# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Builder function for post processing operations.""" import functools import tensorflow as tf from object_detection.builders import calibration_builder from object_detection.core import post_processing from object_detection.protos import post_processing_pb2 def build(post_processing_config): """Builds callables for post-processing operations. Builds callables for non-max suppression, score conversion, and (optionally) calibration based on the configuration. Non-max suppression callable takes `boxes`, `scores`, and optionally `clip_window`, `parallel_iterations` `masks, and `scope` as inputs. It returns `nms_boxes`, `nms_scores`, `nms_classes` `nms_masks` and `num_detections`. See post_processing.batch_multiclass_non_max_suppression for the type and shape of these tensors. Score converter callable should be called with `input` tensor. The callable returns the output from one of 3 tf operations based on the configuration - tf.identity, tf.sigmoid or tf.nn.softmax. If a calibration config is provided, score_converter also applies calibration transformations, as defined in calibration_builder.py. See tensorflow documentation for argument and return value descriptions. Args: post_processing_config: post_processing.proto object containing the parameters for the post-processing operations. Returns: non_max_suppressor_fn: Callable for non-max suppression. score_converter_fn: Callable for score conversion. Raises: ValueError: if the post_processing_config is of incorrect type. """ if not isinstance(post_processing_config, post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing): raise ValueError('post_processing_config not of type ' 'post_processing_pb2.Postprocessing.') non_max_suppressor_fn = _build_non_max_suppressor( post_processing_config.batch_non_max_suppression) score_converter_fn = _build_score_converter( post_processing_config.score_converter, post_processing_config.logit_scale) if post_processing_config.HasField('calibration_config'): score_converter_fn = _build_calibrated_score_converter( score_converter_fn, post_processing_config.calibration_config) return non_max_suppressor_fn, score_converter_fn def _build_non_max_suppressor(nms_config): """Builds non-max suppresson based on the nms config. Args: nms_config: post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.BatchNonMaxSuppression proto. Returns: non_max_suppressor_fn: Callable non-max suppressor. Raises: ValueError: On incorrect iou_threshold or on incompatible values of max_total_detections and max_detections_per_class. """ if nms_config.iou_threshold < 0 or nms_config.iou_threshold > 1.0: raise ValueError('iou_threshold not in [0, 1.0].') if nms_config.max_detections_per_class > nms_config.max_total_detections: raise ValueError('max_detections_per_class should be no greater than ' 'max_total_detections.') non_max_suppressor_fn = functools.partial( post_processing.batch_multiclass_non_max_suppression, score_thresh=nms_config.score_threshold, iou_thresh=nms_config.iou_threshold, max_size_per_class=nms_config.max_detections_per_class, max_total_size=nms_config.max_total_detections, use_static_shapes=nms_config.use_static_shapes, use_class_agnostic_nms=nms_config.use_class_agnostic_nms, max_classes_per_detection=nms_config.max_classes_per_detection) return non_max_suppressor_fn def _score_converter_fn_with_logit_scale(tf_score_converter_fn, logit_scale): """Create a function to scale logits then apply a Tensorflow function.""" def score_converter_fn(logits): scaled_logits = tf.divide(logits, logit_scale, name='scale_logits') return tf_score_converter_fn(scaled_logits, name='convert_scores') score_converter_fn.__name__ = '%s_with_logit_scale' % ( tf_score_converter_fn.__name__) return score_converter_fn def _build_score_converter(score_converter_config, logit_scale): """Builds score converter based on the config. Builds one of [tf.identity, tf.sigmoid, tf.softmax] score converters based on the config. Args: score_converter_config: post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.score_converter. logit_scale: temperature to use for SOFTMAX score_converter. Returns: Callable score converter op. Raises: ValueError: On unknown score converter. """ if score_converter_config == post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.IDENTITY: return _score_converter_fn_with_logit_scale(tf.identity, logit_scale) if score_converter_config == post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.SIGMOID: return _score_converter_fn_with_logit_scale(tf.sigmoid, logit_scale) if score_converter_config == post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.SOFTMAX: return _score_converter_fn_with_logit_scale(tf.nn.softmax, logit_scale) raise ValueError('Unknown score converter.') def _build_calibrated_score_converter(score_converter_fn, calibration_config): """Wraps a score_converter_fn, adding a calibration step. Builds a score converter function witha calibration transformation according to calibration_builder.py. Calibration applies positive monotonic transformations to inputs (i.e. score ordering is strictly preserved or adjacent scores are mapped to the same score). When calibration is class-agnostic, the highest-scoring class remains unchanged, unless two adjacent scores are mapped to the same value and one class arbitrarily selected to break the tie. In per-class calibration, it's possible (though rare in practice) that the highest-scoring class will change, since positive monotonicity is only required to hold within each class. Args: score_converter_fn: callable that takes logit scores as input. calibration_config: post_processing_pb2.PostProcessing.calibration_config. Returns: Callable calibrated score coverter op. """ calibration_fn = calibration_builder.build(calibration_config) def calibrated_score_converter_fn(logits): converted_logits = score_converter_fn(logits) return calibration_fn(converted_logits) calibrated_score_converter_fn.__name__ = ( 'calibrate_with_%s' % calibration_config.WhichOneof('calibrator')) return calibrated_score_converter_fn