#!/bin/bash export NC='\033[0m' export RED='\033[0;31m' export GREEN='\033[0;32m' export ORANGE='\033[0;33m' export BLUE='\033[0;34m' export PURPLE='\033[0;35m' export CYAN='\033[0;36m' export LIGHTGRAY='\033[0;37m' export DARKGRAY='\033[1;30m' export LIGHTRED='\033[1;31m' export LIGHTGREEN='\033[1;32m' export YELLOW='\033[1;33m' export LIGHTBLUE='\033[1;34m' export LIGHTPURPLE='\033[1;35m' export LIGHTCYAN='\033[1;36m' export WHITE='\033[1;37m' verbose=0 info(){ printf "[\e[32mINFO\e[0m]:%s\n" "$1" } debug(){ if [ $verbose ]; then printf "[\e[33mDEBUG\e[0m]:%s\n" "$1" fi } error(){ printf "[\e[31mERROR\e[0m]:%s\n" "$1" } prompt(){ 1>&2 printf "[\e[35mPROMPT\e[0m]: %s" "$1" read -r ans printf "%s" "$ans" } install_deps(){ info "Installing dependencies" sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm git tmux 2> /dev/null > /dev/null } banner(){ 1>&2 printf "${CYAN} dP dP .d888888 .d888888 .d88888b .d88888b Y8. .8P d8' 88 d8' 88 88. \"' 88. \"' Y8aa8P 88aaaaa88a 88aaaaa88a \`Y88888b. \`Y88888b. 88 88 88 88 88 \`8b \`8b 88 88 88 88 88 d8' .8P d8' .8P dP 88 88 88 88 Y88888P Y88888P ${NC}" 1>&2 printf " ${PURPLE}Yeet's Automated Arch Setup Script${NC}" } help(){ 1>&2 printf" ${GREEN} Usage:${NC}\n -o Select the OS you are installing this on -v Run in verbose mode ${ORANGE}Author:${NC} Yigit Colakoglu aka. ${BLUE}<===8 Fr1nge 8===>${NC}\n" exit 0 } os="" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -o|--os) os="$(echo "$2" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" shift 2 ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=1 shift ;; *) help ;; esac done if [ "$os" = "" ]; then os=$(prompt "Please enter the OS you want to install on(Arch/Artix): " | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') fi if [ ! "$os" = "arch" ] && [ ! "$os" = "artix" ]; then error "OS must be Arch or Artix" exit 1 fi # Disk setup lsblk device=$(prompt "What is the install device: ") info "Installing to $device... (Enter to continue)" read -r _ clear wipe=$(prompt "Would you like to wipe and re-partition the disk $device?(Y/n): ") if [ ! "$wipe" = "n" ]; then # Disk wipe secure=$(prompt "Should I do a secure wipe?(y/N): ") if [ "$secure" = "y" ]; then info "Writing random data to disk, this might take a while if you have a large drive..." cryptsetup open -q --type plain -d /dev/urandom "$device" wipe dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/wipe status=progress cryptsetup -q close wipe fi info "Wiping the partition table..." cryptsetup erase "$device" wipefs -a -f "$device" sleep 1 fi clear # Run cfdisk for manual partitioning cfdisk "$device" clear sleep 2 [ ! "$(command -v partprobe)" = "" ] && partprobe lsblk "$device" satisfied=$(prompt "Are you satisfied with your partitions?(Y/n): ") while [ "$satisfied" = "n" ]; do cfdisk "$device" clear [ ! "$(command -v partprobe)" = "" ] && partprobe lsblk "$device" satisfied=$(prompt "Are you satisfied with your partitions?(Y/n): ") done clear lsblk "$device" echo "" echo "Now you will specify the partitions you have created" echo "Please enter the suffix for each partition. For Ex:" echo "1 if boot partition is /dev/sda1 or p1 if boot is on /dev/nvme0n1p1 and the disk is /dev/nvme0n1" boot_p=$(prompt "Please enter boot partition suffix: ") root_p=$(prompt "Please enter root partition suffix: ") swap_p=$(prompt "Please enter swap partition suffix: ") boot=$device$boot_p root=$device$root_p swap=$device$swap_p if [ -z "$home_s" ]; then home_s=$(prompt "Did you create a home partition as well?(y/N): ") fi if [ "$home_s" = "y" ]; then home_p=$(prompt "Please enter home partition suffix: ") home=$device$home_p fi clear # Create the boot partition info "Formatting boot partition" mkfs.fat -F32 "$boot" encryption=$(prompt "Would you like to enrypt your disks?