Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
378 B

4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. # Ignore everything
  2. *
  3. # Don't Ignore these files
  4. !.gitignore
  5. !antibody
  6. !BetterDiscord
  7. !Bitwarden
  8. !calcurse
  9. !dunst
  10. !fontconfig
  11. !gtk-2.0
  12. !gtk-3.0
  13. !gtk-4.0
  14. !htop
  15. !isync
  16. !lf
  17. !mimeapps.list
  18. !mpd
  19. !mpv
  20. !msmtp
  21. !mutt
  22. !ncmpcpp
  23. !neofetch
  24. !newsboat
  25. !nextcloud
  26. !notmuch
  27. !pulse
  28. !qt5ct
  29. !ranger
  30. !readline
  31. !spotifyd
  32. !surf
  33. !tmate
  34. !tmux
  35. !vdirsyncer
  36. !vim
  37. !wakatime
  38. !wgetrc
  39. !X11
  40. !zathura
  41. !coc
  42. !zsh