Browse Source

Improved tmux, added secrets

Yiğit Çolakoğlu 4 years ago
21 changed files with 4803 additions and 32 deletions
  1. +3
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. +1
  6. +1
  7. +11
  8. +1
  9. +37
  10. +1
  11. +18
  12. +1
  13. +61
  14. +439
  15. +294
  16. +348
  17. +30
  18. +1
  19. +3548
  20. BIN
  21. +8

+ 3
- 0
.gitignore View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

.gitsecret/keys/pubring.kbx View File

.gitsecret/keys/pubring.kbx~ View File

.gitsecret/keys/trustdb.gpg View File

+ 1
- 0
.gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 1
- 0 View File

@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/antibody ~/.config/antibody
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/cmds ~/.cmds
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/aliases ~/.aliases
ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/completions ~/.completions

+ 11
- 0
misc/tmate.conf View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
## tmate
# Reassign prefix to not conflict with tmux
set -g prefix C-]
bind-key ] send-prefix
# turn off status bar so tmate is invisible
set -g status off
# Fix timeout for escape key
set -s escape-time 0

+ 1
- 0
suckless/dwm/config.h View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ static const Rule rules[] = {
/* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
{ "discord", NULL, NULL, 1 << 8, 0, -1 },
{ "Mailspring", NULL, NULL, 1 << 7, 0, -1 },
{ "Thunderbird", NULL, NULL, 1 << 7, 0, -1 },
{ "Termite", NULL, NULL, 1 << 0, 0, -1 },
{ "firefoxdeveloperedition", NULL, NULL, 1 << 1, 0, -1 },
{ "Tor Browser", NULL, NULL, 1 << 1, 0, -1 },

+ 37
- 12
tmux/tmux.conf View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Bind escape to copy mode
unbind [
bind Escape copy-mode
bind v copy-mode
# p = paste
unbind p
@ -22,16 +22,15 @@ set -g clock-mode-style 12
# Renumber windows after removing one
set -g renumber-windows on
# Set the thumbs key to f, I don't use find-window anyways
unbind f
set -g @thumbs-key f
# use 256 colors
# set -g default-terminal 'tmux-256color-italic'
set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color-italic:Tc"
# set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color-italic"
# change tmux bar colors
set -g status-bg '#B388FF'
set -g status-fg '#EEEEEE'
# Keep plenty of history for scrollback
set -g history-limit 50000
@ -43,6 +42,8 @@ set -g mouse on
set -g status-keys vi
setw -g mode-keys vi
bind-key -Tcopy-mode-vi 'v' send -X begin-selection
bind-key -Tcopy-mode-vi 'y' send -X copy-selection
bind y run-shell "tmux show-buffer | xclip -sel clip -i" \; display-message "Copied tmux buffer to system clipboard"
# Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits.
# See:
@ -66,11 +67,6 @@ set -g display-panes-time 1200
# status bar stuff
set -g status-left-length 40
# Simplify status bar display.
set -g status-left '[#S]'
set -g status-right "%I:%M %p "
# set -g status-right "#[fg=red][44%%]#[default] - %I:%M %p "
# Dismiss current pane to background window
bind b break-pane -d
bind-key j command-prompt -p "join pane from: " "join-pane -h -s '%%'"
@ -121,4 +117,33 @@ unbind '"'
# Split panes
bind | split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind _ split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind-key "\\" split-window -fh -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind-key "_" split-window -fv -c "#{pane_current_path}"
# Plugins
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'
set -g @plugin 'fcsonline/tmux-thumbs'
set -g @plugin 'wfxr/tmux-fzf-url'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-yank'
set -g @plugin 'Alkindi42/tmux-bitwarden'
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:indn@' # This fixes the clear bug on tmate
# status bar theme
set -g status-bg 'colour235'
set -g status-justify 'centre'
set -g status-left-length '100'
set -g status 'on'
set -g status-right-length '100'
set -g status-left '#[fg=colour232,bg=colour154] #S #[fg=colour154,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #W #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235] #(whoami)  #(uptime | cut -d " " -f 1,2,3) #[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
set -g status-right '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour121,bg=colour235] %r  %a  %Y #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #H #[fg=colour154,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour232,bg=colour154] #(rainbarf --battery --remaining --no-rgb) '
setw -g window-status-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[default] #I  #W #[fg=colour235,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
setw -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour238,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]#[fg=colour222,bg=colour238] #I  #W  #F #[fg=colour238,bg=colour235,nobold,nounderscore,noitalics]'
# Capture contents on tmux-ressurect save
set -g @resurrect-capture-pane-contents 'on'

