- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -o noclobber -o noglob -o nounset -o pipefail
- IFS=$'\n'
- ## If the option `use_preview_script` is set to `true`,
- ## then this script will be called and its output will be displayed in ranger.
- ## ANSI color codes are supported.
- ## STDIN is disabled, so interactive scripts won't work properly
- ## This script is considered a configuration file and must be updated manually.
- ## It will be left untouched if you upgrade ranger.
- ## Because of some automated testing we do on the script #'s for comments need
- ## to be doubled up. Code that is commented out, because it's an alternative for
- ## example, gets only one #.
- ## Meanings of exit codes:
- ## code | meaning | action of ranger
- ## -----+------------+-------------------------------------------
- ## 0 | success | Display stdout as preview
- ## 1 | no preview | Display no preview at all
- ## 2 | plain text | Display the plain content of the file
- ## 3 | fix width | Don't reload when width changes
- ## 4 | fix height | Don't reload when height changes
- ## 5 | fix both | Don't ever reload
- ## 6 | image | Display the image `$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH` points to as an image preview
- ## 7 | image | Display the file directly as an image
- ## Script arguments
- FILE_PATH="${1}" # Full path of the highlighted file
- PV_WIDTH="${2}" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
- ## shellcheck disable=SC2034 # PV_HEIGHT is provided for convenience and unused
- PV_HEIGHT="${3}" # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
- IMAGE_CACHE_PATH="${4}" # Full path that should be used to cache image preview
- PV_IMAGE_ENABLED="${5}" # 'True' if image previews are enabled, 'False' otherwise.
- FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER="$(printf "%s" "${FILE_EXTENSION}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
- ## Settings
- HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX=262143 # 256KiB
- handle_extension() {
- ## Archive
- a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|bz2|cab|cpio|deb|gz|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo|\
- rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z|zip)
- atool --list -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- rar)
- ## Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
- unrar lt -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- 7z)
- ## Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
- 7z l -p -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## PDF
- pdf)
- ## Preview as text conversion
- pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "${FILE_PATH}" - | \
- fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
- mutool draw -F txt -i -- "${FILE_PATH}" 1-10 | \
- fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
- exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## BitTorrent
- torrent)
- transmission-show -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## OpenDocument
- odt|ods|odp|sxw)
- ## Preview as text conversion
- odt2txt "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- ## Preview as markdown conversion
- pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## XLSX
- xlsx)
- ## Preview as csv conversion
- ## Uses: https://github.com/dilshod/xlsx2csv
- xlsx2csv -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## HTML
- htm|html|xhtml)
- ## Preview as text conversion
- w3m -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- lynx -dump -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- elinks -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- ;;
- ## JSON
- json|ipynb)
- jq --color-output . "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- python -m json.tool -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- ;;
- ## Direct Stream Digital/Transfer (DSDIFF) and wavpack aren't detected
- ## by file(1).
- dff|dsf|wv|wvc)
- mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- ;; # Continue with next handler on failure
- esac
- }
- handle_image() {
- ## Size of the preview if there are multiple options or it has to be
- ## rendered from vector graphics. If the conversion program allows
- ## specifying only one dimension while keeping the aspect ratio, the width
- ## will be used.
- local DEFAULT_SIZE="1920x1080"
- local mimetype="${1}"
- case "${mimetype}" in
- ## SVG
- # image/svg+xml|image/svg)
- # convert -- "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # exit 1;;
- ## DjVu
- # image/vnd.djvu)
- # ddjvu -format=tiff -quality=90 -page=1 -size="${DEFAULT_SIZE}" \
- # - "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" < "${FILE_PATH}" \
- # && exit 6 || exit 1;;
- ## Image
- image/*)
- local orientation
- orientation="$( identify -format '%[EXIF:Orientation]\n' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
- ## If orientation data is present and the image actually
- ## needs rotating ("1" means no rotation)...
- if [[ -n "$orientation" && "$orientation" != 1 ]]; then
- ## ...auto-rotate the image according to the EXIF data.
- convert -- "${FILE_PATH}" -auto-orient "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- fi
- ## `w3mimgdisplay` will be called for all images (unless overriden
- ## as above), but might fail for unsupported types.
- exit 7;;
- ## Video
- # video/*)
- # # Thumbnail
- # ffmpegthumbnailer -i "${FILE_PATH}" -o "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" -s 0 && exit 6
- # exit 1;;
- ## PDF
- # application/pdf)
- # pdftoppm -f 1 -l 1 \
- # -scale-to-x "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" \
- # -scale-to-y -1 \
- # -singlefile \
- # -jpeg -tiffcompression jpeg \
- # -- "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}" \
- # && exit 6 || exit 1;;
- ## ePub, MOBI, FB2 (using Calibre)
- # application/epub+zip|application/x-mobipocket-ebook|\
- # application/x-fictionbook+xml)
- # # ePub (using https://github.com/marianosimone/epub-thumbnailer)
- # epub-thumbnailer "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
- # "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" && exit 6
- # ebook-meta --get-cover="${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" \
- # >/dev/null && exit 6
- # exit 1;;
- ## Font
- application/font*|application/*opentype)
- preview_png="/tmp/$(basename "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}").png"
- if fontimage -o "${preview_png}" \
- --pixelsize "120" \
- --fontname \
- --pixelsize "80" \
- --text " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " \
- --text " 0123456789.:,;(*!?') ff fl fi ffi ffl " \
- --text " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. " \
- "${FILE_PATH}";
- then
- convert -- "${preview_png}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
- && rm "${preview_png}" \
- && exit 6
- else
- exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- ## Preview archives using the first image inside.
