Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
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4 years ago
  1. [global]
  2. frame_width = 0
  3. font = CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font 10
  4. follow = none
  5. markup = yes
  6. stack_duplicates = true
  7. format = "<b>%a</b>\n%s%p\n%b"
  8. sort = yes
  9. indicate_hidden = yes
  10. alignment = left
  11. show_age_threshold = 60
  12. word_wrap = yes
  13. ignore_newline = no
  14. geometry = "500x8-8+50"
  15. indicate_hidden = yes
  16. shrink = yes
  17. transparency = 0
  18. idle_threshold = 120
  19. monitor = 0
  20. sticky_history = yes
  21. history_length = 20
  22. show_indicators = yes
  23. line_height = 0
  24. separator_height = 1
  25. padding = 8
  26. horizontal_padding = 10
  27. separator_color = auto
  28. startup_notification = false
  29. dmenu = /usr/local/bin/dmenu -p dmenu:
  30. browser = /bin/firefox
  31. icon_position = left
  32. #icon_path = /home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/actions:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/apps:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/devices:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/mimetypes:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/panel:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/places:/home/yigit/.icons/Tela-dark/16/status
  33. max_icon_size=32
  34. mouse_left_click = close_current
  35. mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
  36. mouse_right_click = close_all
  37. [shortcuts]
  38. close_all = ctrl+mod1+space
  39. history = shift+mod4+h
  40. context = ctrl+shift+period
  41. [urgency_low]
  42. background = "#0F111A"
  43. foreground = "#E5E9F0"
  44. frame_color = "#BF616A"
  45. timeout = 5
  46. [urgency_normal]
  47. background = "#0F111A"
  48. foreground = "#E5E9F0"
  49. frame_color = "#BF616A"
  50. timeout = 5
  51. [urgency_critical]
  52. background = "#BF616A"
  53. foreground = "#00010A"
  54. frame_color = "#E5E9F0"
  55. timeout = 0
  56. [volume]
  57. appname = 蓼 Volume
  58. history_ignore = yes
  59. [screensaver]
  60. appname =  System
  61. history_ignore = yes
  62. [notification]
  63. appname =  Notifications
  64. history_ignore = yes
  65. [keyboard]
  66. appname =  Keyboard
  67. history_ignore = yes
  68. [color]
  69. appname =  Color Grabbed
  70. history_ignore = yes
  71. # vim: ft=cfg