+ 1
- 1
xorg/xinitrc View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ aw-server &
aw-watcher-window &
aw-watcher-afk &
mconnect -d &
mailspring &
thunderbird &
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY

+ 18
- 0
zsh/aliases View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
alias feh="feh --scale-down --auto-zoom"
alias idea="/home/yigit/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/201.7223.91/bin/"
alias lights_off="curl 'http://yeetclock/setcolor?R=2000&G=10&B=000&O=0'"
alias open=xdg-open
alias rm="rm -i"
alias clip="xclip -selection clipboard"
alias g="git "
alias t="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux"
alias tn="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux new -s "
alias tat="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux a -t "
alias yain="yay -Syu "
alias ls="ls --color"
# Suffix aliases
alias -g G=" | rg"
alias gshh="gcloud cloud-shell ssh --authorize-session"

+ 1
- 0
zsh/antibody/zsh_plugins.txt View File

@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

+ 61
- 9
zsh/cmds View File

@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
alias backup="sudo borg create --progress --stats /mnt/hdd/backups::laptop_$(date +%m_%d_%Y) /home /usr /etc /var /opt /boot --exclude /var/lib --exclude /home/yigit/Projects/UltimateStudent/recordings"
alias metis_backup="mysqldump --no-tablespaces --single-transaction -u bcaa49b6f602ea -h heroku_a78e4b025f8259d -pdc691280 > ~/.db_backups/metis_$(date +%m_%d_%Y).sql"
alias feh="feh --scale-down --auto-zoom"
alias idea="/home/yigit/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/201.7223.91/bin/"
alias lights_off="curl 'http://yeetclock/setcolor?R=2000&G=10&B=000&O=0'"
alias open=xdg-open
alias rm="rm -i"
alias clip="xclip -selection clipboard"
count() {
echo -n $1 | wc -c
@ -48,3 +39,64 @@ colors() {
echo ""
# TMATE Functions
# Get current tmate connection url
tmate-url() {
url="$(tmate -S $TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION display -p '#{tmate_ssh}')"
echo "$url" | tr -d '\n' | xclip -selection clipboard
echo "Copied tmate url for $TMATE_PAIR_NAME:"
echo "$url"
# Start a new tmate pair session if one doesn't already exist
# If creating a new session, the first argument can be an existing TMUX session to connect to automatically
tmate-attach() {
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
echo "Attaching tmate to tmux session $1";
tmate -S "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" send -t "$TMATE_PAIR_NAME" "TMUX='' tmux attach-session -t $1; tmate-unpair" ENTER
tmate-pair() {
if [ ! -e "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" ]; then
tmate -S "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" -f "$HOME/.tmate.conf" new-session -d -s "$TMATE_PAIR_NAME"
while [ -z "$url" ]; do
url="$(tmate -S $TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION display -p '#{tmate_ssh_ro}')"
echo "$url" | tr -d '\n' | xclip -selection clipboard
echo "Copied tmate url for $TMATE_PAIR_NAME:"
echo "$url"
sleep 1
#tmate-attach $1
sleep 2
tmate -S "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" attach-session -t "$TMATE_PAIR_NAME"
# Close the pair because security
tmate-unpair() {
if [ -e "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" ]; then
if [ -e "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" ]; then
tmux detach -s $(cat $TMATE_TMUX_SESSION)
tmate -S "$TMATE_SOCKET_LOCATION" kill-session -t "$TMATE_PAIR_NAME"
echo "Killed session $TMATE_PAIR_NAME"
echo "Session already killed"

