This repository acts as a personal archive for my solutions to EdX course *Data Structures and Software Design* from PennX.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public abstract class Graph {
protected Map<Node, Set<Edge>> adjacencySets;
protected int numNodes;
protected int numEdges;
protected Map<String, Node> elementToNode;
* These methods need to be overridden by subclasses.
public abstract boolean addEdge(Node node1, Node node2);
public abstract boolean removeEdge(Node node1, Node node2);
public Graph() {
adjacencySets = new HashMap<Node, Set<Edge>>();
elementToNode = new HashMap<String, Node>();
numNodes = 0;
numEdges = 0;
public boolean addNode(Node newNode) {
if (newNode == null || containsNode(newNode)) {
return false;
Set<Edge> newAdjacencySet = new HashSet<Edge>();
adjacencySets.put(newNode, newAdjacencySet);
elementToNode.put(newNode.getElement(), newNode);
return true;
public Set<Node> getNodeNeighbors(Node node) {
if (!containsNode(node)) {
return null;
Set<Edge> nodeEdges = adjacencySets.get(node);
Set<Node> nodeNeighbors= new HashSet<Node>();
for (Edge e : nodeEdges) {
Node neighbor = e.getDestination();
return nodeNeighbors;
protected boolean addEdgeFromTo(Node source,
Node destination) {
Edge newEdge = new Edge(source, destination);
Set<Edge> sourceEdges = adjacencySets.get(source);
if (!sourceEdges.contains(newEdge)) {
return true;
return false;
protected boolean removeEdgeFromTo(Node source,
Node destination) {
Edge toRemove = new Edge(source, destination);
Set<Edge> sourceEdges = adjacencySets.get(source);
if (sourceEdges.contains(toRemove)) {
return true;
return false;
public int getNumNodes() {
return numNodes;
public int getNumEdges() {
return numEdges;
public Node getStartingNode() {
Iterator<Node> iter = adjacencySets.keySet().iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
return null;
public Set<Node> getAllNodes() {
return adjacencySets.keySet();
public Set<Edge> getNodeEdges(Node node) {
if (!containsNode(node)) {
return null;
return adjacencySets.get(node);
public boolean containsNode(Node node) {
return adjacencySets.containsKey(node);
public Node getNode(String element) {
if (!elementToNode.containsKey(element)) {
Node newNode = new Node(element);
elementToNode.put(element, newNode);
return newNode;
return elementToNode.get(element);
public boolean containsElement(String element) {
return elementToNode.containsKey(element);