- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Germain Z. <germanosz@gmail.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- #
- #
- # Add vi/vim-like modes to WeeChat.
- #
- import csv
- import json
- import os
- import re
- import subprocess
- try:
- from StringIO import StringIO
- except ImportError:
- from io import StringIO
- import time
- import weechat
- # Script info.
- # ============
- SCRIPT_NAME = "vimode"
- SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "GermainZ <germanosz@gmail.com>"
- SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.8.1"
- SCRIPT_DESC = ("Add vi/vim-like modes and keybindings to WeeChat.")
- # Global variables.
- # =================
- # General.
- # --------
- # Halp! Halp! Halp!
- GITHUB_BASE = "https://github.com/GermainZ/weechat-vimode/blob/master/"
- FAQ_KEYBINDINGS = GITHUB_BASE + "FAQ.md#problematic-key-bindings"
- FAQ_ESC = GITHUB_BASE + "FAQ.md#esc-key-not-being-detected-instantly"
- # Holds the text of the tab-completions for the command-line mode.
- cmd_compl_text = ""
- # Holds the original text of the command-line mode, used for completion.
- cmd_text_orig = None
- # Index of current suggestion, used for completion.
- cmd_compl_pos = 0
- # Used for command-line mode history.
- cmd_history = []
- cmd_history_index = 0
- # Used to store the content of the input line when going into COMMAND mode.
- input_line_backup = {}
- # Mode we're in. One of INSERT, NORMAL, REPLACE, COMMAND or SEARCH.
- # SEARCH is only used if search_vim is enabled.
- mode = "INSERT"
- # Holds normal commands (e.g. "dd").
- vi_buffer = ""
- # See `cb_key_combo_default()`.
- esc_pressed = 0
- # See `cb_key_pressed()`.
- last_signal_time = 0
- # See `start_catching_keys()` for more info.
- catching_keys_data = {'amount': 0}
- # Used for ; and , to store the last f/F/t/T motion.
- last_search_motion = {'motion': None, 'data': None}
- # Used for undo history.
- undo_history = {}
- undo_history_index = {}
- # Holds mode colors (loaded from vimode_settings).
- mode_colors = {}
- # Script options.
- vimode_settings = {
- 'no_warn': ("off", ("don't warn about problematic keybindings and "
- "tmux/screen")),
- 'copy_clipboard_cmd': ("xclip -selection c",
- ("command used to copy to clipboard; must read "
- "input from stdin")),
- 'paste_clipboard_cmd': ("xclip -selection c -o",
- ("command used to paste clipboard; must output "
- "content to stdout")),
- 'imap_esc': ("", ("use alternate mapping to enter Normal mode while in "
- "Insert mode; having it set to 'jk' is similar to "
- "`:imap jk <Esc>` in vim")),
- 'imap_esc_timeout': ("1000", ("time in ms to wait for the imap_esc "
- "sequence to complete")),
- 'search_vim': ("off", ("allow n/N usage after searching (requires an extra"
- " <Enter> to return to normal mode)")),
- 'user_mappings': ("", ("see the `:nmap` command in the README for more "
- "info; please do not modify this field manually "
- "unless you know what you're doing")),
- 'mode_indicator_prefix': ("", "prefix for the bar item mode_indicator"),
- 'mode_indicator_suffix': ("", "suffix for the bar item mode_indicator"),
- 'mode_indicator_normal_color': ("white",
- "color for mode indicator in Normal mode"),
- 'mode_indicator_normal_color_bg': ("gray",
- ("background color for mode indicator "
- "in Normal mode")),
- 'mode_indicator_insert_color': ("white",
- "color for mode indicator in Insert mode"),
- 'mode_indicator_insert_color_bg': ("blue",
- ("background color for mode indicator "
- "in Insert mode")),
- 'mode_indicator_replace_color': ("white",
- "color for mode indicator in Replace mode"),
- 'mode_indicator_replace_color_bg': ("red",
- ("background color for mode indicator "
- "in Replace mode")),
- 'mode_indicator_cmd_color': ("white",
- "color for mode indicator in Command mode"),
- 'mode_indicator_cmd_color_bg': ("cyan",
- ("background color for mode indicator in "
- "Command mode")),
- 'mode_indicator_search_color': ("white",
- "color for mode indicator in Search mode"),
- 'mode_indicator_search_color_bg': ("magenta",
- ("background color for mode indicator "
- "in Search mode")),
- 'line_number_prefix': ("", "prefix for line numbers"),
- 'line_number_suffix': (" ", "suffix for line numbers")
- }
- # Regex patterns.
- # ---------------
- WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"\s")
- IS_KEYWORD = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_@À-ÿ]")
- REGEX_MOTION_LOWERCASE_W = re.compile(r"\b\S|(?<=\s)\S")
- REGEX_MOTION_UPPERCASE_W = re.compile(r"(?<=\s)\S")
- REGEX_MOTION_UPPERCASE_E = re.compile(r"\S(?!\S)")
- REGEX_MOTION_CARRET = re.compile(r"\S")
- REGEX_INT = r"[0-9]"
- re.compile("<([^>]*-)Left>", re.IGNORECASE): '<\\1\x01[[D>',
- re.compile("<([^>]*-)Right>", re.IGNORECASE): '<\\1\x01[[C>',
- re.compile("<([^>]*-)Up>", re.IGNORECASE): '<\\1\x01[[A>',
- re.compile("<([^>]*-)Down>", re.IGNORECASE): '<\\1\x01[[B>',
- re.compile("<Left>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01[[D',
- re.compile("<Right>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01[[C',
- re.compile("<Up>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01[[A',
- re.compile("<Down>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01[[B'
- }
- re.compile(r"<C-([^>]*)>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01\\1',
- re.compile(r"<M-([^>]*)>", re.IGNORECASE): '\x01[\\1'
- }
- # Regex used to detect problematic keybindings.
- # For example: meta-wmeta-s is bound by default to ``/window swap``.
- # If the user pressed Esc-w, WeeChat will detect it as meta-w and will not
- # send any signal to `cb_key_combo_default()` just yet, since it's the
- # beginning of a known key combo.
- # Instead, `cb_key_combo_default()` will receive the Esc-ws signal, which
- # becomes "ws" after removing the Esc part, and won't know how to handle it.
- REGEX_PROBLEMATIC_KEYBINDINGS = re.compile(r"meta-\w(meta|ctrl)")
- # Vi commands.
- # ------------
- def cmd_nmap(args):
- """Add a user-defined key mapping.
- Some (but not all) vim-like key codes are supported to simplify things for
- the user: <Up>, <Down>, <Left>, <Right>, <C-...> and <M-...>.
- See Also:
- `cmd_unmap()`.
- """
- args = args.strip()
- if not args:
- mappings = vimode_settings['user_mappings']
- if mappings:
- weechat.prnt("", "User-defined key mappings:")
- for key, mapping in mappings.items():
- weechat.prnt("", "{} -> {}".format(key, mapping))
- else:
- weechat.prnt("", "nmap: no mapping found.")
- elif not " " in args:
- weechat.prnt("", "nmap syntax -> :nmap {lhs} {rhs}")
- else:
- key, mapping = args.split(" ", 1)
- # First pass of replacements. We perform two passes as a simple way to
- # avoid incorrect replacements due to dictionaries not being
- # insertion-ordered prior to Python 3.7.
