Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
  1. # Fr1nge's Dotfiles
  2. Welcome to my dungeon. Here, I keep all my configuration files in case I have a stroke an
  3. d lose all my memory. You're very welcome to explore and use anything in this repository.
  4. Have fun! Another copy of all of this is [here](
  5. ## My Setup:
  6. * Arch Linux
  7. * DWM ([dwm-flexipatch](
  8. * dmenu
  9. * st (simple terminal)
  10. * dunst
  11. * zsh with powerlevel10k and antibody
  12. * tmux
  13. * zathura
  14. * [Material Ocean]( color scheme for pretty much everything
  15. * [Pomme Page](
  16. ## Installation
  17. I use bare repositories to track my dotfiles, of course you don't have to do that and you can download and manually link everything you need. But if
  18. you want to use bare repositories as well. I sugggest you clone this repository first and run the following commands.
  19. ```sh
  20. git clone --depth 4 --bare<your_username>/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles.git
  21. cd ~
  22. alias dots="git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree=$HOME"
  23. dots show | sh
  24. ```
  25. This will download everything you need. After that, I have a list of all the packages I have installed on my machine in the directory arch-setup/.
  26. If you have any problems regarding the setup, you should first check whether you have missing packages.
  27. After the clone process, it is pretty straightforward, you can run the `` script which creates necessary symlinks.
  28. You might want to edit your crontab and the ~/.config/config.env.
  29. ## Some eye candy
  30. ![Workspace 1](
  31. ![Workspace 2](
  32. ![Workspace 4](
  33. ![neomutt](
  34. ## TODOS
  35. * [X] Neomutt further config
  36. * [X] Dwmblocks entry for tracking last mailsync time
  37. * [X] Fix ISO4755 and externalpipe conflict
  38. * [ ] Better documentation (Perhaps an auto-documentation tool written in python?)
  39. * [X] Dmenu for restarting certain processes like dwm, dwmblocks, dunst, mconnect