- # vim: filetype=neomuttrc
- auto_view text/html # automatically show html (mailcap uses lynx)
- auto_view application/pgp-encrypted
- #set display_filter = "tac | sed '/\\\[-- Autoview/,+1d' | tac" # Suppress autoview messages.
- alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
- bind index,pager i noop
- bind index,pager g noop
- bind index \Cf noop
- # General rebindings
- bind index j next-entry
- bind index k previous-entry
- bind attach <return> view-mailcap
- bind attach l view-mailcap
- bind editor <space> noop
- bind index G last-entry
- bind index gg first-entry
- bind pager,attach h exit
- bind pager j next-line
- bind pager k previous-line
- bind pager l view-attachments
- bind index D delete-message
- bind index U undelete-message
- bind index L limit
- bind index h noop
- bind index l display-message
- bind index,query <space> tag-entry
- #bind browser h goto-parent
- macro browser h '<change-dir><kill-line>..<enter>' "Go to parent folder"
- bind index,pager H view-raw-message
- bind browser l select-entry
- bind pager,browser gg top-page
- bind pager,browser G bottom-page
- bind index,pager,browser d half-down
- bind index,pager,browser u half-up
- bind index,pager S sync-mailbox
- bind index,pager R group-reply
- bind index \031 previous-undeleted # Mouse wheel
- bind index \005 next-undeleted # Mouse wheel
- bind pager \031 previous-line # Mouse wheel
- bind pager \005 next-line # Mouse wheel
- bind editor <Tab> complete-query
- #set crypt_autosign = yes
- #set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt = yes
- #set pgp_self_encrypt = yes
- #set pgp_default_key = 'your@gpgemailaddre.ss'
- macro index,pager a "<enter-command>set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode pipe_decode<return><pipe-message>abook --add-email<return><enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode<return>" "add the sender address to abook"
- macro index,pager U "<enter-command>set pipe_decode = yes<enter><pipe-message>urlview<enter><enter-command>set pipe_decode = no<enter>""view URLs"
- macro index \Cr "T~U<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>.<enter>" "mark all messages as read"
- macro index O "<shell-escape>mw -Y<enter>" "run mw -Y to sync all mail"
- macro index \Cf "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>printf 'Enter a search term to find with notmuch: '; read x; echo \$x >~/.cache/mutt_terms<enter><limit>~i \"\`notmuch search --output=messages \$(cat ~/.cache/mutt_terms) | head -n 600 | perl -le '@a=<>;s/\^id:// for@a;$,=\"|\";print@a' | perl -le '@a=<>; chomp@a; s/\\+/\\\\+/ for@a;print@a' \`\"<enter>" "show only messages matching a notmuch pattern"
- macro index A "<limit>all\n" "show all messages (undo limit)"
- # Sidebar mappings
- set sidebar_visible = yes
- set sidebar_width = 20
- set sidebar_short_path = yes
- set sidebar_next_new_wrap = yes
- set mail_check_stats
- set sidebar_format = '%D%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/? %?S?%S?'
- bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev
- bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next
- bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open
- bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev-new
- bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next-new
- bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible
- # File attach
- macro compose A \
- "<shell-escape> lf-ueberzug -selection-path=/tmp/muttattach<enter>\
- <enter-command>push W<enter>"
- macro compose W \
- "<attach-file>`cat /tmp/muttattach`<enter>"\