- for regex, repl in REGEX_MAP_KEYS_1.items():
- key = regex.sub(repl, key)
- mapping = regex.sub(repl, mapping)
- # Second pass of replacements.
- for regex, repl in REGEX_MAP_KEYS_2.items():
- key = regex.sub(repl, key)
- mapping = regex.sub(repl, mapping)
- mappings = vimode_settings['user_mappings']
- mappings[key] = mapping
- weechat.config_set_plugin('user_mappings', json.dumps(mappings))
- vimode_settings['user_mappings'] = mappings
- def cmd_nunmap(args):
- """Remove a user-defined key mapping.
- See Also:
- `cmd_map()`.
- """
- args = args.strip()
- if not args:
- weechat.prnt("", "nunmap syntax -> :unmap {lhs}")
- else:
- key = args
- for regex, repl in REGEX_MAP_KEYS_1.items():
- key = regex.sub(repl, key)
- for regex, repl in REGEX_MAP_KEYS_2.items():
- key = regex.sub(repl, key)
- mappings = vimode_settings['user_mappings']
- if key in mappings:
- del mappings[key]
- weechat.config_set_plugin('user_mappings', json.dumps(mappings))
- vimode_settings['user_mappings'] = mappings
- else:
- weechat.prnt("", "nunmap: No such mapping")
- # See Also: `cb_exec_cmd()`.
- VI_COMMAND_GROUPS = {('h', 'help'): "/help",
- ('qa', 'qall', 'quita', 'quitall'): "/exit",
- ('q', 'quit'): "/close",
- ('w', 'write'): "/save",
- ('bN', 'bNext', 'bp', 'bprevious'): "/buffer -1",
- ('bn', 'bnext'): "/buffer +1",
- ('bd', 'bdel', 'bdelete'): "/close",
- ('b#',): "/input jump_last_buffer_displayed",
- ('b', 'bu', 'buf', 'buffer'): "/buffer",
- ('sp', 'split'): "/window splith",
- ('vs', 'vsplit'): "/window splitv",
- ('nm', 'nmap'): cmd_nmap,
- ('nun', 'nunmap'): cmd_nunmap}
- VI_COMMANDS = dict()
- for T, v in VI_COMMAND_GROUPS.items():
- VI_COMMANDS.update(dict.fromkeys(T, v))
- # Vi operators.
- # -------------
- # Each operator must have a corresponding function, called "operator_X" where
- # X is the operator. For example: `operator_c()`.
- VI_OPERATORS = ["c", "d", "y"]
- # Vi motions.
- # -----------
- # Vi motions. Each motion must have a corresponding function, called
- # "motion_X" where X is the motion (e.g. `motion_w()`).
- # See Also: `SPECIAL_CHARS`.
- VI_MOTIONS = ["w", "e", "b", "^", "$", "h", "l", "W", "E", "B", "f", "F", "t",
- "T", "ge", "gE", "0"]
- # Special characters for motions. The corresponding function's name is
- # converted before calling. For example, "^" will call `motion_carret` instead
- # of `motion_^` (which isn't allowed because of illegal characters).
- SPECIAL_CHARS = {'^': "carret",
- '$': "dollar"}
- # Methods for vi operators, motions and key bindings.
- # ===================================================
- # Documented base examples:
- # -------------------------
- def operator_base(buf, input_line, pos1, pos2, overwrite):
- """Operator method example.
- Args:
- buf (str): pointer to the current WeeChat buffer.
- input_line (str): the content of the input line.
- pos1 (int): the starting position of the motion.
- pos2 (int): the ending position of the motion.
- overwrite (bool, optional): whether the character at the cursor's new
- position should be overwritten or not (for inclusive motions).
- Defaults to False.
- Notes:
- Should be called "operator_X", where X is the operator, and defined in
- Must perform actions (e.g. modifying the input line) on its own,
- using the WeeChat API.
- See Also:
- For additional examples, see `operator_d()` and
- `operator_y()`.
- """
- # Get start and end positions.
- start = min(pos1, pos2)
- end = max(pos1, pos2)
- # Print the text the operator should go over.
- weechat.prnt("", "Selection: %s" % input_line[start:end])
- def motion_base(input_line, cur, count):
- """Motion method example.
- Args:
- input_line (str): the content of the input line.
- cur (int): the position of the cursor.
- count (int): the amount of times to multiply or iterate the action.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing three values:
- int: the new position of the cursor.
- bool: True if the motion is inclusive, False otherwise.
- bool: True if the motion is catching, False otherwise.
- See `start_catching_keys()` for more info on catching motions.
- Notes:
- Should be called "motion_X", where X is the motion, and defined in
- Must not modify the input line directly.
- See Also:
- For additional examples, see `motion_w()` (normal motion) and
- `motion_f()` (catching motion).
- """
- # Find (relative to cur) position of next number.
- pos = get_pos(input_line, REGEX_INT, cur, True, count)
- # Return the new (absolute) cursor position.
- # This motion is exclusive, so overwrite is False.
- return cur + pos, False
- def key_base(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Key method example.
- Args:
- buf (str): pointer to the current WeeChat buffer.
- input_line (str): the content of the input line.
- cur (int): the position of the cursor.
- count (int): the amount of times to multiply or iterate the action.
- Notes:
- Should be called `key_X`, where X represents the key(s), and defined
- in `VI_KEYS`.
- Must perform actions on its own (using the WeeChat API).
- See Also:
- For additional examples, see `key_a()` (normal key) and
- `key_r()` (catching key).
- """
- # Key was pressed. Go to Insert mode (similar to "i").
- set_mode("INSERT")
- # Operators:
- # ----------
- def operator_d(buf, input_line, pos1, pos2, overwrite=False):
- """Delete text from `pos1` to `pos2` from the input line.
- If `overwrite` is set to True, the character at the cursor's new position
- is removed as well (the motion is inclusive).
- See Also:
- `operator_base()`.
- """
- start = min(pos1, pos2)
- end = max(pos1, pos2)
- if overwrite:
- end += 1
- input_line = list(input_line)
- del input_line[start:end]
- input_line = "".join(input_line)
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, pos1)
- def operator_c(buf, input_line, pos1, pos2, overwrite=False):
- """Delete text from `pos1` to `pos2` from the input and enter Insert mode.
- If `overwrite` is set to True, the character at the cursor's new position
- is removed as well (the motion is inclusive.)
- See Also:
- `operator_base()`.
- """
- operator_d(buf, input_line, pos1, pos2, overwrite)
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def operator_y(buf, input_line, pos1, pos2, _):
- """Yank text from `pos1` to `pos2` from the input line.
- See Also:
- `operator_base()`.
- """
- start = min(pos1, pos2)
- end = max(pos1, pos2)
- cmd = vimode_settings['copy_clipboard_cmd']
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- proc.communicate(input=input_line[start:end].encode())
- # Motions:
- # --------
- def motion_0(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to the first character of the line.
- See Also;
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return 0, False, False
- def motion_w(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` words forward and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- pos = get_pos(input_line, REGEX_MOTION_LOWERCASE_W, cur, True, count)
- if pos == -1:
- return len(input_line), False, False
- return cur + pos, False, False
- def motion_W(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` WORDS forward and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- pos = get_pos(input_line, REGEX_MOTION_UPPERCASE_W, cur, True, count)
- if pos == -1:
- return len(input_line), False, False
- return cur + pos, False, False
- def motion_e(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to the end of `count` words and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- for _ in range(max(1, count)):
- found = False
- pos = cur
- for pos in range(cur + 1, len(input_line) - 1):
- # Whitespace, keep going.
