- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #
- # "Beautify" quoted message and make it "ready-to-reply" by Michael Velten
- use utf8;
- # keep quotes nested up to 3rd level
- my $ind_max = 4;
- my $name = '[[:alpha:]]+([\'`-][[:alpha:]]+|[.])*';
- my $fullname = '\b(' . $name . '[,]?\s+)*' . $name . '\b';
- # Possible reply greetings (regexes) (note that '> ' will be prefixed)
- my @greetings = (
- 'Dear\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Hh](ello|i|ey)' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Sehr geehrter?\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Lieber?\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Guten Tag' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Hh]allo' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Mm]oin' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Mm]esdames(,| et) [Mm]essieurs([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'M(adame)\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'M(onsieur)\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Cc]her\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Cc]h[eè]re\s+' . $fullname . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Bb]onjour' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Ss]alut' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Senhor(ita|a)?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Sra?\.?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Car([ií]ssim)?[ao]s?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Prezad([ií]ssim)?[ao]s?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Estimad([ií]ssim)?[ao]s?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Bb]om [Dd]ia' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Bb]oa ([Tt]arde|[Nn]oite)' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Oo](i|l[aá])' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]l[ôo]' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Hh]ola' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- 'Se[nñ]or(ita|a)?' . '(\s+' . $fullname . ')?' . '([,.]|\s*!)?',
- );
- # Possible reply "greetouts" (regexes) (note that '> ' will be prefixed)
- my @greetouts = (
- '([Ww]ith )?(([Kk]ind|[Bb]est|[Ww]arm) )?([Rr]egards|[Ww]ishes)([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Bb]est([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Cc]heers([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Mm]it ([Vv]iel|[Bb]est|[Ll]ieb|[Ff]reundlich)en [Gg]r([ü]|ue)([ß]|ss)en([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '(([Vv]iel|[Bb]est|[Ll]ieb|[Ff]reundlich)e )?[Gg]r([ü]|ue)([ß]|ss)e([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '(([[Bb]est|[Ll]ieb|[Ff]reundlich)e[rn] )?[Gg]ru([ß]|ss)([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Mm]it (([[Bb]est|[Ll]ieb|[Ff]reundlich)em )?[Gg]ru([ß]|ss)([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '([LV]|MF)G([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '(([Tt]r[eè]s|[Bb]ien) )?([Cc]ordi|[Aa]mic)alement([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]miti[eé]s?([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]tenciosamente([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]tt([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]bra[cç]os?([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Aa]tentamente([,.]|\s*!)?',
- '[Cc]ordialmente([,.]|\s*!)?',
- );
- my $word = '[[:alpha:]]+([\'`-][[:alpha:]]+)*';
- # my $saw_greeting = 0;
- # my $saw_greetout = 0;
- my $saw_own_sig = 0;
- my $saw_blank_line = 0;
- my $inds_other_sig = 0;
- my $quote_header = 0;
- my $extra_pref = '';
- my (@mail, @purged_mail);
- my $msg = shift;
- die "Usage: $0 MAIL" unless $msg;
- open(MAIL, "+<:encoding(UTF-8)", $msg) or die "$0: Can't open $msg: $!";
- push(@mail, $_) while <MAIL>; # Read whole mail
- # Process whole mail
- foreach my $line (@mail) {
- # Treat non-quoted lines as is
- if ($line !~ /^>/) {
- push(@purged_mail, $line);
- next LINE;
- }
- # Keep all lines after my own signature unmodified
- if ($line =~ /^--\s?$/ || $saw_own_sig) {
- $saw_own_sig = 1;
- push(@purged_mail, $line);
- next LINE;
- }
- # $line =~ tr/\xA0/ /;
- # tighten "> > " to ">> "
- my ($pref, $suff) = $line =~ /^([>[:space:]]+)(.*)$/;
- $pref =~ s/(>\s*(?!$))/>/g;
- # reduce multiple pre- and post-blanks to one post-blank
- $pref =~ s/^\s*(>+)\s*/$1 /;
- $line = $pref . $suff . "\n";
- # prepend additional '>' for each Outlook quote header
- if ($line =~ /^>+ [-_=]{3,}\s*$word(\s+$word)*\s*[-_=]{3,}$/) {
- $quote_header = 1;
- next LINE;
- }
- # first line after Outlook quote header that does not start with ...:
- if ($quote_header == 1 && $line !~ /^>+ ([-*]\s*)?$word(\s+$word)*\s*:\s+/) {
- $extra_pref = '>' . $extra_pref;
- $quote_header = 0;
- }
- $pref = $extra_pref . $pref;
- $line = $pref . $suff . "\n";
- # skip line if number of '>'s is greater than $ind_max
- my $inds = $pref =~ tr/>//;
- next LINE if $inds > $ind_max;
- # Remove other signatures
- if ($line =~ /^>+ --\s?$/) {
- $inds_other_sig = $inds;
- }
- if ($inds == $inds_other_sig) {
- next LINE;
- } else {
- $inds_other_sig = 0;
- }
- # Remove quoted greeting
- # unless ($saw_greeting) {
- foreach my $greeting (@greetings) {
- if ($line =~ /^>+ $greeting$/) {
- # $saw_greeting = 1;
- next LINE;
- }
- }
- # }
- # Remove quoted "greetout"
- # unless ($saw_greetout) {
- foreach my $greetout (@greetouts) {
- if ($line =~ /^>+ $greetout$/) {
- # $saw_greetout = 1;
- next LINE;
- }
- }
- # }
- # Remove quoted filler lines
- if ($line =~ /^>+ \s*(-*|_*|=*|\+*|#*|\**)$/) {
- next LINE;
- }
- # Save purged line
- push(@purged_mail, $line);
- }
- # Overwrite original mail with purged mail
- truncate(MAIL, 0);
- seek(MAIL, 0, 0);
- print MAIL @purged_mail;
- close(MAIL);