Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
792 B

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. activitywatch-bin
  2. aic94xx-firmware
  3. antibody
  4. betterdiscord
  5. betterdiscordctl-git
  6. betterlockscreen
  7. bitwarden
  8. bitwarden-dmenu
  9. capt-src
  10. checkupdates+aur
  11. checkupdates-aur
  12. cordless-bin
  13. direnv
  14. ghidra-darcula
  15. git-secret
  16. gitkraken
  17. glxinfo
  18. google-cloud-sdk
  19. i3lock-color
  20. ifuse
  21. jetbrains-toolbox
  22. ly
  23. mailspring
  24. mconnect-git
  25. nerd-fonts-hack
  26. notion-app
  27. notion-enhancer
  28. numix-icon-theme-git
  29. nvm
  30. perl-checkupdates-aur
  31. perl-www-aur
  33. plymouth-git
  34. plymouth-theme-cubes-git
  35. plymouth-theme-darth-vader-git
  36. postman-bin
  37. qt5-styleplugins
  38. readability-cli
  39. rofi-bluetooth-git
  40. ruby-erubis
  41. ruby-xdg
  42. spicetify-cli
  43. spotify
  44. spotify-tui
  45. sublime-text-3
  46. surf
  47. tela-icon-theme
  48. terminal_dimensions-git
  49. termpdf-git
  50. ttf-material-design-icons
  51. ttf-symbola
  52. typora
  53. vue-cli
  54. wd719x-firmware
  55. whatsapp-nativefier-dark
  56. xmenu
  57. yaft
  58. zoom