(y/N): ") if [ "$encryption" = "y" ]; then clear info "Running benchmark" cryptsetup benchmark cipher=$(prompt "Please select the ciphering algorithm(aes-xts-plain64): ") if [ "$cipher" = "" ]; then cipher="aes-xts-plain64" fi iter=$("Please select the iter time(750): ") if [ "$iter" = "" ]; then iter="750" fi keysize=$("Please select the key size(512): ") if [ "$keysize" = "" ]; then keysize="512" fi # Create the swap partition mkdir /root/.keys dd if=/dev/urandom of=/root/.keys/swap-keyfile bs=1024 count=4 chmod 600 /root/.keys/swap-keyfile cryptsetup --key-size "$keysize" --cipher "$cipher" --iter-time "$iter" -q luksFormat "$swap" < /root/.keys/swap-keyfile info "Keyfile saved to /root/.keys/swap-keyfile" cryptsetup open --key-file="/root/.keys/swap-keyfile" "$swap" swap mkswap /dev/mapper/swap swapon /dev/mapper/swap # Create the root partition root_pass="$(prompt "Enter password for root encryption")" echo "$root_pass" | cryptsetup --key-size "$keysize" --cipher "$cipher" --iter-time "$iter" -q luksFormat "$root" dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/root/.keys/root-keyfile iflag=fullblock chmod 600 /root/.keys/root-keyfile echo "$root_pass" | cryptsetup luksAddKey "$root" /root/.keys/root-keyfile echo "[INFO]: Keyfile saved to /root/.keys/root-keyfile" cryptsetup open --key-file="/root/.keys/root-keyfile" "$root" root mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/mapper/root mkdir /mnt/sys mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt/sys if [ "$home_s" = "y" ]; then home_pass="$(prompt "Enter password for home encryption")" echo "$home_pass" | cryptsetup --key-size "$keysize" --cipher "$cipher" --iter-time "$iter" -q luksFormat "$home" dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/root/.keys/home-keyfile iflag=fullblock chmod 600 /root/.keys/home-keyfile echo "$home_pass" | cryptsetup luksAddKey "$home" /root/.keys/home-keyfile echo "[INFO]: Keyfile saved to /root/.keys/home-keyfile" cryptsetup open --key-file="/root/.keys/home-keyfile" "$home" home mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/mapper/home mkdir /mnt/sys/home mount "/dev/mapper/home" /mnt/sys/home fi else mkswap "$swap" swapon "$swap" mkfs.ext4 -F "$root" mkdir /mnt/sys mount "$root" /mnt/sys if [ "$home_s" = "y" ]; then mkfs.ext4 -F "$home" mkdir /mnt/sys/home mount "$home" /mnt/sys/home fi fi mkdir /mnt/sys/boot mount "$boot" /mnt/sys/boot clear mkdir /mnt/sys/install case $os in arch) pacstrap /mnt/sys base linux linux-firmware base-devel vi nano genfstab -U /mnt/sys >> /mnt/sys/etc/fstab curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theFr1nge/YAASS/main/arch/pkg.list > /mnt/sys/install/packages.base curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theFr1nge/YAASS/main/arch/stage2.sh > /mnt/sys/install/stage2.sh ;; artix) basestrap /mnt/sys base linux linux-firmware base-devel vi nano openrc fstabgen -U /mnt/sys >> /mnt/sys/etc/fstab curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theFr1nge/YAASS/main/artix/pkg.list > /mnt/sys/install/packages.base curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theFr1nge/YAASS/main/artix/stage2.sh > /mnt/sys/install/stage2.sh ;; esac chmod +x /mnt/sys/install/stage2.sh tmpfs_ok=$(prompt "Would you like to use tmpfs (This can drastically improve performance)?(Y/n): ") if [ ! "$tmpfs_ok" = "n" ]; then tmpfs_size=$("How big should the tmpfs be?(end with G or M): ") printf "\n#tmpfs\ntmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nodev,nosuid,size=%s 0 0\n" "$tmpfs_size" >> /mnt/sys/etc/fstab fi clear encryption_param="1" if [ ! "$encryption" = "n" ]; then cp -r /root/.keys /mnt/sys/root encryption_param="0" fi if [ "$os" = "arch" ];then tmux new-session -s "arch-setup" "arch-chroot /mnt/sys /install/stage2.sh \"$encryption_param\" \"$boot\" \"$root\" \"$swap\" \"$home\"" || arch-chroot /mnt/sys /install/stage2.sh "$encryption_param" "$boot" "$root" "$swap" "$home" else tmux new-session -s "artix-setup" "artix-chroot /mnt/sys /install/stage2.sh \"$encryption_param\" \"$boot\" \"$root\" \"$swap\" \"$home\"" || artix-chroot /mnt/sys /install/stage2.sh "$encryption_param" "$boot" "$root" "$swap" "$home" fi