Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. #!/usr/bin/zsh
  2. alias feh="feh --scale-down --auto-zoom --no-fehbg"
  3. alias open=xdg-open
  4. alias rm="rm -i"
  5. alias clip="xclip -selection clipboard"
  6. alias g="git "
  7. alias tmux="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux"
  8. alias t="tmux"
  9. alias tn="tmux new -s "
  10. alias tat="tmux a -t "
  11. alias yain="yay -Syu "
  12. alias ls="ls --color"
  13. alias yay="yay --sudoloop"
  14. alias lf=lf-ueberzug
  15. alias vimorig=$(which vim)
  16. alias vim=nvim
  17. weechat(){
  18. tmux has-session -t weechat 2> /dev/null
  19. if [ $? != 0 ]; then
  20. tmux new-session -s weechat weechat > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
  21. else
  22. tat weechat
  23. fi
  24. }
  25. # Suffix aliases
  26. alias -g G=" | rg -i "
  27. alias gshh="gcloud cloud-shell ssh --authorize-session"
  28. # Git
  29. alias ga="git add"
  30. alias gcl="git clone --recursive --depth=16"
  31. alias gc="git commit"
  32. alias gcm="git commit -m"
  33. alias gp="git push"
  34. alias gpall="git remote | xargs -I R git push R"
  35. alias gpl="git pull"
  36. # Homedir Cleanup
  37. alias wget="wget --hsts-file=\"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/wget-hsts\""
  38. alias yarn="yarn --use-yarnrc $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/yarn/config"
  39. alias tmate="tmate -f $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmate/tmate.conf"
  40. alias mc="mc --config-dir=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mc"
  41. alias abook="abook --config \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/abook/abookrc --datafile \"$XDG_DATA_HOME\"/abook/addressbook"
  42. alias imapfilter="imapfilter -c \"$IMAPFILTER_CONFIG\""
  43. alias dots="git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree=$HOME"
  44. alias dpall="dots remote | xargs -I R git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree=$HOME push R"
  45. alias dignore="dots update-index --assume-unchanged {pkg.list,,}"
  46. alias da="dots add -u"
  47. alias dcm="dots commit"
  48. alias pwndbg="gdb -nh -x \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/gdb/pwninit"
  49. alias gef="gdb -nh -x \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\"/gdb/gefinit"
  50. alias bon="sudo bash -c 'rc-service bluetooth start && rfkill unblock bluetooth'"
  51. alias cx="chmod +x"
  52. alias lights_on="curl 'http://yeetclock/setcolor?R=136&G=192&B=208'"
  53. alias v="nvim"
  54. alias m='e --eval "(progn (magit-status) (delete-other-windows))"'
  55. alias mt="m -t"
  56. alias et="e -t"
  57. alias eduvpn="sudo openvpn ~/Documents/eduVPN.ovpn"
  58. alias sshlogin="ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
  59. alias scplogin="scp -o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
  60. alias pastebin="curl -F 'sprunge=<-'"