- #!/bin/sh
- [ -f "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/dbus_settings" ] && "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/dbus_settings" # Load the dbus settings for current session
- ping -q -c 1 example.org > /dev/null || exit
- displays="$(ps -u $(id -u) -o pid= \
- | xargs -I PID -r cat /proc/PID/environ 2> /dev/null \
- | tr '\0' '\n' \
- | grep ^DISPLAY=: \
- | sort -u \
- | xargs \
- | cut -d ":" -f2)"
- notify() {
- IFS="\n"
- for x in $displays; do
- export DISPLAY=$x
- notify-send --app-name="$1" "$2"
- done ;
- }
- notify " Repository Sync" "Checking for package updates..."
- sudo pacman -Syyuw --noconfirm || notify " An error occured" "Error downloading updates.
- Check your internet connection, if pacman is already running, or run update manually to see errors."
- if pacman -Qu | grep -v "\[ignored\]"
- then
- checkupdates 2> /dev/null > ~/.cache/pacman_updates
- notify " Repository Sync" "$(pacman -Qu | grep -v "\[ignored\]" | wc -l) Updates available. Click statusbar icon ( ) for update."
- else
- notify " Repository Sync" "Sync complete. No new packages for update."
- fi
- kill -49 "$(pidof dwmblocks)"