@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ | |||||
#!/bin/bash | |||||
# Disk setup | |||||
echo -n "What is the install device: " | |||||
read $device | |||||
echo "Installing to $device... (Enter to continue)" | |||||
read $_ | |||||
# Disk wipe | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Wiping disk" | |||||
cryptsetup open --type plain -d /dev/urandom $device wipe | |||||
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/wipe status=progress | |||||
cryptsetup close wipe | |||||
# Cleaning device from previous LUKS setups | |||||
cryptsetup erase $device | |||||
wipefs -a device | |||||
# Set partition table | |||||
parted $device mklabel gpt | |||||
# Create the boot partition | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Creating boot partition" | |||||
parted -a optimal $device mkpart 1 primary 0% 512MB | |||||
mkfs.fat -F32 "$device"1 | |||||
echo -n "Enter swap size + 512MB: " | |||||
read $swap_size | |||||
echo "Installing to $swap_size... (Enter to continue)" | |||||
read $_ | |||||
# Create the swap partition | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Creating swap partition" | |||||
parted -a optimal $device mkpart 2 primary 512MB $swap_size | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Enter password for swap encryption" | |||||
cryptsetup luksFormat "$device"2 | |||||
sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/root/.keys/swap-keyfile bs=1024 count=4 | |||||
sudo chmod 600 /root/.keys/swap-keyfile | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Re-Enter password for swap encryption" | |||||
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey "$device"2 /root/.keys/swap-keyfile | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Keyfile saved to /root/.keys/swap-keyfile" | |||||
cryptsetup open --key-file="/root/.keys/swap-keyfile" "$device"2 swap | |||||
mkswap /dev/mapper/swap | |||||
swapon /dev/mapper/swap | |||||
# Create the root partition | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Creating root partition" | |||||
parted -a optimal $device mkpart 3 primary $swap_size 100% | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Enter password for root encryption" | |||||
cryptsetup luksFormat "$device"3 | |||||
dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/root/.keys/root-keyfile iflag=fullblock | |||||
sudo chmod 600 /root/.keys/root-keyfile | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Re-Enter password for root encryption" | |||||
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey "$device"3 /root/.keys/root-keyfile | |||||
echo "[INFO]: Keyfile saved to /root/.keys/root-keyfile" | |||||
cryptsetup open --key-file="/root/.keys/root-keyfile" "$device"3 root | |||||
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/root | |||||
mkdir /mnt/sys | |||||
mount "$device"1 /mnt/sys | |||||
mkdir /mnt/sys/boot | |||||
mount "$device"1 /mnt/sys/boot | |||||
pacstrap /mnt/sys base linux linux-firmware base-devel git vim | |||||
genfstab -U /mnt/sys >> /mnt/sys/etc/fstab | |||||
# Run on chrooted arch install | |||||
cp -r ./chroot /mnt/sys/install | |||||
cp -r /root/.keys /mnt/sys/root | |||||
echo -n "$device" > /mnt/sys/install/device | |||||
arch-chroot /mnt/sys /install/install.sh |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ | |||||
activitywatch-bin | |||||
antibody | |||||
betterlockscreen | |||||
direnv | |||||
ghidra-darcula | |||||
gitkraken | |||||
glxinfo | |||||
i3lock-color | |||||
ifuse | |||||
