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21 lines
458 B

  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=Clipmenu daemon
  3. [Service]
  4. ExecStart=/usr/bin/clipmenud
  5. Restart=always
  6. RestartSec=500ms
  7. MemoryDenyWriteExecute=yes
  8. NoNewPrivileges=yes
  9. ProtectControlGroups=yes
  10. ProtectKernelTunables=yes
  11. RestrictAddressFamilies=
  12. RestrictRealtime=yes
  13. # We don't need to do any clean up, so if something hangs (borked xclip, etc),
  14. # it's going to stay that way. Just forcefully kill and get it over with.
  15. TimeoutStopSec=2
  16. [Install]