Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
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4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. ack
  2. arandr
  3. arc-gtk-theme
  4. aria2
  5. autoconf
  6. automake
  7. baobab
  8. base
  9. bat
  10. binutils
  11. bison
  12. blackarch-keyring
  13. blueman
  14. bluez-utils
  15. borgmatic
  16. calibre
  17. chrony
  18. cmake
  19. code
  20. conky
  21. ctags
  22. cups
  23. cups-pdf
  24. discord
  25. dunst
  26. efibootmgr
  27. efitools
  28. fakeroot
  29. feh
  30. figlet
  31. file
  32. findutils
  33. firefox-developer-edition
  34. flex
  35. gawk
  36. gcc
  37. gdm
  38. gettext
  39. git
  40. gksu
  41. gnome-bluetooth
  42. gnome-keyring
  43. gparted
  44. gradle
  45. grep
  46. groff
  47. grub
  48. gst-plugins-bad
  49. gst-plugins-good
  50. gvfs-afc
  51. gvim
  52. gzip
  53. hexchat
  54. htop
  55. inetutils
  56. intel-ucode
  57. ipython
  58. jdk11-openjdk
  59. jq
  60. jre11-openjdk
  61. kdeconnect
  62. keepass
  63. kitty
  64. libgnome-keyring
  65. libreoffice-fresh
  66. libtool
  67. lightdm
  68. lightdm-gtk-greeter
  69. lighttpd
  70. linux
  71. linux-firmware
  72. linux-headers
  73. lxappearance
  74. m4
  75. make
  76. mariadb
  77. mlocate
  78. mpv
  79. mysql-workbench
  80. nemo
  81. neofetch
  82. neovim
  83. net-tools
  84. networkmanager
  85. nextcloud-client
  86. ngrok
  87. noto-fonts
  88. noto-fonts-emoji
  89. npm
  90. ntfs-3g
  91. openssh
  92. pacman
  93. pamixer
  94. patch
  95. pavucontrol
  96. perl-image-exiftool
  97. php
  98. picom
  99. pkgconf
  100. playerctl
  101. polkit-gnome
  102. pulseaudio
  103. pulseaudio-alsa
  104. pulseaudio-bluetooth
  105. python-pdftotext
  106. python-pip
  107. python-pylint
  108. python-pynvim
  109. python2
  110. qt5ct
  111. ranger
  112. rclone
  113. redis
  114. refind
  115. ripgrep
  116. rofi
  117. rsync
  118. sbsigntools
  119. scrot
  120. sed
  121. shotwell
  122. sonic-visualiser
  123. stegoveritas
  124. sudo
  125. sxiv
  126. sysbench
  127. system-config-printer
  128. tcsh
  129. telegram-desktop
  130. termite
  131. texinfo
  132. texlive-bibtexextra
  133. texlive-core
  134. texlive-fontsextra
  135. texlive-formatsextra
  136. texlive-games
  137. texlive-humanities
  138. texlive-latexextra
  139. texlive-music
  140. texlive-pictures
  141. texlive-pstricks
  142. texlive-publishers
  143. texlive-science
  144. thunar
  145. thunderbird
  146. thunderbird-extension-enigmail
  147. tmate
  148. tmux
  149. tor
  150. torbrowser-launcher
  151. tree
  152. ttf-dejavu
  153. ttf-inconsolata
  154. ttf-joypixels
  155. ttf-linux-libertine
  156. unzip
  157. vi
  158. virtualbox
  159. virtualbox-host-dkms
  160. vlc
  161. wget
  162. which
  163. xclip
  164. xf86-video-amdgpu
  165. xf86-video-intel
  166. xf86-video-vesa
  167. xorg-bdftopcf
  168. xorg-docs
  169. xorg-font-util
  170. xorg-fonts-100dpi
  171. xorg-fonts-75dpi
  172. xorg-fonts-encodings
  173. xorg-iceauth
  174. xorg-mkfontscale
  175. xorg-server
  176. xorg-server-common
  177. xorg-server-devel
  178. xorg-server-xephyr
  179. xorg-server-xnest
  180. xorg-server-xvfb
  181. xorg-sessreg
  182. xorg-setxkbmap
  183. xorg-smproxy
  184. xorg-x11perf
  185. xorg-xauth
  186. xorg-xbacklight
  187. xorg-xcmsdb
  188. xorg-xcursorgen
  189. xorg-xdpyinfo
  190. xorg-xdriinfo
  191. xorg-xev
  192. xorg-xgamma
  193. xorg-xhost
  194. xorg-xinit
  195. xorg-xinput
  196. xorg-xkbcomp
  197. xorg-xkbevd
  198. xorg-xkbutils
  199. xorg-xkill
  200. xorg-xlsatoms
  201. xorg-xlsclients
  202. xorg-xmodmap
  203. xorg-xpr
  204. xorg-xprop
  205. xorg-xrandr
  206. xorg-xrdb
  207. xorg-xrefresh
  208. xorg-xset
  209. xorg-xsetroot
  210. xorg-xvinfo
  211. xorg-xwayland
  212. xorg-xwd
  213. xorg-xwininfo
  214. xorg-xwud
  215. xss-lock
  216. xterm
  217. yajl
  218. yay
  219. youtube-dl
  220. zathura
  221. zathura-pdf-mupdf
  222. zsh