Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
525 B

4 years ago
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. echo "Please enter the location of image file (Press enter to skip this step): "
  3. loc=$(fzf)
  4. if [ -z "$loc" ]
  5. then
  6. echo "Continuing with the installation..."
  7. exit
  8. fi
  9. mc cp -r yeet-dots/dotfiles/tools/* ~/.local/bin/
  10. sudo chmod +x ~/.local/bin/*
  11. ~/.local/bin/jsteg reveal $loc > /tmp/
  12. echo "Please enter your passphrase: "
  13. gpg -d /tmp/ > /tmp/
  14. unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/keys
  15. gpg --import /tmp/keys/gpg.key
  16. mkdir -p ~/.ssh
  17. chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  18. cp /tmp/keys/id_* ~/.ssh