- [PageSpeed score](https://github.com/ankurparihar/readme-pagespeed-insights) - Generate website's PageSpeed score in animated svg form which can be used in GitHub README
- [Gitwar Profile Score](https://github.com/iampavangandhi/Gitwar) - Add your Github Profile Score in README.
- [Header Images for Github Profile READMEs](https://github.com/khalby786/REHeader) - Generate header images for your GitHub profile READMEs with custom content
- [Current Book Status from GoodReads](https://github.com/theFr1nge/goodreads-readme) - Add a card of the current book you are reading that automatically syncs with GoodReads to display your progress.
## Articles
- ["How To Create A GitHub Profile README"](https://www.aboutmonica.com/blog/how-to-create-a-github-profile-readme) - *Monica Powell*