- [Dynamic Profile Page On Github](https://github.com/umutphp/github-action-dynamic-profile-page) - Get dynamically generated list of your commits (of the repositories that the action is configured) on GitHub profile readme.
- [npm package downloads](https://github.com/maddhruv/github-readme-npm-downloads) - Show all of your npm packages and their total downloads
- [Markdown Badges](https://github.com/Ileriayo/markdown-badges) - Add badges to your profile.
- [All Dev Stats in Readme](https://github.com/anmol098/waka-readme-stats) - [WakaTime](https://wakatime.com/) All Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme with extra feature flags to toggle code Editors used, os worked on, show timezone, top working projects
## Articles
- ["How To Create A GitHub Profile README"](https://www.aboutmonica.com/blog/how-to-create-a-github-profile-readme) - *Monica Powell*
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- ["How I Built A Self-Updating README On My Github Profile"](https://www.mokkapps.de/blog/how-i-built-a-self-updating-readme-on-my-git-hub-profile/) - *Michael Hoffmann (Mokkapps)*
- ["Building a self-updating profile README for GitHub"](https://simonwillison.net/2020/Jul/10/self-updating-profile-readme/) - *Simon Willison*
- ["Getting started with Markdown Badges"](https://dev.to/ileriayo/mardown-badges-2og0) - *Ileriayo Adebiyi*
- ["How to create an interactive README for your GitHub profile"](https://kavishhukmani.me/github-profile-interactive-readme-tutorial/) - *Kavish Hukmani*