- /*
- * SD2x Homework #8
- * This class represents the Presentation Tier in the three-tier architecture.
- * Implement the appropriate methods for this tier below.
- * Also implement the start method as described in the assignment description.
- */
- import java.util.Scanner;
- import java.util.List;
- public class PresentationTier {
- private LogicTier logicTier; // link to the Logic Tier
- private final Scanner input;
- public PresentationTier(LogicTier logicTier) {
- this.input = new Scanner(System.in);
- this.logicTier = logicTier;
- }
- public void start() {
- String cmd = "";
- while(!cmd.equals("exit")){
- System.out.print(">>> ");
- cmd = input.nextLine();
- switch(cmd){
- case "author":
- showBookTitlesByAuthor();
- break;
- case "year":
- showNumberOfBooksInYear();
- break;
- default:
- System.out.println("Command not found!");
- }
- }
- }
- private void showBookTitlesByAuthor(){
- System.out.print("Author Name: ");
- String author = input.nextLine();
- List<String> titles = logicTier.findBookTitlesByAuthor(author);
- for(String t:titles)
- System.out.println("- " + t);
- }
- private void showNumberOfBooksInYear(){
- }
- }