+ 439
- 0
zsh/completions/_gcloud View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
#compdef gcloud
# Description:
# Completion script for Google Cloud SDK
# Author:
# * Colin Su (
# Source Code:
## Util functions
# get authorized account list
__account_list ()
_wanted application expl 'Authorized Google Accounts' compadd $(command gcloud auth list 2> /dev/null | grep - | sed -e "s/^ - //g" | sed -e "s/(active)//g")
# get config variable names
__variable_list ()
_wanted application expl 'gcloud :: config :: Configuration Variables' compadd $(command gcloud config list 2> /dev/null | grep "=" | sed -e "s/ = .*//g")
## Common stuffs
local -a _first_arguments
# these are command groups
'auth:Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK'
'components:Install, update, or remove the tools in the Google Cloud SDK'
'compute:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine resources'
'config:View and edit Google Cloud SDK properties'
'sql:Manage Cloud SQL databases'
# these are just commands
'init:Initialize a gcloud workspace in the current directory'
'interactive:Use this tool in an interactive python shell'
'version:Print version information for Cloud SDK components'
# common options
{--project+,-p+}":Google Cloud Platform project to use for this invocation:( )"
{--quiet,-q}"[Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised.]"
"--user-output-enabled+:Control whether user intended output is printed to the console.:(true false)"
"--verbosity+:Override the default verbosity for this command. This must be a standard logging verbosity level:(debug info warning error critical none)"
## for 'auth' command group
# Commands
local -a _auth_arguments
"activate-refresh-token:Get credentials via an existing refresh token"
"list:List the accounts for known credentials"
"login:Get credentials via Google's oauth2 web flow"
"revoke:Revoke authorization for credentials"
__gcloud-auth ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t subcommand "gcloud :: auth Commands" _auth_arguments
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
"--account+::List only credentials for one account:( )"
# TODO: make options repeatable
local args
"--account+:Override the account acquired from the web flow:( )"
"--do-not-activate[Do not set the new credentials as active]"
"--no-launch-browser[Print a URL to be copied instead of launching a web browser]"
_arguments -C $args
_arguments \
"--all[Revoke all known credentials]"
## for 'components' command groups
local -a _components_arguments
'list:Command to list the current state of installed components'
'remove:Command to remove installed components'
'restore:Command to restore a backup of a Cloud SDK installation'
'update:Command to update existing or install new components'
__gcloud-components ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: components Commands" _components_arguments
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
"--show-versions[Show version information for all components]"
## for 'compute' command groups
local -a _compute_arguments
"addresses:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine addresses."
"backend-services:List, create, and delete backend services."
"disk-types:Read Google Compute Engine virtual disk types."
"disks:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine disks."
"firewall-rules:List, create, and delete Google Compute Engine firewall rules."
"forwarding-rules:Read and manipulate forwarding rules to send traffic to load balancers."
"http-health-checks:Read and manipulate HTTP health checks for load balanced instances."
"images:List, create, and delete Google Compute Engine images."
"instances:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine virtual machine instances."
"machine-types:Read Google Compute Engine virtual machine types."
"networks:List, create, and delete Google Compute Engine networks."
"operations:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine operations."
"project-info:Read and manipulate project-level data like quotas and metadata."
"regions:List Google Compute Engine regions."
"routes:Read and manipulate routes."
"snapshots:List, describe, and delete Google Compute Engine snapshots."
"target-http-proxies:List, create, and delete target HTTP proxies."
"target-instances:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine virtual target instances."
"target-pools:Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine target pools."
"url-maps:List, create, and delete URL maps."
"zones:List Google Compute Engine zones."