jetbrains-toolbox | |||||
ly | |||||
mailspring | |||||
mconnect-git | |||||
ngrok | |||||
numix-icon-theme-git | |||||
postman-bin | |||||
qt5-styleplugins | |||||
rofi-bluetooth-git | |||||
rofi-dmenu | |||||
spicetify-cli | |||||
spotify | |||||
spotify-tui | |||||
sublime-text-3 | |||||
vue-cli | |||||
whatsapp-nativefier-dark | |||||
yay | |||||
zoom |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ | |||||
#!/bin/bash | |||||
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Istanbul /etc/localtime | |||||
hwclock --systohc | |||||
echo -e "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\ntr_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen | |||||
locale-gen | |||||
echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf | |||||
echo "KEYMAP=trq" > /etc/vconsole.conf | |||||
echo "tatooine" > /etc/hostname | |||||
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git /tmp/yay | |||||
(cd /tmp/yay; makepkg -si) | |||||
systemctl enable fstrim.timer | |||||
echo -e " localhost\n::1 localhost\n127.0.0.1 tatooine.localdomain tatooine" > /etc/hosts | |||||
cat << EOF > /etc/mkinitcpio.conf | |||||
MODULES=() | |||||
BINARIES=() | |||||
FILES=() | |||||
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont modconf block encrypt vfat filesystems fsck) | |||||
EOF | |||||
cat << EOF > /etc/initcpio/hooks/openswap | |||||
run_hook () | |||||
{ | |||||
x=0; | |||||
while [ ! -b /dev/mapper/root ] && [ \$x -le 10 ]; do | |||||
x=$((x+1)) | |||||
sleep .2 | |||||
done | |||||
mkdir crypto_key_device | |||||
mount /dev/mapper/root crypto_key_device | |||||
cryptsetup open --key-file crypto_key_device/root/.keys/swap-keyfile $(cat /install/device)2 swap | |||||
umount crypto_key_device | |||||
} | |||||
EOF | |||||
cat << EOF > /etc/initcpio/install/openswap | |||||
build () | |||||
{ | |||||
add_runscript | |||||
} | |||||
help () | |||||
{ | |||||
cat<<HELPEOF | |||||
This opens the swap encrypted partition $(cat /install/device)1 in /dev/mapper/swap | |||||
HELPEOF | |||||
} | |||||
EOF | |||||
line=1 | |||||
for i in $(blkid); do | |||||
echo "$line: $i" | |||||
((line=line+1)) | |||||
done | |||||
echo "Please select the device you will save the LUKS key to:" | |||||
read $keydev | |||||
uuid=$(blkid | sed -n 's/.*UUID=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/p' | sed -n "$line"p) | |||||
cat << EOF > /boot/refind_linux.conf | |||||
"Boot with encryption" "root=/dev/mapper/root resume=/dev/mapper/swap cryptdevice=UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value $(cat /install/device)3):root:allow-discards cryptkey=UUID=$uuid:vfat:key.yeet rw loglevel=3 quiet" | |||||
EOF | |||||
cat /install/nonAUR.txt | xargs pacman -S --needed --noconfirm | |||||
yay -S $(cat /install/AUR.txt) | |||||
mkinitcpio -P |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ | |||||
arandr | |||||
arc-gtk-theme | |||||
autoconf | |||||
automake | |||||
baobab | |||||
base | |||||
bat | |||||
binutils | |||||
bison | |||||
blueman | |||||
bluez-utils | |||||
calibre | |||||
chrony | |||||
clipmenu | |||||
cmake | |||||
discord | |||||
dunst | |||||
efibootmgr | |||||
fakeroot | |||||
feh | |||||
figlet | |||||
file | |||||
findutils | |||||
firefox-developer-edition | |||||
flex | |||||
gawk | |||||
gcc | |||||
gdm | |||||
gettext | |||||
git | |||||
gnome-bluetooth | |||||
gnome-keyring | |||||
gradle | |||||
grep | |||||
groff | |||||
grub | |||||
gvfs-afc | |||||
gzip | |||||
htop | |||||
inetutils | |||||
