- #!/usr/bin/env node
- const os = require('os')
- const path = require('path')
- const { exec } = require('child_process')
- const minimist = require('minimist')
- const menu = require('../src')
- const obfuscateState = require('../src/util/obfuscate')
- const scheduleCleanup = require('../src/schedule-cleanup')
- const bwListArgsDefault = ''
- const cachePasswordDefault = 15
- const dmenuArgsDefault = ''
- const dmenuPswdArgsDefault = ''
- const lengthDefault = 0
- const sessionTimeoutDefault = 0
- const syncVaultAfterDefault = 0
- const stdoutDefault = false
- const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))
- if (args.help) {
- console.log(
- `Usage: bitwarden-dmenu [options]
- The DMENU_PATH environment variable can be used to point to an alternative dmenu implementation. Defaults to 'dmenu'.
- Options:
- --bw-list-args Arbitrary arguments to pass to bitwarden's 'list' command
- Defaults to nothing.
- --clear-clipboard Number of seconds to keep selected field in the clipboard.
- Defaults to ${cachePasswordDefault}s.
- --dmenu-args Sets arbitrary arguments to pass to dmenu
- Defaults to nothing.
- --dmenu-pswd-args Sets arbitrary arguments to pass to the dmenu password prompt
- Defaults to nothing.
- --session-timeout Number of seconds after an unlock that the menu can be accessed
- without providing a password again. Defaults to ${sessionTimeoutDefault}s.
- --stdout Prints the password and username to stdout
- --sync-vault-after Number of seconds allowable between last bitwarden sync and
- current time. Defaults to ${syncVaultAfterDefault}s.
- --on-error Arbitrary command to run if the program fails. The thrown error
- is piped to the given command. Defaults to none.
- --debug Show extra logs useful for debugging.
- --debug-unsafe Show debug logs WITHOUT obfuscating your sensitive info. Do not share!
- `
- )
- process.exit()
- }
- const bwListArgs = args['bw-list-args'] || bwListArgsDefault
- const dmenuArgs = args['dmenu-args'] || dmenuArgsDefault
- const dmenuPswdArgs = args['dmenu-pswd-args'] || dmenuPswdArgsDefault
- const unsafeDebug = args['debug-unsafe']
- const length = args['l'] || lengthDefault
- const sessionTimeout = args['session-timeout'] || sessionTimeoutDefault
- const syncVaultAfter = args['sync-vault-after'] || syncVaultAfterDefault
- const onErrorCommand = args['on-error']
- const stdout = args['stdout'] || stdoutDefault
- // prevent clipboard clearing from locking up process when printing to stdout
- const clearClipboardAfter = stdout ? 0 : args['clear-clipboard'] || cachePasswordDefault
- console.debug =
- args['debug'] || args['debug-unsafe'] ? (...msgs) => console.log(...msgs, '\n') : () => {}
- console.info = args['stdout'] ? () => {} : console.info
- if (args['debug-unsafe']) obfuscateState.turnOff()
- const oldestAllowedVaultSync = syncVaultAfter
- const saveSession = Boolean(sessionTimeout)
- const sessionFile = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'bitwarden-session.txt')
- const dmenuArgsParsed = dmenuArgs ? dmenuArgs.split(/\s+/) : []
- const dmenuPswdArgsParsed = ['-p', 'Password:', '-nf', 'black', '-nb', 'black'].concat(
- dmenuPswdArgs ? dmenuPswdArgs.split(/\s+/) : []
- )
- menu({
- bwListArgs,
- dmenuArgs: dmenuArgsParsed,
- dmenuPswdArgs: dmenuPswdArgsParsed,
- saveSession,
- sessionFile,
- stdout,
- oldestAllowedVaultSync,
- unsafeDebug
- })
- .then(() =>
- scheduleCleanup({
- lockBitwardenAfter: sessionTimeout,
- clearClipboardAfter,
- sessionFile,
- stdout
- })
- )
- .catch(e => {
- console.error(e)
- // if something goes wrong, immediately clear the clipboard & lock bitwarden,
- // then run error command
- scheduleCleanup({
- lockBitwardenAfter: 0,
- clearClipboardAfter: 0,
- sessionFile,
- stdout
- }).catch(e => {
- // simply log an error with cleanup
- console.error(e)
- if (onErrorCommand) {
- const errorCommand = exec(onErrorCommand)
- errorCommand.stdin.write(`'${e.toString()}'`)
- errorCommand.stdin.end()
- }
- })
- })