- ## (Very useful for comic book collections for example.)
- # application/zip|application/x-rar|application/x-7z-compressed|\
- # application/x-xz|application/x-bzip2|application/x-gzip|application/x-tar)
- # local fn=""; local fe=""
- # local zip=""; local rar=""; local tar=""; local bsd=""
- # case "${mimetype}" in
- # application/zip) zip=1 ;;
- # application/x-rar) rar=1 ;;
- # application/x-7z-compressed) ;;
- # *) tar=1 ;;
- # esac
- # { [ "$tar" ] && fn=$(tar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
- # { fn=$(bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}") && bsd=1 && tar=""; } || \
- # { [ "$rar" ] && fn=$(unrar lb -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
- # { [ "$zip" ] && fn=$(zipinfo -1 -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || return
- #
- # fn=$(echo "$fn" | python -c "from __future__ import print_function; \
- # import sys; import mimetypes as m; \
- # [ print(l, end='') for l in sys.stdin if \
- # (m.guess_type(l[:-1])[0] or '').startswith('image/') ]" |\
- # sort -V | head -n 1)
- # [ "$fn" = "" ] && return
- # [ "$bsd" ] && fn=$(printf '%b' "$fn")
- #
- # [ "$tar" ] && tar --extract --to-stdout \
- # --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fn" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # fe=$(echo -n "$fn" | sed 's/[][*?\]/\\\0/g')
- # [ "$bsd" ] && bsdtar --extract --to-stdout \
- # --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fe" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # [ "$bsd" ] || [ "$tar" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
- # [ "$rar" ] && unrar p -p- -inul -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fn" > \
- # "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # [ "$zip" ] && unzip -pP "" -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fe" > \
- # "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # [ "$rar" ] || [ "$zip" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
- # ;;
- esac
- # openscad_image() {
- # TMPPNG="$(mktemp -t XXXXXX.png)"
- # openscad --colorscheme="${OPENSCAD_COLORSCHEME}" \
- # --imgsize="${OPENSCAD_IMGSIZE/x/,}" \
- # -o "${TMPPNG}" "${1}"
- # mv "${TMPPNG}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
- # }
- # case "${FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER}" in
- # ## 3D models
- # ## OpenSCAD only supports png image output, and ${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}
- # ## is hardcoded as jpeg. So we make a tempfile.png and just
- # ## move/rename it to jpg. This works because image libraries are
- # ## smart enough to handle it.
- # csg|scad)
- # openscad_image "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 6
- # ;;
- # 3mf|amf|dxf|off|stl)
- # openscad_image <(echo "import(\"${FILE_PATH}\");") && exit 6
- # ;;
- # esac
- }
- handle_mime() {
- local mimetype="${1}"
- case "${mimetype}" in
- ## RTF and DOC
- text/rtf|*msword)
- ## Preview as text conversion
- ## note: catdoc does not always work for .doc files
- ## catdoc: http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/
- catdoc -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## DOCX, ePub, FB2 (using markdown)
- ## You might want to remove "|epub" and/or "|fb2" below if you have
- ## uncommented other methods to preview those formats
- *wordprocessingml.document|*/epub+zip|*/x-fictionbook+xml)
- ## Preview as markdown conversion
- pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## XLS
- *ms-excel)
- ## Preview as csv conversion
- ## xls2csv comes with catdoc:
- ## http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/
- xls2csv -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## Text
- text/* | */xml)
- ## Syntax highlight
- if [[ "$( stat --printf='%s' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )" -gt "${HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX}" ]]; then
- exit 2
- fi
- if [[ "$( tput colors )" -ge 256 ]]; then
- local pygmentize_format='terminal256'
- local highlight_format='xterm256'
- else
- local pygmentize_format='terminal'
- local highlight_format='ansi'
- fi
- --out-format="${highlight_format}" \
- --force -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- env COLORTERM=8bit bat --color=always --style="plain" \
- -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- pygmentize -f "${pygmentize_format}" -O "style=${PYGMENTIZE_STYLE}"\
- -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 2;;
- ## DjVu
- image/vnd.djvu)
- ## Preview as text conversion (requires djvulibre)
- djvutxt "${FILE_PATH}" | fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
- exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## Image
- image/*)
- ## Preview as text conversion
- # img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="${PV_WIDTH}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 4
- exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- ## Video and audio
- video/* | audio/*)
- mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1;;
- esac
- }
- handle_fallback() {
- echo '----- File Type Classification -----' && file --dereference --brief -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
- exit 1
- }
- MIMETYPE="$( file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
- if [[ "${PV_IMAGE_ENABLED}" == 'True' ]]; then
- handle_image "${MIMETYPE}"
- fi
- handle_extension
- handle_mime "${MIMETYPE}"
- handle_fallback
- exit 1