- if WHITESPACE.match(input_line[pos]):
- pass
- # End of sequence made from 'iskeyword' characters only,
- # or end of sequence made from non 'iskeyword' characters only.
- elif ((IS_KEYWORD.match(input_line[pos]) and
- (not IS_KEYWORD.match(input_line[pos + 1]) or
- WHITESPACE.match(input_line[pos + 1]))) or
- (not IS_KEYWORD.match(input_line[pos]) and
- (IS_KEYWORD.match(input_line[pos + 1]) or
- WHITESPACE.match(input_line[pos + 1])))):
- found = True
- cur = pos
- break
- # We're at the character before the last and we still found nothing.
- # Go to the last character.
- if not found:
- cur = pos + 1
- return cur, True, False
- def motion_E(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to the end of `count` WORDS and return cusor position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- pos = get_pos(input_line, REGEX_MOTION_UPPERCASE_E, cur, True, count)
- if pos == -1:
- return len(input_line), False, False
- return cur + pos, True, False
- def motion_b(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` words backwards and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- # "b" is just "e" on inverted data (e.g. "olleH" instead of "Hello").
- pos_inv = motion_e(input_line[::-1], len(input_line) - cur - 1, count)[0]
- pos = len(input_line) - pos_inv - 1
- return pos, True, False
- def motion_B(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` WORDS backwards and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- new_cur = len(input_line) - cur
- pos = get_pos(input_line[::-1], REGEX_MOTION_UPPERCASE_B, new_cur,
- count=count)
- if pos == -1:
- return 0, False, False
- pos = len(input_line) - (pos + new_cur + 1)
- return pos, True, False
- def motion_ge(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to end of `count` words backwards and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- # "ge is just "w" on inverted data (e.g. "olleH" instead of "Hello").
- pos_inv = motion_w(input_line[::-1], len(input_line) - cur - 1, count)[0]
- pos = len(input_line) - pos_inv - 1
- return pos, True, False
- def motion_gE(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to end of `count` WORDS backwards and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- new_cur = len(input_line) - cur - 1
- pos = get_pos(input_line[::-1], REGEX_MOTION_G_UPPERCASE_E, new_cur,
- True, count)
- if pos == -1:
- return 0, False, False
- pos = len(input_line) - (pos + new_cur + 1)
- return pos, True, False
- def motion_h(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` characters to the left and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return max(0, cur - max(count, 1)), False, False
- def motion_l(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go `count` characters to the right and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return cur + max(count, 1), False, False
- def motion_carret(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to first non-blank character of line and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- pos = get_pos(input_line, REGEX_MOTION_CARRET, 0)
- return pos, False, False
- def motion_dollar(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to end of line and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- pos = len(input_line)
- return pos, False, False
- def motion_f(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to `count`'th occurence of character and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return start_catching_keys(1, "cb_motion_f", input_line, cur, count)
- def cb_motion_f(update_last=True):
- """Callback for `motion_f()`.
- Args:
- update_last (bool, optional): should `last_search_motion` be updated?
- Set to False when calling from `key_semicolon()` or `key_comma()`
- so that the last search motion isn't overwritten.
- Defaults to True.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global last_search_motion
- pattern = catching_keys_data['keys']
- pos = get_pos(catching_keys_data['input_line'], re.escape(pattern),
- catching_keys_data['cur'], True,
- catching_keys_data['count'])
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = max(0, pos) + catching_keys_data['cur']
- if update_last:
- last_search_motion = {'motion': "f", 'data': pattern}
- cb_key_combo_default(None, None, "")
- def motion_F(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to `count`'th occurence of char to the right and return position.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return start_catching_keys(1, "cb_motion_F", input_line, cur, count)
- def cb_motion_F(update_last=True):
- """Callback for `motion_F()`.
- Args:
- update_last (bool, optional): should `last_search_motion` be updated?
- Set to False when calling from `key_semicolon()` or `key_comma()`
- so that the last search motion isn't overwritten.
- Defaults to True.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global last_search_motion
- pattern = catching_keys_data['keys']
- cur = len(catching_keys_data['input_line']) - catching_keys_data['cur']
- pos = get_pos(catching_keys_data['input_line'][::-1],
- re.escape(pattern),
- cur,
- False,
- catching_keys_data['count'])
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = catching_keys_data['cur'] - max(0, pos + 1)
- if update_last:
- last_search_motion = {'motion': "F", 'data': pattern}
- cb_key_combo_default(None, None, "")
- def motion_t(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to `count`'th occurence of char and return position.
- The position returned is the position of the character to the left of char.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return start_catching_keys(1, "cb_motion_t", input_line, cur, count)
- def cb_motion_t(update_last=True):
- """Callback for `motion_t()`.
- Args:
- update_last (bool, optional): should `last_search_motion` be updated?
- Set to False when calling from `key_semicolon()` or `key_comma()`
- so that the last search motion isn't overwritten.
- Defaults to True.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global last_search_motion
- pattern = catching_keys_data['keys']
- pos = get_pos(catching_keys_data['input_line'], re.escape(pattern),
- catching_keys_data['cur'] + 1,
- True, catching_keys_data['count'])
- pos += 1
- if pos > 0:
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = pos + catching_keys_data['cur'] - 1
- else:
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = catching_keys_data['cur']
- if update_last:
- last_search_motion = {'motion': "t", 'data': pattern}
- cb_key_combo_default(None, None, "")
- def motion_T(input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to `count`'th occurence of char to the left and return position.
- The position returned is the position of the character to the right of
- char.
- See Also:
- `motion_base()`.
- """
- return start_catching_keys(1, "cb_motion_T", input_line, cur, count)
- def cb_motion_T(update_last=True):
- """Callback for `motion_T()`.
- Args:
- update_last (bool, optional): should `last_search_motion` be updated?
- Set to False when calling from `key_semicolon()` or `key_comma()`
- so that the last search motion isn't overwritten.
- Defaults to True.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global last_search_motion
- pattern = catching_keys_data['keys']
- pos = get_pos(catching_keys_data['input_line'][::-1], re.escape(pattern),
- (len(catching_keys_data['input_line']) -
- (catching_keys_data['cur'] + 1)) + 1,
- True, catching_keys_data['count'])
- pos += 1
- if pos > 0:
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = catching_keys_data['cur'] - pos + 1
- else:
- catching_keys_data['new_cur'] = catching_keys_data['cur']
- if update_last:
- last_search_motion = {'motion': "T", 'data': pattern}
- cb_key_combo_default(None, None, "")
- # Keys:
- # -----
- def key_cc(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Delete line and start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- weechat.command("", "/input delete_line")
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_C(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Delete from cursor to end of line and start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- weechat.command("", "/input delete_end_of_line")
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_yy(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Yank line.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- cmd = vimode_settings['copy_clipboard_cmd']
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- proc.communicate(input=input_line.encode())
- def key_p(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Paste text.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- cmd = vimode_settings['paste_clipboard_cmd']
- weechat.hook_process(cmd, 10 * 1000, "cb_key_p", weechat.current_buffer())
- def cb_key_p(data, command, return_code, output, err):
- """Callback for fetching clipboard text and pasting it."""
