Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

304 lines
3.4 KiB

  1. ack
  2. activitywatch-bin
  3. aic94xx-firmware
  4. alacritty
  5. antibody
  6. arandr
  7. archivemount
  8. arch-wiki-lite
  9. aria2
  10. autoconf2.13
  11. baobab
  12. base
  13. bat
  14. betterdiscordctl-git
  15. betterdiscord-git
  16. bfg
  17. bison
  18. bitwarden
  19. bitwarden-cli
  20. blackarch-keyring
  21. blueman
  22. borgmatic
  23. botan
  24. brave-bin
  25. calcurse
  26. calibre
  27. canon-pixma-ts5055-complete
  28. canto-next-git
  29. capt-src
  30. catdoc
  31. cbindgen
  32. checkupdates+aur
  33. cheese
  34. chrony
  35. clipnotify
  36. cmake
  37. cndrvcups-lt
  38. code
  39. cpanminus
  40. cpupower
  41. ctags
  42. ctemplate
  43. cups-pdf
  44. dash
  45. dejagnu
  46. direnv
  47. doxygen
  48. dunst
  49. efitools
  50. electron6
  51. engrampa
  52. exfat-utils
  53. figlet
  54. fltk
  55. ghidra-darcula
  56. gimp
  57. gitkraken
  58. git-secret
  59. gksu
  60. glxinfo
  61. gn-m85
  62. gnome-autoar
  63. gnome-bluetooth
  64. gnome-common
  65. gnome-disk-utility
  66. gnome-session
  67. gnuplot
  68. go
  69. gobject-introspection
  70. google-chrome
  71. google-cloud-sdk
  72. googler
  73. gparted
  74. gperf
  75. gradle
  76. grub
  77. gtk2-perl
  78. gtk2_prefs
  79. haskell-haddock-library1.9
  80. haskell-hxt
  81. hexchat
  82. htop
  83. i3lock-color
  84. i7z
  85. ifuse
  86. imake
  87. inetutils
  88. inkscape
  89. intel-ucode
  90. iperf
  91. irssi
  92. jellyfin-mpv-shim
  93. jetbrains-toolbox
  94. kbookmarks
  95. kded
  96. keepass
  97. khal
  98. khard
  99. kitty
  100. kjobwidgets
  101. knotifications
  102. ktextwidgets
  103. kunst-git
  104. lib32-libpng12
  105. lib32-libtiff
  106. libgdm
  107. libreoffice-fresh
  108. libsmbios
  109. libwnck3
  110. libxnvctrl
  111. lighttpd
  112. lld
  113. luit
  114. lxappearance
  115. ly
  116. mailcap
  117. man-pages
  118. mariadb
  119. meson
  120. mksh
  121. mozilla-common
  122. mpd-mpris
  123. mpris-ctl
  124. mpv-mpris-git
  125. mutter
  126. mutt-wizard
  127. mysql-workbench
  128. nasm
  129. ncmpcpp
  130. ncpamixer
  131. ncurses5-compat-libs
  132. nemo
  133. neofetch
  134. neovim
  135. nerd-fonts-hack
  136. net-tools
  137. newsboat
  138. nextcloud-client
  139. ngrok
  140. nm-connection-editor
  141. notmuch
  142. numix-icon-theme-git
  143. nvm
  144. opencv
  145. openssl-1.0
  146. pamixer
  147. parcel-bundler
  148. patchelf
  149. pavucontrol
  150. peaclock
  151. perl-date-holidayparser
  152. perl-module-install
  153. phonon-qt4
  154. php
  156. pistol-git
  157. playerctl
  158. plymouth-theme-cubes-git
  159. pngquant
  160. polkit-gnome
  161. postman-bin
  162. powertop
  163. proxychains-ng
  164. python2-docutils
  165. python2-psutil
  166. python2-virtualenv
  167. python-asn1crypto
  168. python-gnupg
  169. python-pdftotext
  170. python-ropper
  171. qbittorrent
  172. qt5ct
  173. qt5-quickcontrols
  174. qt5-script
  175. qt5-styleplugins
  176. qutebrowser
  177. r8152-dkms
  178. radare2
  179. rclone
  180. readability-cli
  181. redis
  182. refind
  183. renpy-sdk
  184. rofi-bluetooth-git
  185. rsync
  186. ruby-bundler
  187. ruby-erubis
  188. ruby-rainbow
  189. ruby-ronn
  190. ruby-thor
  191. ruby-xdg
  192. rust
  193. scdoc
  194. scrot
  195. shotwell
  196. simplescreenrecorder
  197. solid
  198. spicetify-cli
  199. spotify
  200. spotifyd-full-git
  201. spotify-tui
  202. sselp
  203. stegoveritas
  204. sublime-text-3
  205. surfraw
  206. sxhkd
  207. sysbench
  208. system-config-printer
  209. taskwarrior-tui
  210. tcsh
  211. telegram-desktop
  212. terminal_dimensions-git
  213. termite
  214. texlive-bibtexextra
  215. texlive-fontsextra
  216. texlive-formatsextra
  217. texlive-games
  218. texlive-humanities
  219. texlive-music
  220. texlive-pstricks
  221. texlive-publishers
  222. texlive-science
  223. thermald
  224. tidy
  225. tlp
  226. tmate
  227. tmsu-bin
  228. torbrowser-launcher
  229. tracker3
  230. ttf-inconsolata
  231. ttf-joypixels
  232. ttf-linux-libertine
  233. ttf-material-design-icons
  234. ttf-symbola
  235. turbostat
  236. typora
  237. udevil
  238. unclutter
  239. urlscan
  240. vala
  241. vi
  242. virtualbox
  243. vlc
  244. vtop
  245. vue-cli
  246. wallabag-client
  247. wd719x-firmware
  248. webkitgtk-bin
  249. weechat
  250. wget
  251. whatsapp-nativefier-dark
  252. wireless_tools
  253. wireshark-qt
  254. xautolock
  255. xbanish-timeout-git
  256. xbitmaps
  257. xf86-video-amdgpu
  258. xf86-video-intel
  259. xf86-video-vesa
  260. xkblayout-state-git
  261. xkb-switch
  262. xmenu
  263. xorg-bdftopcf
  264. xorg-docs
  265. xorg-fonts-100dpi
  266. xorg-fonts-75dpi
  267. xorg-font-util
  268. xorg-iceauth
  269. xorg-mkfontscale
  270. xorg-server
  271. xorg-server-devel
  272. xorg-server-xnest
  273. xorg-server-xvfb
  274. xorg-sessreg
  275. xorg-smproxy
  276. xorg-x11perf
  277. xorg-xbacklight
  278. xorg-xcmsdb
  279. xorg-xcursorgen
  280. xorg-xdriinfo
  281. xorg-xev
  282. xorg-xgamma
  283. xorg-xhost
  284. xorg-xinit
  285. xorg-xinput
  286. xorg-xkbevd
  287. xorg-xkbutils
  288. xorg-xkill
  289. xorg-xlsatoms
  290. xorg-xlsclients
  291. xorg-xpr
  292. xorg-xrefresh
  293. xorg-xsetroot
  294. xorg-xvinfo
  295. xorg-xwd
  296. xorg-xwud
  297. xscreensaver
  298. xss-lock
  299. xsvg
  300. yarn
  301. yasm
  302. yay
  303. ytfzf
  304. zoom