"config-ssh:Populate SSH config files with Host entries from each instance"
"copy-files:Copy files to and from Google Compute Engine virtual machines."
"ssh:SSH into a virtual machine instance."
__gcloud-compute ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: compute commands" _compute_arguments
## for 'config' command groups
local -a _config_arguments
'list:View Google Cloud SDK properties'
'set:Edit Google Cloud SDK properties'
'unset:Erase Google Cloud SDK properties'
__gcloud-config ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: config Commands" _config_arguments
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
"--all[List all set and unset properties that match the arguments]" \
{--section+,-s+}":The section whose properties shall be listed:( )"
# FEATURE: gcloud config set <property>, will complete the property names
local -a _config_set_arguments
"--global-only[Set the option in the global properties file]"
{--section+,-s+}":The section containing the option to be set:( )"
_arguments -C \
$_config_set_arguments \
'1:feature:__variable_list' \
case $state in
case $line[1] in
# FEATURE: gcloud config set account <authed_account>
# when `config set account <cursor>`, completing by authroized accounts
_arguments -C \
# FEATURE: gcloud config unset <property>, will complete the property names
local -a _config_unset_arguments
"--global-only[Unset the option in the global properties file]"
{--section+,-s+}":The section containing the option to be unset:( )"
_arguments \
$_config_unset_arguments \
## for 'sql' command groups
local -a _sql_arguments
'backups:Provide commands for working with backups of Cloud SQL instances'
'instances:Provide commands for managing Cloud SQL instances'
'operations:Provide commands for working with Cloud SQL instance operations'
'ssl-certs:Provide commands for managing SSL certificates of Cloud SQL instances'
'tiers:Provide a command to list tiers'
__gcloud-sql ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql Commands" _sql_arguments
case $line[1] in
"get:Retrieves information about a backup"
"list:Lists all backups associated with a given instance"
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
{--instance+,-i+}":Cloud SQL instance ID:( )" \
case $state in
local -a _sql_backups_arguments
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql :: backup Commands" _sql_backups_arguments
# too many optional options in here, cry ;(
'create:Creates a new Cloud SQL instance'
'delete:Deletes a Cloud SQL instance'
'export:Exports data from a Cloud SQL instance'
'get:Retrieves information about a Cloud SQL instance'
'import:Imports data into a Cloud SQL instance from Google Cloud Storage'
'list:Lists Cloud SQL instances in a given project'
'patch:Updates the settings of a Cloud SQL instance'
'reset-ssl-config:Deletes all client certificates and generates a new server certificate'
'restart:Restarts a Cloud SQL instance'
'restore-backup:Restores a backup of a Cloud SQL instance'
'set-root-password:Sets the password of the MySQL root user'
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql :: instances Commands" _sql_instances_arguments
local -a _sql_operations_arguments
"get:Retrieves information about a Cloud SQL instance operation."
"list:Lists all instance operations for the given Cloud SQL instance"
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
{--instance+,-i+}":Cloud SQL instance ID:( )" \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql :: operations Commands" _sql_backups_arguments
local -a _sql_sslcerts_arguments
'create:Creates an SSL certificate for a Cloud SQL instance'
'delete:Deletes an SSL certificate for a Cloud SQL instance'
'get:Retrieves information about an SSL cert for a Cloud SQL instance'
'list:Lists all SSL certs for a Cloud SQL instance'
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
{--instance+,-i+}":Cloud SQL instance ID:( )" \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql :: ssl-certs Commands" _sql_sslcerts_arguments
local -a _sql_tiers_arguments
"list:Lists all available service tiers for Google Cloud SQL"
_arguments \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "gcloud :: sql :: tiers Commands" _sql_tiers_arguments
## Top-level completion function
local expl
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
$common_ops \
':command:->command' \
case $state in
_describe -t commands "Google Cloud SDK Commands" _first_arguments
# subcommands
case $line[1] in
return 0
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et

