tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=tf.reshape(target_tensor, [-1, num_classes]),
- logits=tf.reshape(prediction_tensor, [-1, num_classes])))
- return tf.reshape(per_row_cross_ent, tf.shape(weights)) * weights
- class BootstrappedSigmoidClassificationLoss(Loss):
- """Bootstrapped sigmoid cross entropy classification loss function.
- This loss uses a convex combination of training labels and the current model's
- predictions as training targets in the classification loss. The idea is that
- as the model improves over time, its predictions can be trusted more and we
- can use these predictions to mitigate the damage of noisy/incorrect labels,
- because incorrect labels are likely to be eventually highly inconsistent with
- other stimuli predicted to have the same label by the model.
- In "soft" bootstrapping, we use all predicted class probabilities, whereas in
- "hard" bootstrapping, we use the single class favored by the model.
- See also Training Deep Neural Networks On Noisy Labels with Bootstrapping by
- Reed et al. (ICLR 2015).
- """
- def __init__(self, alpha, bootstrap_type='soft'):
- """Constructor.
- Args:
- alpha: a float32 scalar tensor between 0 and 1 representing interpolation
- weight
- bootstrap_type: set to either 'hard' or 'soft' (default)
- Raises:
- ValueError: if bootstrap_type is not either 'hard' or 'soft'
- """
- if bootstrap_type != 'hard' and bootstrap_type != 'soft':
- raise ValueError('Unrecognized bootstrap_type: must be one of '
- '\'hard\' or \'soft.\'')
- self._alpha = alpha
- self._bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type
- def _compute_loss(self, prediction_tensor, target_tensor, weights):
- """Compute loss function.
- Args:
- prediction_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing the predicted logits for each class
- target_tensor: A float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] representing one-hot encoded classification targets
- weights: a float tensor of shape, either [batch_size, num_anchors,
- num_classes] or [batch_size, num_anchors, 1]. If the shape is
- [batch_size, num_anchors, 1], all the classses are equally weighted.
- Returns:
- loss: a float tensor of shape [batch_size, num_anchors, num_classes]
- representing the value of the loss function.
- """
- if self._bootstrap_type == 'soft':
- bootstrap_target_tensor = self._alpha * target_tensor + (
- 1.0 - self._alpha) * tf.sigmoid(prediction_tensor)
- else:
- bootstrap_target_tensor = self._alpha * target_tensor + (
- 1.0 - self._alpha) * tf.cast(
- tf.sigmoid(prediction_tensor) > 0.5, tf.float32)
- per_entry_cross_ent = (tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=bootstrap_target_tensor, logits=prediction_tensor))
- return per_entry_cross_ent * weights
- class HardExampleMiner(object):
- """Hard example mining for regions in a list of images.
- Implements hard example mining to select a subset of regions to be
- back-propagated. For each image, selects the regions with highest losses,
- subject to the condition that a newly selected region cannot have
- an IOU > iou_threshold with any of the previously selected regions.
- This can be achieved by re-using a greedy non-maximum suppression algorithm.
- A constraint on the number of negatives mined per positive region can also be
- enforced.
- Reference papers: "Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online
- Hard Example Mining" (CVPR 2016) by Srivastava et al., and
- "SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector" (ECCV 2016) by Liu et al.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- num_hard_examples=64,
- iou_threshold=0.7,
- loss_type='both',
- cls_loss_weight=0.05,
- loc_loss_weight=0.06,
- max_negatives_per_positive=None,
- min_negatives_per_image=0):
- """Constructor.
- The hard example mining implemented by this class can replicate the behavior
- in the two aforementioned papers (Srivastava et al., and Liu et al).
- To replicate the A2 paper (Srivastava et al), num_hard_examples is set
- to a fixed parameter (64 by default) and iou_threshold is set to .7 for
- running non-max-suppression the predicted boxes prior to hard mining.
- In order to replicate the SSD paper (Liu et al), num_hard_examples should
- be set to None, max_negatives_per_positive should be 3 and iou_threshold
- should be 1.0 (in order to effectively turn off NMS).
