@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
readonly SCAN_RESULT=/tmp/connman.scan |
readonly STORAGE_PATH=/var/lib/connman |
readonly VPN_STORAGE_PATH=/var/lib/connman-vpn |
get_services() { |
if [[ -f $SCAN_RESULT ]]; then |
dmenu_notify 'another connman_dmenu is running' |
exit 1 |
fi |
trap "rm -f $SCAN_RESULT" EXIT |
connmanctl enable wifi &>/dev/null |
connmanctl scan wifi &>/dev/null |
connmanctl services | \ |
awk -F ' +' '{ service_id=$NF; $NF=""; $1=""; name=substr($0, 2, length-2); gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/, "_", name) } |
name { print name, service_id }' > $SCAN_RESULT |
} |
# $1 = index |
index_to_name() { |
[[ -f $SCAN_RESULT ]] || exit 1 |
awk -v line="$1" 'NR == line { print $1 }' $SCAN_RESULT |
} |
# $1 = index |
index_to_service() { |
[[ -f $SCAN_RESULT ]] || exit 1 |
awk -v line="$1" 'NR == line { print $2 }' $SCAN_RESULT |
} |
# $1 = service id |
get_service_security() { |
cut -d _ -f 5 <<<"$1" |
} |
# $1 = service id |
get_service_signal() { |
connmanctl services "$1" | awk '$1 == "Strength" { print $3 }' |
} |
# $1 = service id |
get_service_state() { |
connmanctl services "$1" | awk '$1 == "State" { print $3 }' |
} |
create_dmenu() { |
[[ -f $SCAN_RESULT ]] || exit 1 |
echo 'setup vpn pptp' |
local order=1 |
local name |
local service_id |
local security |
local signal |
local disconnect |
while read -r name service_id; do |
security='' |
signal='' |
disconnect='' |
[[ ! "$(get_service_state "$service_id")" =~ ^(idle|failure)$ ]] && disconnect='(disconnect)' |
case "$service_id" in |
wifi_*) |
security="$(get_service_security "$service_id")" |
signal="$(get_service_signal "$service_id")" |
;; |
vpn_*) |
security=vpn |
;; |
esac |
printf '%2s %-40s%9s %-3s %s\n' "$order" "$name" "$security" "$signal" "$disconnect" |
(( order++ )) |
done < $SCAN_RESULT |
} |
# $1 = msg |
dmenu_notify() { |
: | dmenu -p "$1 (press enter)" |
} |
# $1 = question |
# $2 = var name |
dmenu_ask() { |
IFS= read -r "$2" < <(: | dmenu -p "$1") |
if [[ ! "${!2}" ]]; then |
dmenu_notify "invalid $2" |
exit 1 |
fi |
} |
get_services |
index="$(create_dmenu | dmenu -l 10 -i -p 'select wifi service' | sed 's/^ *//g' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" |
if [[ "$index" == setup ]] ; then |
# create vpn mode |
dmenu_ask 'name this PPTP VPN' name |
name="${name// /_}" |
dmenu_ask 'please provide VPN domain' domain |
dmenu_ask 'please provide identity' identity |
dmenu_ask 'please provide password' password |
cat > "$VPN_STORAGE_PATH/$name.config" <<-EOF |
[provider_$name] |
Type = PPTP |
Name = $name |
Host = $(dig +short A "$domain" | sort -n | head -n1) |
Domain = $domain |
PPTP.User = $identity |
PPTP.Password = $password |
dmenu_notify "VPN $name is created" |
exit 0 |
fi |
service_id="$(index_to_service "$index")" |
[[ "$service_id" ]] || exit 1 |
name="$(index_to_name "$index")" |
echo "$name { $service_id }" |
if [[ ! "$(get_service_state "$service_id")" =~ ^(idle|failure)$ ]]; then |
connmanctl disconnect "$service_id" |
dmenu_notify "$name disconnected" |
exit 0 |
fi |
security="$(get_service_security "$service_id")" |
# create service file for encryption |
if [[ "$security" =~ ^(ieee8021x|psk|wep)$ ]]; then |
config_file="$STORAGE_PATH/$name-$security.config" |
if [[ -f "$config_file" && no != "$(echo -e 'yes\nno' | dmenu -p 'use previous profile?')" ]]; then |
echo "use old profile: $config_file" |
else |
dmenu_ask 'please provide password' password |
case "$security" in |
ieee8021x) |
dmenu_ask 'please provide identity' identity |
case "$(echo -e 'PEAP/MSCHAPV2\nTTLS/PAP' | dmenu -p 'please specify EAP type')" in |
eap=peap |
phase2=MSCHAPV2 |
;; |
eap=ttls |
phase2=PAP |
;; |
*) |
dmenu_notify 'invalid EAP' |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
cat > "$config_file" <<-EOF |
[service_$service_id] |
Type = wifi |
Name = $name |
EAP = $eap |
Phase2 = $phase2 |
Identity = $identity |
Passphrase = $password |
;; |
psk|wep) |
cat > "$config_file" <<-EOF |
[service_$service_id] |
Type = wifi |
Name = $name |
Passphrase = $password |
;; |
esac |
chmod 600 "$config_file" |
fi |
fi |
connman_msg="$(timeout 10 connmanctl connect "$service_id" 2>&1 | head -n 1)" |
if [[ "$connman_msg" == Connected* ]]; then |
dmenu_notify "connected to $name" |
else |
error_msg='automatic timeout for connman_dmenu' |
[[ "$connman_msg" ]] && error_msg="$(cut -d ' ' -f 3- <<<"$connman_msg")" |
dmenu_notify "cannot connect to $name ($error_msg)" |
fi |