- buf = ""
- this_buffer = data
- if output != "":
- buf += output.strip()
- if return_code == 0:
- my_input = weechat.buffer_get_string(this_buffer, "input")
- pos = weechat.buffer_get_integer(this_buffer, "input_pos")
- my_input = my_input[:pos] + buf + my_input[pos:]
- pos += len(buf)
- weechat.buffer_set(this_buffer, "input", my_input)
- weechat.buffer_set(this_buffer, "input_pos", str(pos))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def key_i(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_a(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Move cursor one character to the right and start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- set_cur(buf, input_line, cur + 1, False)
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_A(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Move cursor to end of line and start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- set_cur(buf, input_line, len(input_line), False)
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_I(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Move cursor to first non-blank character and start Insert mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- pos, _, _ = motion_carret(input_line, cur, 0)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, pos)
- set_mode("INSERT")
- def key_G(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Scroll to specified line or bottom of buffer.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- if count > 0:
- # This is necessary to prevent weird scroll jumps.
- weechat.command("", "/window scroll_top")
- weechat.command("", "/window scroll %s" % (count - 1))
- else:
- weechat.command("", "/window scroll_bottom")
- def key_r(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Replace `count` characters under the cursor.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- start_catching_keys(1, "cb_key_r", input_line, cur, count, buf)
- def cb_key_r():
- """Callback for `key_r()`.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global catching_keys_data
- input_line = list(catching_keys_data['input_line'])
- count = max(catching_keys_data['count'], 1)
- cur = catching_keys_data['cur']
- if cur + count <= len(input_line):
- for _ in range(count):
- input_line[cur] = catching_keys_data['keys']
- cur += 1
- input_line = "".join(input_line)
- weechat.buffer_set(catching_keys_data['buf'], "input", input_line)
- set_cur(catching_keys_data['buf'], input_line, cur - 1)
- catching_keys_data = {'amount': 0}
- def key_R(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Start Replace mode.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- set_mode("REPLACE")
- def key_tilda(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Switch the case of `count` characters under the cursor.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- input_line = list(input_line)
- count = max(1, count)
- while count and cur < len(input_line):
- input_line[cur] = input_line[cur].swapcase()
- count -= 1
- cur += 1
- input_line = "".join(input_line)
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, cur)
- def key_alt_j(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Go to WeeChat buffer.
- Called to preserve WeeChat's alt-j buffer switching.
- This is only called when alt-j<num> is pressed after pressing Esc, because
- \x01\x01j is received in key_combo_default which becomes \x01j after
- removing the detected Esc key.
- If Esc isn't the last pressed key, \x01j<num> is directly received in
- key_combo_default.
- """
- start_catching_keys(2, "cb_key_alt_j", input_line, cur, count)
- def cb_key_alt_j():
- """Callback for `key_alt_j()`.
- See Also:
- `start_catching_keys()`.
- """
- global catching_keys_data
- weechat.command("", "/buffer " + catching_keys_data['keys'])
- catching_keys_data = {'amount': 0}
- def key_semicolon(buf, input_line, cur, count, swap=False):
- """Repeat last f, t, F, T `count` times.
- Args:
- swap (bool, optional): if True, the last motion will be repeated in the
- opposite direction (e.g. "f" instead of "F"). Defaults to False.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- global catching_keys_data, vi_buffer
- catching_keys_data = ({'amount': 0,
- 'input_line': input_line,
- 'cur': cur,
- 'keys': last_search_motion['data'],
- 'count': count,
- 'new_cur': 0,
- 'buf': buf})
- # Swap the motion's case if called from key_comma.
- if swap:
- motion = last_search_motion['motion'].swapcase()
- else:
- motion = last_search_motion['motion']
- func = "cb_motion_%s" % motion
- vi_buffer = motion
- globals()[func](False)
- def key_comma(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Repeat last f, t, F, T in opposite direction `count` times.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- key_semicolon(buf, input_line, cur, count, True)
- def key_u(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Undo change `count` times.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- if buf not in undo_history:
- return
- for _ in range(max(count, 1)):
- if undo_history_index[buf] > -len(undo_history[buf]):
- undo_history_index[buf] -= 1
- input_line = undo_history[buf][undo_history_index[buf]]
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- else:
- break
- def key_ctrl_r(buf, input_line, cur, count):
- """Redo change `count` times.
- See Also:
- `key_base()`.
- """
- if buf not in undo_history:
- return
- for _ in range(max(count, 1)):
- if undo_history_index[buf] < -1:
- undo_history_index[buf] += 1
- input_line = undo_history[buf][undo_history_index[buf]]
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- else:
- break
- # Vi key bindings.
- # ================
- # String values will be executed as normal WeeChat commands.
- # For functions, see `key_base()` for reference.
- VI_KEYS = {'j': "/window scroll_down",
- 'k': "/window scroll_up",
- 'G': key_G,
- 'gg': "/window scroll_top",
- 'x': "/input delete_next_char",
- 'X': "/input delete_previous_char",
- 'dd': "/input delete_line",
- 'D': "/input delete_end_of_line",
- 'cc': key_cc,
- 'C': key_C,
- 'i': key_i,
- 'a': key_a,
- 'A': key_A,
- 'I': key_I,
- 'yy': key_yy,
- 'p': key_p,
- 'gt': "/buffer -1",
- 'K': "/buffer -1",
- 'gT': "/buffer +1",
- 'J': "/buffer +1",
- 'r': key_r,
- 'R': key_R,
- '~': key_tilda,
- 'nt': "/bar scroll nicklist * -100%",
- 'nT': "/bar scroll nicklist * +100%",
- '\x01[[A': "/input history_previous",
- '\x01[[B': "/input history_next",
- '\x01[[C': "/input move_next_char",
- '\x01[[D': "/input move_previous_char",
- '\x01[[H': "/input move_beginning_of_line",
- '\x01[[F': "/input move_end_of_line",
- '\x01[[5~': "/window page_up",
- '\x01[[6~': "/window page_down",
- '\x01[[3~': "/input delete_next_char",
- '\x01[[2~': key_i,
- '\x01M': "/input return",
- '\x01?': "/input move_previous_char",
- ' ': "/input move_next_char",
- '\x01[j': key_alt_j,
- '\x01[1': "/buffer *1",
- '\x01[2': "/buffer *2",
- '\x01[3': "/buffer *3",
- '\x01[4': "/buffer *4",
- '\x01[5': "/buffer *5",
- '\x01[6': "/buffer *6",
- '\x01[7': "/buffer *7",
- '\x01[8': "/buffer *8",
- '\x01[9': "/buffer *9",
- '\x01[0': "/buffer *10",
- '\x01^': "/input jump_last_buffer_displayed",
- '\x01D': "/window page_down",
- '\x01U': "/window page_up",
- '\x01Wh': "/window left",
- '\x01Wj': "/window down",
- '\x01Wk': "/window up",
- '\x01Wl': "/window right",
- '\x01W=': "/window balance",
- '\x01Wx': "/window swap",
- '\x01Ws': "/window splith",
- '\x01Wv': "/window splitv",
- '\x01Wq': "/window merge",
- ';': key_semicolon,
- ',': key_comma,
- 'u': key_u,
- '\x01R': key_ctrl_r}
- # Add alt-j<number> bindings.