+ 294
- 0
zsh/completions/_git View File

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
#compdef git gitk
# zsh completion wrapper for git
# Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Felipe Contreras <>
# The recommended way to install this script is to make a copy of it as a
# file named '_git' inside any directory in your fpath.
# For example, create a directory '~/.zsh/', copy this file to '~/.zsh/_git',
# and then add the following to your ~/.zshrc file:
# fpath=(~/.zsh $fpath)
# You need git's bash completion script installed. By default bash-completion's
# location will be used (e.g. pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion).
# If your bash completion script is somewhere else, you can specify the
# location in your ~/.zshrc:
# zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' script ~/.git-completion.bash
zstyle -T ':completion:*:*:git:*' tag-order && \
zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' tag-order 'common-commands'
zstyle -s ":completion:*:*:git:*" script script
if [ -z "$script" ]; then
local -a locations
local e bash_completion
bash_completion=$(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2>/dev/null) ||
"$(dirname ${funcsourcetrace[1]%:*})"/git-completion.bash
'/etc/bash_completion.d/git' # old debian
for e in $locations; do
test -f $e && script="$e" && break
local old_complete="$functions[complete]"
__gitcomp ()
emulate -L zsh
local cur_="${3-$cur}"
case "$cur_" in
local c IFS=$' \t\n'
local -a array
for c in ${=1}; do
if [[ $c == "--" ]]; then
case $c in
--*=|*.) ;;
*) c="$c " ;;
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -Q -S '' -p "${2-}" -a -- array && _ret=0
local c IFS=$' \t\n'
local -a array
for c in ${=1}; do
if [[ $c == "--" ]]; then
array+=("$c ")
case $c in
--*=|*.) ;;
*) c="$c " ;;
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -Q -S '' -p "${2-}" -a -- array && _ret=0
__gitcomp_direct ()
emulate -L zsh
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -Q -S '' -- ${(f)1} && _ret=0
__gitcomp_nl ()
emulate -L zsh
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -Q -S "${4- }" -p "${2-}" -- ${(f)1} && _ret=0
__gitcomp_file ()
emulate -L zsh
compset -P '*[=:]'
compadd -f -p "${2-}" -- ${(f)1} && _ret=0
__gitcomp_direct_append ()
__gitcomp_direct "$@"
__gitcomp_nl_append ()
__gitcomp_nl "$@"
__gitcomp_file_direct ()
__gitcomp_file "$1" ""
_git_zsh ()
__gitcomp "v1.1"
__git_complete_command ()
emulate -L zsh
local command="$1"
local completion_func="_git_${command//-/_}"
if (( $+functions[$completion_func] )); then
emulate ksh -c $completion_func
return 0
return 1
__git_zsh_bash_func ()
emulate -L ksh
local command=$1
__git_complete_command "$command" && return
local expansion=$(__git_aliased_command "$command")
if [ -n "$expansion" ]; then
__git_complete_command "$expansion"
__git_zsh_cmd_common ()
local -a list
add:'add file contents to the index'
bisect:'find by binary search the change that introduced a bug'
branch:'list, create, or delete branches'
checkout:'checkout a branch or paths to the working tree'
clone:'clone a repository into a new directory'
commit:'record changes to the repository'
diff:'show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc'
fetch:'download objects and refs from another repository'
grep:'print lines matching a pattern'
init:'create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one'
log:'show commit logs'
merge:'join two or more development histories together'
mv:'move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink'
pull:'fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch'
push:'update remote refs along with associated objects'
rebase:'forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head'
reset:'reset current HEAD to the specified state'
restore:'restore working tree files'
rm:'remove files from the working tree and from the index'
show:'show various types of objects'
status:'show the working tree status'
switch:'switch branches'
tag:'create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG')
_describe -t common-commands 'common commands' list && _ret=0
__git_zsh_cmd_alias ()
local -a list
list=(${${(0)"$(git config -z --get-regexp '^alias\.*')"}#alias.})
list=(${(f)"$(printf "%s:alias for '%s'\n" ${(f@)list})"})
_describe -t alias-commands 'aliases' list && _ret=0
__git_zsh_cmd_all ()
local -a list
emulate ksh -c __git_compute_all_commands
list=( ${=__git_all_commands} )
_describe -t all-commands 'all commands' list && _ret=0
__git_zsh_main ()
local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line
typeset -A opt_args
local -a orig_words
orig_words=( ${words[@]} )
_arguments -C \
'(-p --paginate --no-pager)'{-p,--paginate}'[pipe all output into ''less'']' \
'(-p --paginate)--no-pager[do not pipe git output into a pager]' \
'--git-dir=-[set the path to the repository]: :_directories' \
'--bare[treat the repository as a bare repository]' \
'(- :)--version[prints the git suite version]' \
'--exec-path=-[path to where your core git programs are installed]:: :_directories' \
'--html-path[print the path where git''s HTML documentation is installed]' \
'--info-path[print the path where the Info files are installed]' \
'--man-path[print the manpath (see `man(1)`) for the man pages]' \
'--work-tree=-[set the path to the working tree]: :_directories' \
'--namespace=-[set the git namespace]' \
'--no-replace-objects[do not use replacement refs to replace git objects]' \
'(- :)--help[prints the synopsis and a list of the most commonly used commands]: :->arg' \
'(-): :->command' \
'(-)*:: :->arg' && return
case $state in
_tags common-commands alias-commands all-commands
while _tags; do
_requested common-commands && __git_zsh_cmd_common
_requested alias-commands && __git_zsh_cmd_alias
_requested all-commands && __git_zsh_cmd_all
let _ret || break
local command="${words[1]}" __git_dir
if (( $+opt_args[--bare] )); then
(( $+opt_args[--help] )) && command='help'
words=( ${orig_words[@]} )
__git_zsh_bash_func $command
_git ()
local _ret=1
local cur cword prev
let cword=CURRENT-1
if (( $+functions[__${service}_zsh_main] )); then
elif (( $+functions[__${service}_main] )); then
emulate ksh -c __${service}_main
elif (( $+functions[_${service}] )); then
emulate ksh -c _${service}
elif (( $+functions[_${service//-/_}] )); then
emulate ksh -c _${service//-/_}
let _ret && _default && _ret=0
return _ret

