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### Contents:
- [Categories ](#categories )
- [Github Actions 🤖 ](#github-actions- )
- [Game Mode 🚀 ](#game-mode- )
- [Code Mode 👨🏽💻 ](#code-mode- )
- [Dynamic Realtime 💫 ](#dynamic-realtime- )
- [Descriptive 🗒 ](#descriptive- )
- [Simple but Innovative Ones 🤗 ](#simple-but-innovative-ones- )
- [Typing.. Mode 🎰 ](#typing-mode- )
- [Anime 👾 ](#anime- )
- [Minimalistic ](#minimalistic )
- [GIFS 👻 ](#gifs- )
- [Just Images 🎭 ](#just-images- )
- [Fancy Fonts 🖋 ](#fancy-fonts- )
- [Icons 🎯 ](#icons- )
- [Tools ](#tools )
- [Articles ](#articles )
- [Contribute ](#contribute )
- [License ](#license )
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> A curated list of awesome Github Profile READMEs
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## Categories
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- [Shawn Wang ](https://github.com/sw-yx/sw-yx )
- [Simon Willison ](https://github.com/simonw/simonw )
- [Mike Coutermarsh ](https://github.com/mscoutermarsh/mscoutermarsh )
- [Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps) ](https://github.com/mokkapps/mokkapps )
#### Game Mode 🚀
- [Tim Burgan ](https://github.com/timburgan/timburgan )
@ -27,6 +54,7 @@
#### Dynamic Realtime 💫
- [Abhishek Naidu ](https://github.com/abhisheknaiidu/abhisheknaiidu )
- [Anurag Hazra ](https://github.com/anuraghazra/anuraghazra )
- [Hemant Joshi ](https://github.com/8bithemant/8bithemant )
#### Descriptive 🗒
- [Filip Troníček ](https://github.com/filiptronicek/filiptronicek )
@ -38,6 +66,7 @@
- [Vansh Kapoor ](https://github.com/vanshkapoor/vanshkapoor )
- [Harsh Kumar Khatri ](https://github.com/harshkumarkhatri/harshkumarkhatri )
- [Stephen Ajulu ](https://github.com/stephenajulu/stephenajulu )
- [Haany Ali ](https://github.com/MarikIshtar007/MarikIshtar007 )
#### Typing.. Mode 🎰
- [Mathieu Ledru ](https://github.com/matyo91/matyo91 )
@ -85,6 +114,7 @@
- ["How to create an awesome GIF for your GitHub Profile README" ](https://dev.to/satvikchachra/how-to-add-an-awesome-readme-to-your-github-profile-361n ) - *Satvik Chachra*
- ["Create a special repository in your GitHub Profile 🔨, supported and unsupported features" ](https://torrocus.com/blog/special-github-repository/ ) - *Alex Malaszkiewicz*
- ["How to create a Github Profile README with Dynamic Github Stats" ](https://codewithghazi.com/how-to-create-a-github-profile-readme-with-dynamic-github-stats/ ) - *Ghazi Khan*
- ["How I Built A Self-Updating README On My Github Profile" ](https://www.mokkapps.de/blog/how-i-built-a-self-updating-readme-on-my-git-hub-profile/ ) - *Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps)*
## Contribute