- from ranger.api.commands import Command
- class mkcd(Command):
- """
- :mkcd <dirname>
- Creates a directory with the name <dirname> and enters it.
- """
- def execute(self):
- from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
- from os import makedirs
- import re
- dirname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
- if not lexists(dirname):
- makedirs(dirname)
- match = re.search('^/|^~[^/]*/', dirname)
- if match:
- self.fm.cd(match.group(0))
- dirname = dirname[match.end(0):]
- for m in re.finditer('[^/]+', dirname):
- s = m.group(0)
- if s == '..' or (s.startswith('.') and not self.fm.settings['show_hidden']):
- self.fm.cd(s)
- else:
- ## We force ranger to load content before calling `scout`.
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content(schedule=False)
- self.fm.execute_console('scout -ae ^{}$'.format(s))
- else:
- self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)
- class toggle_flat(Command):
- """
- :toggle_flat
- Flattens or unflattens the directory view.
- """
- def execute(self):
- if self.fm.thisdir.flat == 0:
- self.fm.thisdir.unload()
- self.fm.thisdir.flat = -1
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content()
- else:
- self.fm.thisdir.unload()
- self.fm.thisdir.flat = 0
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content()
- class fzf_select(Command):
- """
- :fzf_select
- Find a file using fzf.
- With a prefix argument to select only directories.
- See: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
- """
- def execute(self):
- import subprocess
- import os
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- if 'fzf' not in get_executables():
- self.fm.notify('Could not find fzf in the PATH.', bad=True)
- return
- fd = None
- if 'fdfind' in get_executables():
- fd = 'fdfind'
- elif 'fd' in get_executables():
- fd = 'fd'
- if fd is not None:
- hidden = ('--hidden' if self.fm.settings.show_hidden else '')
- exclude = "--no-ignore-vcs --exclude '.git' --exclude '*.py[co]' --exclude '__pycache__'"
- only_directories = ('--type directory' if self.quantifier else '')
- fzf_default_command = '{} --follow {} {} {} --color=always'.format(
- fd, hidden, exclude, only_directories
- )
- else:
- hidden = ('-false' if self.fm.settings.show_hidden else r"-path '*/\.*' -prune")
- exclude = r"\( -name '\.git' -o -iname '\.*py[co]' -o -fstype 'dev' -o -fstype 'proc' \) -prune"
- only_directories = ('-type d' if self.quantifier else '')
- fzf_default_command = 'find -L . -mindepth 1 {} -o {} -o {} -print | cut -b3-'.format(
- hidden, exclude, only_directories
- )
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND'] = fzf_default_command
- env['FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS'] = '--height=40% --layout=reverse --ansi --preview="{}"'.format('''
- (
- batcat --color=always {} ||
- bat --color=always {} ||
- cat {} ||
- tree -ahpCL 3 -I '.git' -I '*.py[co]' -I '__pycache__' {}
- ) 2>/dev/null | head -n 100
- ''')
- fzf = self.fm.execute_command('fzf --no-multi', env=env,
- universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- stdout, _ = fzf.communicate()
- if fzf.returncode == 0:
- selected = os.path.abspath(stdout.strip())
- if os.path.isdir(selected):
- self.fm.cd(selected)
- else:
- self.fm.select_file(selected)
- class YankContent(Command):
- """
- Copy the content of image file and text file with xclip
- """
- def execute(self):
- import os
- import subprocess
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- if 'xclip' not in get_executables():
- self.fm.notify('xclip is not found.', bad=True)
- return
- arg = self.rest(1)
- if arg:
- if not os.path.isfile(arg):
- self.fm.notify('{} is not a file.'.format(arg))
- return
- file = File(arg)
- else:
- file = self.fm.thisfile
- if not file.is_file:
- self.fm.notify('{} is not a file.'.format(file.relative_path))
- return
- relative_path = file.relative_path
- cmd = ['xclip', '-selection', 'clipboard']
- if not file.is_binary():
- with open(file.path, 'rb') as fd:
- subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdin=fd)
- elif file.image:
- cmd += ['-t', file.mimetype, file.path]
- subprocess.check_call(cmd)
- self.fm.notify('Content of {} is copied to x clipboard'.format(relative_path))
- else:
- self.fm.notify('{} is not an image file or a text file.'.format(relative_path))
- def tab(self, tabnum):
- return self._tab_directory_content()