+ 348
- 0
zsh/completions/_spt View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#compdef spt
autoload -U is-at-least
_spt() {
typeset -A opt_args
typeset -a _arguments_options
local ret=1
if is-at-least 5.2; then
_arguments_options=(-s -S -C)
_arguments_options=(-s -C)
local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-t+[Set the tick rate (milliseconds): the lower the number the higher the FPS.]' \
'--tick-rate=[Set the tick rate (milliseconds): the lower the number the higher the FPS.]' \
'-c+[Specify configuration file path.]' \
'--config=[Specify configuration file path.]' \
'--completions=[Generates completions for your preferred shell]: :(bash zsh fish power-shell elvish)' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
":: :_spt_commands" \
"*::: :->spotify-tui" \
&& ret=0
case $state in
words=($line[1] "${words[@]}")
(( CURRENT += 1 ))
case $line[1] in
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-d+[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'--device=[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--transfer=[Transfers the playback to new DEVICE]' \
'-v+[Sets the volume of a device to VOLUME (1 - 100)]' \
'--volume=[Sets the volume of a device to VOLUME (1 - 100)]' \
'-t[Pauses/resumes the playback of a device]' \
'--toggle[Pauses/resumes the playback of a device]' \
'-s[Prints out the current status of a device (default)]' \
'--status[Prints out the current status of a device (default)]' \
'--share-track[Returns the url to the current track]' \
'--share-album[Returns the url to the album of the current track]' \
'--like[Likes the current song]' \
'--shuffle[Toggles shuffle mode]' \
'--repeat[Switches between repeat modes]' \
'*-n[Jumps to the next song]' \
'*--next[Jumps to the next song]' \
'*-p[Jumps to the previous song]' \
'*--previous[Jumps to the previous song]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-d+[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'--device=[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--transfer=[Transfers the playback to new DEVICE]' \
'-v+[Sets the volume of a device to VOLUME (1 - 100)]' \
'--volume=[Sets the volume of a device to VOLUME (1 - 100)]' \
'-t[Pauses/resumes the playback of a device]' \
'--toggle[Pauses/resumes the playback of a device]' \
'-s[Prints out the current status of a device (default)]' \
'--status[Prints out the current status of a device (default)]' \
'--share-track[Returns the url to the current track]' \
'--share-album[Returns the url to the album of the current track]' \
'--like[Likes the current song]' \
'--shuffle[Toggles shuffle mode]' \
'--repeat[Switches between repeat modes]' \
'*-n[Jumps to the next song]' \
'*--next[Jumps to the next song]' \
'*-p[Jumps to the previous song]' \
'*--previous[Jumps to the previous song]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-d+[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'--device=[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'-u+[Plays the URI]' \
'--uri=[Plays the URI]' \
'-n+[Plays the first match with NAME from the specified category]' \
'--name=[Plays the first match with NAME from the specified category]' \
'(-b --album -a --artist -p --playlist -w --show)-q[Adds track to queue instead of playing it directly]' \
'(-b --album -a --artist -p --playlist -w --show)--queue[Adds track to queue instead of playing it directly]' \
'(-t --track -b --album -a --artist -w --show)-r[Plays a random track (only works with playlists)]' \
'(-t --track -b --album -a --artist -w --show)--random[Plays a random track (only works with playlists)]' \
'-b[Looks for an album]' \
'--album[Looks for an album]' \
'-a[Looks for an artist]' \
'--artist[Looks for an artist]' \
'-t[Looks for a track]' \
'--track[Looks for a track]' \
'-w[Looks for a show]' \
'--show[Looks for a show]' \
'-p[Looks for a playlist]' \
'--playlist[Looks for a playlist]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-d+[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'--device=[Specifies the spotify device to use]' \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'-u+[Plays the URI]' \
'--uri=[Plays the URI]' \
'-n+[Plays the first match with NAME from the specified category]' \
'--name=[Plays the first match with NAME from the specified category]' \
'(-b --album -a --artist -p --playlist -w --show)-q[Adds track to queue instead of playing it directly]' \
'(-b --album -a --artist -p --playlist -w --show)--queue[Adds track to queue instead of playing it directly]' \
'(-t --track -b --album -a --artist -w --show)-r[Plays a random track (only works with playlists)]' \