- for i in range(10, 99):
- VI_KEYS['\x01[j%s' % i] = "/buffer %s" % i
- # Key handling.
- # =============
- def cb_key_pressed(data, signal, signal_data):
- """Detect potential Esc presses.
- Alt and Esc are detected as the same key in most terminals. The difference
- is that Alt signal is sent just before the other pressed key's signal.
- We therefore use a timeout (50ms) to detect whether Alt or Esc was pressed.
- """
- global last_signal_time
- last_signal_time = time.time()
- if signal_data == "\x01[":
- # In 50ms, check if any other keys were pressed. If not, it's Esc!
- weechat.hook_timer(50, 0, 1, "cb_check_esc",
- "{:f}".format(last_signal_time))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def cb_check_esc(data, remaining_calls):
- """Check if the Esc key was pressed and change the mode accordingly."""
- global esc_pressed, vi_buffer, catching_keys_data
- # Not perfect, would be better to use direct comparison (==) but that only
- # works for py2 and not for py3.
- if abs(last_signal_time - float(data)) <= 0.000001:
- esc_pressed += 1
- if mode == "SEARCH":
- weechat.command("", "/input search_stop_here")
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- # Cancel any current partial commands.
- vi_buffer = ""
- catching_keys_data = {'amount': 0}
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def cb_key_combo_default(data, signal, signal_data):
- """Eat and handle key events when in Normal mode, if needed.
- The key_combo_default signal is sent when a key combo is pressed. For
- example, alt-k will send the "\x01[k" signal.
- Esc is handled a bit differently to avoid delays, see `cb_key_pressed()`.
- """
- global esc_pressed, vi_buffer, cmd_compl_text, cmd_text_orig, \
- cmd_compl_pos, cmd_history_index
- # If Esc was pressed, strip the Esc part from the pressed keys.
- # Example: user presses Esc followed by i. This is detected as "\x01[i",
- # but we only want to handle "i".
- keys = signal_data
- if esc_pressed or esc_pressed == -2:
- if keys.startswith("\x01[" * esc_pressed):
- # Multiples of 3 seem to "cancel" themselves,
- # e.g. Esc-Esc-Esc-Alt-j-11 is detected as "\x01[\x01[\x01"
- # followed by "\x01[j11" (two different signals).
- if signal_data == "\x01[" * 3:
- esc_pressed = -1 # `cb_check_esc()` will increment it to 0.
- else:
- esc_pressed = 0
- # This can happen if a valid combination is started but interrupted
- # with Esc, such as Ctrl-W→Esc→w which would send two signals:
- # "\x01W\x01[" then "\x01W\x01[w".
- # In that case, we still need to handle the next signal ("\x01W\x01[w")
- # so we use the special value "-2".
- else:
- esc_pressed = -2
- keys = keys.split("\x01[")[-1] # Remove the "Esc" part(s).
- # Ctrl-Space.
- elif keys == "\x01@":
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # Clear the undo history for this buffer on <Return>.
- if keys == "\x01M":
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- clear_undo_history(buf)
- # Detect imap_esc presses if any.
- if mode == "INSERT":
- imap_esc = vimode_settings['imap_esc']
- if not imap_esc:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- if (imap_esc.startswith(vi_buffer) and
- imap_esc[len(vi_buffer):len(vi_buffer)+1] == keys):
- vi_buffer += keys
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- weechat.hook_timer(int(vimode_settings['imap_esc_timeout']), 0, 1,
- "cb_check_imap_esc", vi_buffer)
- elif (vi_buffer and imap_esc.startswith(vi_buffer) and
- imap_esc[len(vi_buffer):len(vi_buffer)+1] != keys):
- vi_buffer = ""
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- # imap_esc sequence detected -- remove the sequence keys from the
- # Weechat input bar and enter Normal mode.
- if imap_esc == vi_buffer:
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- cur = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buf, "input_pos")
- input_line = (input_line[:cur-len(imap_esc)+1] +
- input_line[cur:])
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, cur-len(imap_esc)+1, False)
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- vi_buffer = ""
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # We're in Replace mode — allow "normal" key presses (e.g. "a") and
- # overwrite the next character with them, but let the other key presses
- # pass normally (e.g. backspace, arrow keys, etc).
- if mode == "REPLACE":
- if len(keys) == 1:
- weechat.command("", "/input delete_next_char")
- elif keys == "\x01?":
- weechat.command("", "/input move_previous_char")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # We're catching keys! Only "normal" key presses interest us (e.g. "a"),
- # not complex ones (e.g. backspace).
- if len(keys) == 1 and catching_keys_data['amount']:
- catching_keys_data['keys'] += keys
- catching_keys_data['amount'] -= 1
- # Done catching keys, execute the callback.
- if catching_keys_data['amount'] == 0:
- globals()[catching_keys_data['callback']]()
- vi_buffer = ""
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # We're in command-line mode.
- if mode == "COMMAND":
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- cmd_text = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- weechat.hook_timer(1, 0, 1, "cb_check_cmd_mode", "")
- # Return key.
- if keys == "\x01M":
- weechat.hook_timer(1, 0, 1, "cb_exec_cmd", cmd_text)
- if len(cmd_text) > 1 and (not cmd_history or
- cmd_history[-1] != cmd_text):
- cmd_history.append(cmd_text)
- cmd_history_index = 0
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- input_line = input_line_backup[buf]['input_line']
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, input_line_backup[buf]['cur'], False)
- # Up arrow.
- elif keys == "\x01[[A":
- if cmd_history_index > -len(cmd_history):
- cmd_history_index -= 1
- cmd_text = cmd_history[cmd_history_index]
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", cmd_text)
- set_cur(buf, cmd_text, len(cmd_text), False)
- # Down arrow.
- elif keys == "\x01[[B":
- if cmd_history_index < -1:
- cmd_history_index += 1
- cmd_text = cmd_history[cmd_history_index]
- else:
- cmd_history_index = 0
- cmd_text = ":"
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", cmd_text)
- set_cur(buf, cmd_text, len(cmd_text), False)
- # Tab key. No completion when searching ("/").
- elif keys == "\x01I" and cmd_text[0] == ":":
- if cmd_text_orig is None:
- input_ = list(cmd_text)
- del input_[0]
- cmd_text_orig = "".join(input_)
- cmd_compl_list = []
- for cmd in VI_COMMANDS.keys():
- if cmd.startswith(cmd_text_orig):
- cmd_compl_list.append(cmd)
- if cmd_compl_list:
- curr_suggestion = cmd_compl_list[cmd_compl_pos]
- cmd_text = ":%s" % curr_suggestion
- cmd_compl_list[cmd_compl_pos] = weechat.string_eval_expression(
- "${color:bold}%s${color:-bold}" % curr_suggestion,
- {}, {}, {})
- cmd_compl_text = ", ".join(cmd_compl_list)
- cmd_compl_pos = (cmd_compl_pos + 1) % len(cmd_compl_list)
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", cmd_text)
- set_cur(buf, cmd_text, len(cmd_text), False)
- # Input.
- else:
- cmd_compl_text = ""
- cmd_text_orig = None
- cmd_compl_pos = 0
- weechat.bar_item_update("cmd_completion")
- if keys in ["\x01M", "\x01[[A", "\x01[[B"]:
- cmd_compl_text = ""
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- else:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Enter command mode.