- Args:
- num_hard_examples: maximum number of hard examples to be
- selected per image (prior to enforcing max negative to positive ratio
- constraint). If set to None, all examples obtained after NMS are
- considered.
- iou_threshold: minimum intersection over union for an example
- to be discarded during NMS.
- loss_type: use only classification losses ('cls', default),
- localization losses ('loc') or both losses ('both').
- In the last case, cls_loss_weight and loc_loss_weight are used to
- compute weighted sum of the two losses.
- cls_loss_weight: weight for classification loss.
- loc_loss_weight: weight for location loss.
- max_negatives_per_positive: maximum number of negatives to retain for
- each positive anchor. By default, num_negatives_per_positive is None,
- which means that we do not enforce a prespecified negative:positive
- ratio. Note also that num_negatives_per_positives can be a float
- (and will be converted to be a float even if it is passed in otherwise).
- min_negatives_per_image: minimum number of negative anchors to sample for
- a given image. Setting this to a positive number allows sampling
- negatives in an image without any positive anchors and thus not biased
- towards at least one detection per image.
- """
- self._num_hard_examples = num_hard_examples
- self._iou_threshold = iou_threshold
- self._loss_type = loss_type
- self._cls_loss_weight = cls_loss_weight
- self._loc_loss_weight = loc_loss_weight
- self._max_negatives_per_positive = max_negatives_per_positive
- self._min_negatives_per_image = min_negatives_per_image
- if self._max_negatives_per_positive is not None:
- self._max_negatives_per_positive = float(self._max_negatives_per_positive)
- self._num_positives_list = None
- self._num_negatives_list = None
- def __call__(self,
- location_losses,
- cls_losses,
- decoded_boxlist_list,
- match_list=None):
- """Computes localization and classification losses after hard mining.
- Args:
- location_losses: a float tensor of shape [num_images, num_anchors]
- representing anchorwise localization losses.
- cls_losses: a float tensor of shape [num_images, num_anchors]
- representing anchorwise classification losses.
- decoded_boxlist_list: a list of decoded BoxList representing location
- predictions for each image.
- match_list: an optional list of matcher.Match objects encoding the match
- between anchors and groundtruth boxes for each image of the batch,
- with rows of the Match objects corresponding to groundtruth boxes
- and columns corresponding to anchors. Match objects in match_list are
- used to reference which anchors are positive, negative or ignored. If
- self._max_negatives_per_positive exists, these are then used to enforce
- a prespecified negative to positive ratio.
- Returns:
- mined_location_loss: a float scalar with sum of localization losses from
- selected hard examples.
- mined_cls_loss: a float scalar with sum of classification losses from
- selected hard examples.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if location_losses, cls_losses and decoded_boxlist_list do
- not have compatible shapes (i.e., they must correspond to the same
- number of images).
- ValueError: if match_list is specified but its length does not match
- len(decoded_boxlist_list).
- """
- mined_location_losses = []
- mined_cls_losses = []
- location_losses = tf.unstack(location_losses)
- cls_losses = tf.unstack(cls_losses)
- num_images = len(decoded_boxlist_list)
- if not match_list:
- match_list = num_images * [None]
- if not len(location_losses) == len(decoded_boxlist_list) == len(cls_losses):
- raise ValueError('location_losses, cls_losses and decoded_boxlist_list '
- 'do not have compatible shapes.')
- if not isinstance(match_list, list):
- raise ValueError('match_list must be a list.')
- if len(match_list) != len(decoded_boxlist_list):
- raise ValueError('match_list must either be None or have '
- 'length=len(decoded_boxlist_list).')