jdk11-openjdk | |||||
jre11-openjdk | |||||
kitty | |||||
libgnome-keyring | |||||
libtool | |||||
lightdm | |||||
lightdm-gtk-greeter | |||||
linux | |||||
linux-firmware | |||||
linux-headers | |||||
lxappearance | |||||
m4 | |||||
make | |||||
mariadb | |||||
mlocate | |||||
mysql-workbench | |||||
nemo | |||||
neovim | |||||
net-tools | |||||
networkmanager | |||||
nextcloud-client | |||||
noto-fonts-emoji | |||||
npm | |||||
ntfs-3g | |||||
openssh | |||||
pacman | |||||
pamixer | |||||
patch | |||||
pavucontrol | |||||
picom | |||||
pkgconf | |||||
playerctl | |||||
polkit-gnome | |||||
pulseaudio | |||||
pulseaudio-alsa | |||||
pulseaudio-bluetooth | |||||
python-pynvim | |||||
qt5ct | |||||
redis | |||||
refind | |||||
rofi | |||||
rsync | |||||
sed | |||||
shotwell | |||||
sudo | |||||
telegram-desktop | |||||
termite | |||||
texinfo | |||||
thunar | |||||
tmux | |||||
tree | |||||
unzip | |||||
vi | |||||
vim | |||||
virtualbox | |||||
virtualbox-host-dkms | |||||
vlc | |||||
wget | |||||
which | |||||
xclip | |||||
xf86-video-amdgpu | |||||
xf86-video-intel | |||||
xf86-video-vesa | |||||
xorg-bdftopcf | |||||
xorg-docs | |||||
xorg-font-util | |||||
xorg-fonts-100dpi | |||||
xorg-fonts-75dpi | |||||
xorg-fonts-encodings | |||||
xorg-iceauth | |||||
xorg-mkfontscale | |||||
xorg-server | |||||
xorg-server-common | |||||
xorg-server-devel | |||||
xorg-server-xephyr | |||||
xorg-server-xnest | |||||
xorg-server-xvfb | |||||
xorg-sessreg | |||||
xorg-setxkbmap | |||||
xorg-smproxy | |||||
xorg-x11perf | |||||
xorg-xauth | |||||
xorg-xbacklight | |||||
xorg-xcmsdb | |||||
xorg-xcursorgen | |||||
xorg-xdpyinfo | |||||
xorg-xdriinfo | |||||
xorg-xev | |||||
xorg-xgamma | |||||
xorg-xhost | |||||
xorg-xinit | |||||
xorg-xinput | |||||
xorg-xkbcomp | |||||
xorg-xkbevd | |||||
xorg-xkbutils | |||||
xorg-xkill | |||||
xorg-xlsatoms | |||||
xorg-xlsclients | |||||
xorg-xmodmap | |||||
xorg-xpr | |||||
xorg-xprop | |||||
xorg-xrandr | |||||
xorg-xrdb | |||||
xorg-xrefresh | |||||
xorg-xset | |||||
xorg-xsetroot | |||||
xorg-xvinfo | |||||
xorg-xwayland | |||||
xorg-xwd | |||||
xorg-xwininfo | |||||
xorg-xwud | |||||
xss-lock | |||||
xterm | |||||
youtube-dl | |||||
zathura | |||||
zsh |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ | |||||
#!/bin/bash | |||||
pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qqm)" > nonAUR.txt | |||||
pacman -Qqm > AUR.txt | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ | |||||
[Desktop Entry] | |||||
Encoding=UTF-8 | |||||
Name=Dynamic Window Manager | |||||
Comment=Runs the window manager defined by xsession script | |||||
Exec=~/.xinitrc |
@ -0,0 +1,826 @@ | |||||
flf2a$ 8 6 15 -1 9 | |||||
nancyj.flf | |||||
named after the login of a woman who asked me to make her a | |||||
sig. this is the font that came out of it. this is my first | |||||
attempt at a figlet font, so leave me alone. | |||||
vampyr@acs.bu.edu | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @ | |||||
$$ @@ | |||||
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88 @ | |||||
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dP dP @ | |||||
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88 88 @ | |||||
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88 88 @ | |||||
88 88 @ | |||||
88 88 @ | |||||
Y8. .8P @ | |||||
`Y88888P' @ | |||||
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dP dP @ | |||||
88 88 @ | |||||
88 .8P @ | |||||
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