- elif keys in [":", "/"]:
- if keys == "/":
- weechat.command("", "/input search_text_here")
- if not weechat.config_string_to_boolean(
- vimode_settings['search_vim']):
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- else:
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- cur = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buf, "input_pos")
- input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- input_line_backup[buf] = {'input_line': input_line, 'cur': cur}
- input_line = ":"
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, 1, False)
- set_mode("COMMAND")
- cmd_compl_text = ""
- cmd_text_orig = None
- cmd_compl_pos = 0
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # Add key to the buffer.
- vi_buffer += keys
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- if not vi_buffer:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Check if the keys have a (partial or full) match. If so, also get the
- # keys without the count. (These are the actual keys we should handle.)
- # After that, `vi_buffer` is only used for display purposes — only
- # `vi_keys` is checked for all the handling.
- # If no matches are found, the keys buffer is cleared.
- matched, vi_keys, count = get_keys_and_count(vi_buffer)
- if not matched:
- vi_buffer = ""
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # Check if it's a command (user defined key mapped to a :cmd).
- if vi_keys.startswith(":"):
- weechat.hook_timer(1, 0, 1, "cb_exec_cmd", "{} {}".format(vi_keys,
- count))
- vi_buffer = ""
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # It's a WeeChat command (user defined key mapped to a /cmd).
- if vi_keys.startswith("/"):
- weechat.command("", vi_keys)
- vi_buffer = ""
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- cur = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buf, "input_pos")
- # It's a default mapping. If the corresponding value is a string, we assume
- # it's a WeeChat command. Otherwise, it's a method we'll call.
- if vi_keys in VI_KEYS:
- if vi_keys not in ['u', '\x01R']:
- add_undo_history(buf, input_line)
- if isinstance(VI_KEYS[vi_keys], str):
- for _ in range(max(count, 1)):
- # This is to avoid crashing WeeChat on script reloads/unloads,
- # because no hooks must still be running when a script is
- # reloaded or unloaded.
- if (VI_KEYS[vi_keys] == "/input return" and
- input_line.startswith("/script ")):
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- weechat.command("", VI_KEYS[vi_keys])
- current_cur = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buf, "input_pos")
- set_cur(buf, input_line, current_cur)
- else:
- VI_KEYS[vi_keys](buf, input_line, cur, count)
- # It's a motion (e.g. "w") — call `motion_X()` where X is the motion, then
- # set the cursor's position to what that function returned.
- elif vi_keys in VI_MOTIONS:
- if vi_keys in SPECIAL_CHARS:
- func = "motion_%s" % SPECIAL_CHARS[vi_keys]
- else:
- func = "motion_%s" % vi_keys
- end, _, _ = globals()[func](input_line, cur, count)
- set_cur(buf, input_line, end)
- # It's an operator + motion (e.g. "dw") — call `motion_X()` (where X is
- # the motion), then we call `operator_Y()` (where Y is the operator)
- # with the position `motion_X()` returned. `operator_Y()` should then
- # handle changing the input line.
- elif (len(vi_keys) > 1 and
- vi_keys[0] in VI_OPERATORS and
- vi_keys[1:] in VI_MOTIONS):
- add_undo_history(buf, input_line)
- if vi_keys[1:] in SPECIAL_CHARS:
- func = "motion_%s" % SPECIAL_CHARS[vi_keys[1:]]
- else:
- func = "motion_%s" % vi_keys[1:]
- pos, overwrite, catching = globals()[func](input_line, cur, count)
- # If it's a catching motion, we don't want to call the operator just
- # yet -- this code will run again when the motion is complete, at which
- # point we will.
- if not catching:
- oper = "operator_%s" % vi_keys[0]
- globals()[oper](buf, input_line, cur, pos, overwrite)
- # The combo isn't completed yet (e.g. just "d").
- else:
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- # We've already handled the key combo, so clear the keys buffer.
- if not catching_keys_data['amount']:
- vi_buffer = ""
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- def cb_check_imap_esc(data, remaining_calls):
- """Clear the imap_esc sequence after some time if nothing was pressed."""
- global vi_buffer
- if vi_buffer == data:
- vi_buffer = ""
- weechat.bar_item_update("vi_buffer")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def cb_key_combo_search(data, signal, signal_data):
- """Handle keys while search mode is active (if search_vim is enabled)."""
- if not weechat.config_string_to_boolean(vimode_settings['search_vim']):
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- if mode == "COMMAND":
- if signal_data == "\x01M":
- set_mode("SEARCH")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- elif mode == "SEARCH":
- if signal_data == "\x01M":
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- else:
- if signal_data == "n":
- weechat.command("", "/input search_next")
- elif signal_data == "N":
- weechat.command("", "/input search_previous")
- # Start a new search.
- elif signal_data == "/":
- weechat.command("", "/input search_stop_here")
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- weechat.command("", "/input search_text_here")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Callbacks.
- # ==========
- # Bar items.
- # ----------
- def cb_vi_buffer(data, item, window):
- """Return the content of the vi buffer (pressed keys on hold)."""
- return vi_buffer
- def cb_cmd_completion(data, item, window):
- """Return the text of the command line."""
- return cmd_compl_text
- def cb_mode_indicator(data, item, window):
- """Return the current mode (INSERT/NORMAL/REPLACE/...)."""
- return "{}{}{}{}{}".format(
- weechat.color(mode_colors[mode]),
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_prefix'], mode,
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_suffix'], weechat.color("reset"))
- def cb_line_numbers(data, item, window):
- """Fill the line numbers bar item."""
- bar_height = weechat.window_get_integer(window, "win_chat_height")
- content = ""
- for i in range(1, bar_height + 1):
- content += "{}{}{}\n".format(vimode_settings['line_number_prefix'], i,
- vimode_settings['line_number_suffix'])
- return content
- # Callbacks for the line numbers bar.
- # ...................................
- def cb_update_line_numbers(data, signal, signal_data):
- """Call `cb_timer_update_line_numbers()` when switching buffers.
- A timer is required because the bar item is refreshed before the new buffer
- is actually displayed, so ``win_chat_height`` would refer to the old
- buffer. Using a timer refreshes the item after the new buffer is displayed.
- """
- weechat.hook_timer(10, 0, 1, "cb_timer_update_line_numbers", "")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def cb_timer_update_line_numbers(data, remaining_calls):
- """Update the line numbers bar item."""
- weechat.bar_item_update("line_numbers")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Config.
- # -------
- def cb_config(data, option, value):
- """Script option changed, update our copy."""
- option_name = option.split(".")[-1]
- if option_name in vimode_settings:
- vimode_settings[option_name] = value
- if option_name == 'user_mappings':
- load_user_mappings()
- if "_color" in option_name:
- load_mode_colors()
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def load_mode_colors():
- mode_colors.update({
- 'NORMAL': "{},{}".format(
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_normal_color'],
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_normal_color_bg']),
- 'INSERT': "{},{}".format(
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_insert_color'],
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_insert_color_bg']),
- 'REPLACE': "{},{}".format(
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_replace_color'],
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_replace_color_bg']),
- 'COMMAND': "{},{}".format(
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_cmd_color'],
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_cmd_color_bg']),
- 'SEARCH': "{},{}".format(
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_search_color'],
- vimode_settings['mode_indicator_search_color_bg'])
- })
- def load_user_mappings():
- """Load user-defined mappings."""