'(-t --track -b --album -a --artist -w --show)--random[Plays a random track (only works with playlists)]' \
'-b[Looks for an album]' \
'--album[Looks for an album]' \
'-a[Looks for an artist]' \
'--artist[Looks for an artist]' \
'-t[Looks for a track]' \
'--track[Looks for a track]' \
'-w[Looks for a show]' \
'--show[Looks for a show]' \
'-p[Looks for a playlist]' \
'--playlist[Looks for a playlist]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--limit=[Specifies the maximum number of results (1 - 50)]' \
'-d[Lists devices]' \
'--devices[Lists devices]' \
'-p[Lists playlists]' \
'--playlists[Lists playlists]' \
'--liked[Lists liked songs]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--limit=[Specifies the maximum number of results (1 - 50)]' \
'-d[Lists devices]' \
'--devices[Lists devices]' \
'-p[Lists playlists]' \
'--playlists[Lists playlists]' \
'--liked[Lists liked songs]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--limit=[Specifies the maximum number of results (1 - 50)]' \
'-b[Looks for albums]' \
'--albums[Looks for albums]' \
'-a[Looks for artists]' \
'--artists[Looks for artists]' \
'-p[Looks for playlists]' \
'--playlists[Looks for playlists]' \
'-t[Looks for tracks]' \
'--tracks[Looks for tracks]' \
'-w[Looks for shows]' \
'--shows[Looks for shows]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
':search -- Specifies the search query:_files' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-f+[Specifies the output format]' \
'--format=[Specifies the output format]' \
'--limit=[Specifies the maximum number of results (1 - 50)]' \
'-b[Looks for albums]' \
'--albums[Looks for albums]' \
'-a[Looks for artists]' \
'--artists[Looks for artists]' \
'-p[Looks for playlists]' \
'--playlists[Looks for playlists]' \
'-t[Looks for tracks]' \
'--tracks[Looks for tracks]' \
'-w[Looks for shows]' \
'--shows[Looks for shows]' \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
':search -- Specifies the search query:_files' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'-h[Prints help information]' \
'--help[Prints help information]' \
'-V[Prints version information]' \
'--version[Prints version information]' \
&& ret=0
(( $+functions[_spt_commands] )) ||
_spt_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
"playback:Interacts with the playback of a device" \
"pb:Interacts with the playback of a device" \
"play:Plays a uri or another spotify item by name" \
"p:Plays a uri or another spotify item by name" \
"list:Lists devices, liked songs and playlists" \
"l:Lists devices, liked songs and playlists" \
"search:Searches for tracks, albums and more" \
"s:Searches for tracks, albums and more" \
"help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)" \
_describe -t commands 'spt commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__help_commands] )) ||
_spt__help_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt help commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_l_commands] )) ||
_l_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'l commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__l_commands] )) ||
_spt__l_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt l commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__list_commands] )) ||
_spt__list_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt list commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_p_commands] )) ||
_p_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'p commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__p_commands] )) ||
_spt__p_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt p commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_pb_commands] )) ||
_pb_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'pb commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__pb_commands] )) ||
_spt__pb_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt pb commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__play_commands] )) ||
_spt__play_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt play commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__playback_commands] )) ||
_spt__playback_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt playback commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_s_commands] )) ||
_s_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 's commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__s_commands] )) ||
_spt__s_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt s commands' commands "$@"
(( $+functions[_spt__search_commands] )) ||
_spt__search_commands() {
local commands; commands=(
_describe -t commands 'spt search commands' commands "$@"
_spt "$@"