- num_positives_list = []
- num_negatives_list = []
- for ind, detection_boxlist in enumerate(decoded_boxlist_list):
- box_locations = detection_boxlist.get()
- match = match_list[ind]
- image_losses = cls_losses[ind]
- if self._loss_type == 'loc':
- image_losses = location_losses[ind]
- elif self._loss_type == 'both':
- image_losses *= self._cls_loss_weight
- image_losses += location_losses[ind] * self._loc_loss_weight
- if self._num_hard_examples is not None:
- num_hard_examples = self._num_hard_examples
- else:
- num_hard_examples = detection_boxlist.num_boxes()
- selected_indices = tf.image.non_max_suppression(
- box_locations, image_losses, num_hard_examples, self._iou_threshold)
- if self._max_negatives_per_positive is not None and match:
- (selected_indices, num_positives,
- num_negatives) = self._subsample_selection_to_desired_neg_pos_ratio(
- selected_indices, match, self._max_negatives_per_positive,
- self._min_negatives_per_image)
- num_positives_list.append(num_positives)
- num_negatives_list.append(num_negatives)
- mined_location_losses.append(
- tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(location_losses[ind], selected_indices)))
- mined_cls_losses.append(
- tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(cls_losses[ind], selected_indices)))
- location_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(mined_location_losses))
- cls_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.stack(mined_cls_losses))
- if match and self._max_negatives_per_positive:
- self._num_positives_list = num_positives_list
- self._num_negatives_list = num_negatives_list
- return (location_loss, cls_loss)
- def summarize(self):
- """Summarize the number of positives and negatives after mining."""
- if self._num_positives_list and self._num_negatives_list:
- avg_num_positives = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(self._num_positives_list))
- avg_num_negatives = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(self._num_negatives_list))
- tf.summary.scalar('HardExampleMiner/NumPositives', avg_num_positives)
- tf.summary.scalar('HardExampleMiner/NumNegatives', avg_num_negatives)
- def _subsample_selection_to_desired_neg_pos_ratio(self,
- indices,
- match,
- max_negatives_per_positive,
- min_negatives_per_image=0):
- """Subsample a collection of selected indices to a desired neg:pos ratio.
- This function takes a subset of M indices (indexing into a large anchor
- collection of N anchors where M<N) which are labeled as positive/negative
- via a Match object (matched indices are positive, unmatched indices
- are negative). It returns a subset of the provided indices retaining all
- positives as well as up to the first K negatives, where:
- K=floor(num_negative_per_positive * num_positives).
- For example, if indices=[2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10] (indexing into 12 anchors),
- with positives=[2, 5] and negatives=[4, 7, 9, 10] and
- num_negatives_per_positive=1, then the returned subset of indices
- is [2, 4, 5, 7].
- Args:
- indices: An integer tensor of shape [M] representing a collection
- of selected anchor indices
- match: A matcher.Match object encoding the match between anchors and
- groundtruth boxes for a given image, with rows of the Match objects
- corresponding to groundtruth boxes and columns corresponding to anchors.
- max_negatives_per_positive: (float) maximum number of negatives for
- each positive anchor.
- min_negatives_per_image: minimum number of negative anchors for a given
- image. Allow sampling negatives in image without any positive anchors.
- Returns:
- selected_indices: An integer tensor of shape [M'] representing a
- collection of selected anchor indices with M' <= M.
- num_positives: An integer tensor representing the number of positive
- examples in selected set of indices.
- num_negatives: An integer tensor representing the number of negative
- examples in selected set of indices.
- """
- positives_indicator = tf.gather(match.matched_column_indicator(), indices)
- negatives_indicator = tf.gather(match.unmatched_column_indicator(), indices)
- num_positives = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(positives_indicator))
- max_negatives = tf.maximum(min_negatives_per_image,
- tf.to_int32(max_negatives_per_positive *
- tf.to_float(num_positives)))
- topk_negatives_indicator = tf.less_equal(
- tf.cumsum(tf.to_int32(negatives_indicator)), max_negatives)
- subsampled_selection_indices = tf.where(
- tf.logical_or(positives_indicator, topk_negatives_indicator))
- num_negatives = tf.size(subsampled_selection_indices) - num_positives
- return (tf.reshape(tf.gather(indices, subsampled_selection_indices), [-1]),
- num_positives, num_negatives)