- mappings = {}
- if vimode_settings['user_mappings']:
- mappings.update(json.loads(vimode_settings['user_mappings']))
- vimode_settings['user_mappings'] = mappings
- # Command-line execution.
- # -----------------------
- def cb_exec_cmd(data, remaining_calls):
- """Translate and execute our custom commands to WeeChat command."""
- # Process the entered command.
- data = list(data)
- del data[0]
- data = "".join(data)
- # s/foo/bar command.
- if data.startswith("s/"):
- cmd = data
- parsed_cmd = next(csv.reader(StringIO(cmd), delimiter="/",
- escapechar="\\"))
- pattern = re.escape(parsed_cmd[1])
- repl = parsed_cmd[2]
- repl = re.sub(r"([^\\])&", r"\1" + pattern, repl)
- flag = None
- if len(parsed_cmd) == 4:
- flag = parsed_cmd[3]
- count = 1
- if flag == "g":
- count = 0
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- input_line = re.sub(pattern, repl, input_line, count)
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
- # Shell command.
- elif data.startswith("!"):
- weechat.command("", "/exec -buffer shell %s" % data[1:])
- # Commands like `:22`. This should start cursor mode (``/cursor``) and take
- # us to the relevant line.
- elif data.isdigit():
- line_number = int(data)
- hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get("window")
- window = weechat.current_window()
- x = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_x")
- y = (weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_y") +
- (line_number - 1))
- weechat.command("", "/cursor go {},{}".format(x, y))
- # Check againt defined commands.
- elif data:
- raw_data = data
- data = data.split(" ", 1)
- cmd = data[0]
- args = ""
- if len(data) == 2:
- args = data[1]
- if cmd in VI_COMMANDS:
- if isinstance(VI_COMMANDS[cmd], str):
- weechat.command("", "%s %s" % (VI_COMMANDS[cmd], args))
- else:
- VI_COMMANDS[cmd](args)
- else:
- # Check for commands not sepearated by space (e.g. "b2")
- for i in range(1, len(raw_data)):
- tmp_cmd = raw_data[:i]
- tmp_args = raw_data[i:]
- if tmp_cmd in VI_COMMANDS and tmp_args.isdigit():
- weechat.command("", "%s %s" % (VI_COMMANDS[tmp_cmd],
- tmp_args))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # No vi commands found, run the command as WeeChat command
- weechat.command("", "/{} {}".format(cmd, args))
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def cb_vimode_go_to_normal(data, buf, args):
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Script commands.
- # ----------------
- def cb_vimode_cmd(data, buf, args):
- """Handle script commands (``/vimode <command>``)."""
- # ``/vimode`` or ``/vimode help``
- if not args or args == "help":
- weechat.prnt("", "[vimode.py] %s" % README_URL)
- # ``/vimode bind_keys`` or ``/vimode bind_keys --list``
- elif args.startswith("bind_keys"):
- infolist = weechat.infolist_get("key", "", "default")
- weechat.infolist_reset_item_cursor(infolist)
- commands = ["/key unbind ctrl-W",
- "/key bind ctrl-W /input delete_previous_word",
- "/key bind ctrl-^ /input jump_last_buffer_displayed",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wh /window left",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wj /window down",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wk /window up",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wl /window right",
- "/key bind ctrl-W= /window balance",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wx /window swap",
- "/key bind ctrl-Ws /window splith",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wv /window splitv",
- "/key bind ctrl-Wq /window merge"]
- while weechat.infolist_next(infolist):
- key = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "key")
- commands.append("/key unbind %s" % key)
- weechat.infolist_free(infolist)
- if args == "bind_keys":
- weechat.prnt("", "Running commands:")
- for command in commands:
- weechat.command("", command)
- weechat.prnt("", "Done.")
- elif args == "bind_keys --list":
- weechat.prnt("", "Listing commands we'll run:")
- for command in commands:
- weechat.prnt("", " %s" % command)
- weechat.prnt("", "Done.")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- # Helpers.
- # ========
- # Motions/keys helpers.
- # ---------------------
- def get_pos(data, regex, cur, ignore_cur=False, count=0):
- """Return the position of `regex` match in `data`, starting at `cur`.
- Args:
- data (str): the data to search in.
- regex (pattern): regex pattern to search for.
- cur (int): where to start the search.
- ignore_cur (bool, optional): should the first match be ignored if it's
- also the character at `cur`?
- Defaults to False.
- count (int, optional): the index of the match to return. Defaults to 0.
- Returns:
- int: position of the match. -1 if no matches are found.
- """
- # List of the *positions* of the found patterns.
- matches = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(regex, data[cur:])]
- pos = -1
- if count:
- if len(matches) > count - 1:
- if ignore_cur and matches[0] == 0:
- if len(matches) > count:
- pos = matches[count]
- else:
- pos = matches[count - 1]
- elif matches:
- if ignore_cur and matches[0] == 0:
- if len(matches) > 1:
- pos = matches[1]
- else:
- pos = matches[0]
- return pos
- def set_cur(buf, input_line, pos, cap=True):
- """Set the cursor's position.
- Args:
- buf (str): pointer to the current WeeChat buffer.
- input_line (str): the content of the input line.
- pos (int): the position to set the cursor to.
- cap (bool, optional): if True, the `pos` will shortened to the length
- of `input_line` if it's too long. Defaults to True.
- """
- if cap:
- pos = min(pos, len(input_line) - 1)
- weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input_pos", str(pos))
- def start_catching_keys(amount, callback, input_line, cur, count, buf=None):
- """Start catching keys. Used for special commands (e.g. "f", "r").
- amount (int): amount of keys to catch.
- callback (str): name of method to call once all keys are caught.
- input_line (str): input line's content.
- cur (int): cursor's position.
- count (int): count, e.g. "2" for "2fs".
- buf (str, optional): pointer to the current WeeChat buffer.
- Defaults to None.
- `catching_keys_data` is a dict with the above arguments, as well as:
- keys (str): pressed keys will be added under this key.
- new_cur (int): the new cursor's position, set in the callback.
- When catching keys is active, normal pressed keys (e.g. "a" but not arrows)
- will get added to `catching_keys_data` under the key "keys", and will not
- be handled any further.
- Once all keys are caught, the method defined in the "callback" key is
- called, and can use the data in `catching_keys_data` to perform its action.
- """
- global catching_keys_data
- if "new_cur" in catching_keys_data:
- new_cur = catching_keys_data['new_cur']
- catching_keys_data = {'amount': 0}
- return new_cur, True, False
- catching_keys_data = ({'amount': amount,
- 'callback': callback,
- 'input_line': input_line,
- 'cur': cur,
- 'keys': "",
- 'count': count,
- 'new_cur': 0,
- 'buf': buf})
- return cur, False, True
- def get_keys_and_count(combo):
- """Check if `combo` is a valid combo and extract keys/counts if so.
- Args:
- combo (str): pressed keys combo.
- Returns:
- matched (bool): True if the combo has a (partial or full) match, False
- otherwise.
- combo (str): `combo` with the count removed. These are the actual keys
- we should handle. User mappings are also expanded.
- count (int): count for `combo`.
- """
- # Look for a potential match (e.g. "d" might become "dw" or "dd" so we
- # accept it, but "d9" is invalid).
- matched = False
- # Digits are allowed at the beginning (counts or "0").