+ 30
- 0
zsh/completions/_tmuxinator View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#compdef _tmuxinator tmuxinator
_tmuxinator() {
local commands projects
commands=(${(f)"$(tmuxinator commands zsh)"})
projects=(${(f)"$(tmuxinator completions start)"})
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_alternative \
'commands:: _describe -t commands "tmuxinator subcommands" commands' \
'projects:: _describe -t projects "tmuxinator projects" projects'
elif (( CURRENT == 3)); then
case $words[2] in
_arguments '*:projects:($projects)'
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 2
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 2
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et

+ 1
- 0
zsh/completions/completions View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 3548
- 0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

zsh/secret.secret View File

+ 8
- 10
zsh/zshrc View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
if [ "$TMUX" = "" ]; then tmux; fi
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" >> /tmp/direnv
# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.zshrc.
# Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n]
@ -14,9 +12,7 @@ source <(antibody init)
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH="$PATH:/home/yigit/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$GOPATH/binexport:/home/yigit/.local/bin"
alias yain="yay -Syu "
alias ls="ls --color"
export PATH="$PATH:/home/yigit/.scripts:/home/yigit/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$GOPATH/binexport:/home/yigit/.local/bin"
@ -38,27 +34,29 @@ bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word
bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word
fpath=(~/.completion $fpath)
fpath=(~/.completions $fpath)
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
source ~/.aliases
source ~/.zsh_secret
source ~/.cmds
export BROWSER=firefox-developer-edition
export EDITOR=vim
alias t="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux"
alias tn="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux new -s "
alias ta="TERM=screen-256color-bce tmux a "
# added by travis gem
[ ! -s /home/yigit/.travis/ ] || source /home/yigit/.travis/
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
export FLUTTER_HOME=~/flutter
export TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH=~/.tmux/plugins
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export BORG_KEYS_DIR=~/.keys/borg
[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
#zle-line-init() { zle -K vicmd; }
