Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. # Fr1nge's Dotfiles
  2. Welcome to my dungeon. Here, I keep all my configuration files in case I have a stroke an
  3. d lose all my memory. You're very welcome to explore and use anything in this repository.
  4. Have fun! Another copy of all of this is [here](
  5. ## My Setup:
  6. * Arch Linux
  7. * DWM ([dwm-flexipatch](
  8. * dmenu
  9. * st (simple terminal)
  10. * dunst
  11. * zsh with powerlevel10k and antibody
  12. * tmux
  13. * zathura
  14. * [Material Ocean]( color scheme for pretty much everything
  15. * [Pomme Page](
  16. ## Installation
  17. Just run
  18. ```sh
  19. git clone --recurse-submodules ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/
  20. ```
  21. This will download everything you need. After that, I have a list of all the packages I have installed on my machine in the directory arch-setup/.
  22. If you have any problems regarding the setup, you should first check whether you have missing packages.
  23. After the clone process, it is pretty straightforward, you can run the `` script which creates necessary symlinks.
  24. You might want to edit your crontab and the ~/.config.env.
  25. ## Some eye candy
  26. ![Workspace 1](
  27. ![Workspace 2](
  28. ![Workspace 4](
  29. ![neomutt](
  30. ## TODOS
  31. * [X] Neomutt further config
  32. * [X] Dwmblocks entry for tracking last mailsync time
  33. * [ ] Better documentation
  34. * [X] Dmenu for restarting certain processes like dwm, dwmblocks, dunst, mconnect