- count = 0
- if combo.isdigit():
- matched = True
- elif combo and combo[0].isdigit():
- count = ""
- for char in combo:
- if char.isdigit():
- count += char
- else:
- break
- combo = combo.replace(count, "", 1)
- count = int(count)
- # It's a user defined key. Expand it.
- if combo in vimode_settings['user_mappings']:
- combo = vimode_settings['user_mappings'][combo]
- # It's a WeeChat command.
- if not matched and combo.startswith("/"):
- matched = True
- # Check against defined keys.
- if not matched:
- for key in VI_KEYS:
- if key.startswith(combo):
- matched = True
- break
- # Check against defined motions.
- if not matched:
- for motion in VI_MOTIONS:
- if motion.startswith(combo):
- matched = True
- break
- # Check against defined operators + motions.
- if not matched:
- for operator in VI_OPERATORS:
- if combo.startswith(operator):
- # Check for counts before the motion (but after the operator).
- vi_keys_no_op = combo[len(operator):]
- # There's no motion yet.
- if vi_keys_no_op.isdigit():
- matched = True
- break
- # Get the motion count, then multiply the operator count by
- # it, similar to vim's behavior.
- elif vi_keys_no_op and vi_keys_no_op[0].isdigit():
- motion_count = ""
- for char in vi_keys_no_op:
- if char.isdigit():
- motion_count += char
- else:
- break
- # Remove counts from `vi_keys_no_op`.
- combo = combo.replace(motion_count, "", 1)
- motion_count = int(motion_count)
- count = max(count, 1) * motion_count
- # Check against defined motions.
- for motion in VI_MOTIONS:
- if motion.startswith(combo[1:]):
- matched = True
- break
- return matched, combo, count
- # Other helpers.
- # --------------
- def set_mode(arg):
- """Set the current mode and update the bar mode indicator."""
- global mode
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- if mode == "INSERT" and arg == "NORMAL":
- add_undo_history(buf, input_line)
- mode = arg
- # If we're going to Normal mode, the cursor must move one character to the
- # left.
- if mode == "NORMAL":
- cur = weechat.buffer_get_integer(buf, "input_pos")
- set_cur(buf, input_line, cur - 1, False)
- weechat.bar_item_update("mode_indicator")
- def cb_check_cmd_mode(data, remaining_calls):
- """Exit command mode if user erases the leading ':' character."""
- buf = weechat.current_buffer()
- cmd_text = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
- if not cmd_text:
- set_mode("NORMAL")
- return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
- def add_undo_history(buf, input_line):
- """Add an item to the per-buffer undo history."""
- if buf in undo_history:
- if not undo_history[buf] or undo_history[buf][-1] != input_line:
- undo_history[buf].append(input_line)
- undo_history_index[buf] = -1
- else:
- undo_history[buf] = ['', input_line]
- undo_history_index[buf] = -1
- def clear_undo_history(buf):
- """Clear the undo history for a given buffer."""
- undo_history[buf] = ['']
- undo_history_index[buf] = -1
- def print_warning(text):
- """Print warning, in red, to the current buffer."""
- weechat.prnt("", ("%s[vimode.py] %s" % (weechat.color("red"), text)))
- def check_warnings():
- """Warn the user about problematic key bindings and tmux/screen."""
- user_warned = False
- # Warn the user about problematic key bindings that may conflict with
- # vimode.
- # The solution is to remove these key bindings, but that's up to the user.
- infolist = weechat.infolist_get("key", "", "default")
- problematic_keybindings = []
- while weechat.infolist_next(infolist):
- key = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "key")
- command = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, "command")
- problematic_keybindings.append("%s -> %s" % (key, command))
- weechat.infolist_free(infolist)
- if problematic_keybindings:
- user_warned = True
- print_warning("Problematic keybindings detected:")
- for keybinding in problematic_keybindings:
- print_warning(" %s" % keybinding)
- print_warning("These keybindings may conflict with vimode.")
- print_warning("You can remove problematic key bindings and add"
- " recommended ones by using /vimode bind_keys, or only"
- " list them with /vimode bind_keys --list")
- print_warning("For help, see: %s" % FAQ_KEYBINDINGS)
- del problematic_keybindings
- # Warn tmux/screen users about possible Esc detection delays.
- if "STY" in os.environ or "TMUX" in os.environ:
- if user_warned:
- weechat.prnt("", "")
- user_warned = True
- print_warning("tmux/screen users, see: %s" % FAQ_ESC)
- if (user_warned and not
- weechat.config_string_to_boolean(vimode_settings['no_warn'])):
- if user_warned:
- weechat.prnt("", "")
- print_warning("To force disable warnings, you can set"
- " plugins.var.python.vimode.no_warn to 'on'")
- # Main script.
- # ============
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Warn the user if he's using an unsupported WeeChat version.
- VERSION = weechat.info_get("version_number", "")
- if int(VERSION) < 0x01000000:
- print_warning("Please upgrade to WeeChat ≥ 1.0.0. Previous versions"
- " are not supported.")
- # Set up script options.
- for option, value in list(vimode_settings.items()):
- if weechat.config_is_set_plugin(option):
- vimode_settings[option] = weechat.config_get_plugin(option)
- else:
- weechat.config_set_plugin(option, value[0])
- vimode_settings[option] = value[0]
- weechat.config_set_desc_plugin(option,
- "%s (default: \"%s\")" % (value[1],
- value[0]))
- load_user_mappings()
- load_mode_colors()
- # Warn the user about possible problems if necessary.
- if not weechat.config_string_to_boolean(vimode_settings['no_warn']):
- check_warnings()
- # Create bar items and setup hooks.
- weechat.bar_item_new("mode_indicator", "cb_mode_indicator", "")
- weechat.bar_item_new("cmd_completion", "cb_cmd_completion", "")
- weechat.bar_item_new("vi_buffer", "cb_vi_buffer", "")
- weechat.bar_item_new("line_numbers", "cb_line_numbers", "")
- if int(VERSION) >= 0x02090000:
- weechat.bar_new("vi_line_numbers", "on", "0", "window", "", "left",
- "vertical", "vertical", "0", "0", "default", "default",
- "default", "default", "0", "line_numbers")
- else:
- weechat.bar_new("vi_line_numbers", "on", "0", "window", "", "left",
- "vertical", "vertical", "0", "0", "default", "default",
- "default", "0", "line_numbers")
- weechat.hook_config("plugins.var.python.%s.*" % SCRIPT_NAME, "cb_config",
- "")
- weechat.hook_signal("key_pressed", "cb_key_pressed", "")
- weechat.hook_signal("key_combo_default", "cb_key_combo_default", "")
- weechat.hook_signal("key_combo_search", "cb_key_combo_search", "")
- weechat.hook_signal("buffer_switch", "cb_update_line_numbers", "")
- weechat.hook_command("vimode", SCRIPT_DESC, "[help | bind_keys [--list]]",
- " help: show help\n"
- "bind_keys: unbind problematic keys, and bind"
- " recommended keys to use in WeeChat\n"
- " --list: only list changes",
- "help || bind_keys |--list",
- "cb_vimode_cmd", "")
- weechat.hook_command("vimode_go_to_normal",
- ("This command can be used for key bindings to go to "
- "normal mode."),
- "", "", "", "cb_vimode_go_to_normal", "")
- # Remove obsolete bar.
- vi_cmd_bar = weechat.bar_search("vi_cmd")
- weechat.bar_remove(vi_cmd_bar)