- #!/bin/sh
- # This is a backup script that takes snapshots of your device
- # In a Time Machine like fashion. You can add this to root's
- # crontab for regular backups
- # Config
- readonly SSH_HOST=
- readonly SSH_USER=yigit
- readonly SSH_KEY="/home/yigit/.ssh/id_skeleton"
- readonly RSYNC_PROFILE="$SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST:~/snapshots"
- alias ssh_cmd="ssh -i \"$SSH_KEY\" $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST"
- DEVICE=tatooine
- OPT="-aPh"
- date=$(date "+%I:%M-%d.%m.%Y")
- # You should enter absolute paths
- DIRS="/home/yigit
- /etc
- /var/lib
- /var/spool
- /usr/src/linux"
- # Check whether backup server is available on network
- timeout 3 ssh -i "$SSH_KEY" $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST id < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null || echo "SSH Failed." || exit
- # Run rsync to create snapshot
- while IFS= read -r DIR
- do
- LINK="--link-dest=/home/$SSH_USER/snapshots/tatooine/last$DIR/"
- ssh -i "$SSH_KEY" $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST mkdir -p "~/snapshots/$DEVICE/$date$DIR" < /dev/null
- rsync --exclude '.cache' "$@" -e "ssh -i $SSH_KEY" $OPT "$LINK" "$DIR/" "${SNAP}$date$DIR/"
- done << EOF
- # Remove symlink to previous snapshot
- ssh_cmd rm -f "~/snapshots/$DEVICE/last" < /dev/null
- # Create new symlink to latest snapshot for the next backup to hardlink
- ssh -i "$SSH_KEY" $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST ln -s "~/snapshots/$DEVICE/$date" "~/snapshots/$DEVICE/last" < /dev/null